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Now that we have a tentative, fixed list of teams, how would we go about spreading the news about the cup's streams when the actual tournament begins?
I would like to avoid Autist scenarios where some unnamed anon just annoys the living shit out of every imageboard under the sun, but I think it'd be important to let anons even from boards that aren't participating. Heck, even non-anons to get the viewership numbers higher. I had thought of having a twitch re-stream or to rehost matches edited to avoid the stupid banhammers on the 'tube and other video streaming services.

What's your opinion on the matter, anons?
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We need to post on every board as often as possible, especially when nothing is happening at all. Ideally posting new threads and not replying to existing ones. If you see an ICUP thread on a board, post another one, but also, bump the existing one(s). Do this at least once per week on every board, but ideally, every few days. If you get banned, use proxies, and then do it again.
Replies: >>4950
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Are you sure this will help popularize the cup?
Replies: >>4952
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At any rate we probably need a better way to advertise shit. Getting viewers and helping hands from the Cafe is easy, but the other IBs/boards might be a bit more reluctant. We need a bunch of fun shit to sell the cup.
Replies: >>4955
The fun shit takes commitment though. OC like edits, webms, etc, draws manpower and time alike. Strange since it's generally smaller boards that are keen in doing these (simply compare /ita/, /eris/, /pro/ or /otter/ to larger boards competing in the wiki).

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This thread is dedicated to the most entertaining part of the cups. Post about either what models have you been working on cramming into the cup or asking for submissions or suggestions for models in case someone is willing to work for you for free.
This thread may also be used to educate other anons in importing models and disciplining in the ways of weight painting and rigging. Hopefully some discussion will encourage anon to upload his own models into the cup. As they say, the more the merrier.
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I will see what I can do. No promises.
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Since the /eris/fag has decided to grace us with his presence again I'll forward him some questions in regards to modeling tricks and troubleshooting:
>loading the kit texture onto a custom model
There are a few custom models that utilize the kit texture on themselves, and the texture itself matches the kit that's selected on the team, whether the home kit or the away kit i.e. Gondolina from /late/ & /comfy/. How do you go around making this work?
>posing regular PES model while keeping the body
This one doesn't appear anywhere on either wiki. How did you manage to do the magazine on that /eris/ guy? Moreover the texture on the arms match that on the kit itself, in a similar way to Gondolina.
>alpha channel on texture clashing with the rest of the model
It's been forever and yet I haven't been able to fix this successfully. Apparently the Blender internal render appears to not understand how alpha channel transparencies work, creating some bizarre halo where the transparency should be. Problem is, PES inherits the same issue, producing some disgusting looking results. I'm certain Blender can actually display them properly, but I don't know how to consistently make it work. Has this ever happened to you? If you were given a model that had this issue, how would you fix it?
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New model added to MEGA. This is another player for /animu/.
Replies: >>4936
Have they decided to update the roster? If so, what's the new team like?
Replies: >>4937
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Nothing's been set on stone yet on their behalf. Besides, there's no hard deadline yet, so I doubt there's a reason to hurry.
All of the models added so far have been so because I've felt like adding them brainstorming the models first over the players themselves can help you fill out your roster with something other than stock PES dudes if you're not autistic enough to model you entire team from the ground up.

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Discuss rivalry match-ups that would be especially exciting to watch, if they occur.
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Suez Crisis
>/britfeel/ vs /egy/

Martyrs of Japan
>/christian/ vs /japan/

Small Game Hunt
>/k/ vs /pro/

Afghan Civil War
>/leftypol/ vs /islam/
Replies: >>4116
>/islam/ and /leftypol/
Gaddafi did nothing wrong!! Well, maybe that one time he publicly called for the dissolution of Switzerland, its territory to be divided among France, Italy and Germany, but anyone could make that mistake.

>/leftypol/ and /cuckquean/
Distribute the means of reproduction!

>Small Game Hunt
oh noes!
Replies: >>4117
Dissolve Switzerland, give it to Liechtenstein. There.
>>/pro/ vs /otter/
I wonder why those two boards feel so different.
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On rivalries going on in the cup, it seems that /cuckquean/ has a feud with /v/.
In all two cups that /cuckquean/ has participated in, both in crucial spots in the cup, /cuckquean/ has nuked two different iterations of /v/ with a 3 goal lead.

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Should also note, if you want to download PES and dick around with team strategies and whatnot, the game, the "DLC", and the save file can be found here

Download DP File List Generator at the bottom of here: Then follow the instructions in the last paragraph of this page: . That should get PES to load in the files.

note: I will edit that last paragraph and the wiki to explain the AET system we've moved to. See >>3593 
Last edited by ronaldinho
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on the topic of newer versions of PES do all of them feature that awful "cinematic" motion blur on all ingame cutscenes? I know it appears on PES21 from footage I've seen from the newest 4chan cup's finals.
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What would be the way to obtain the body model for a PES player?
I need to repurpose the in the "Custom Skin" folder with a texture from another game and I would like to obtain the UV map to double check how the arms are rendered.
Replies: >>4927 >>4928
One of the import features will let you open the models. There's one import feature that basically loads anything but can't save it, so try that if needed, but I think there are special working ones for things like arms.
The models are in the game data files (use a .cpk extractor from the wiki to open them, I forget which so you may have to try all of them until you find the arms and legs models, but the folder structure or a filename search for body/arms/feet/hands should make it easier)

>PS if you truly want to update to PES18 you'd have to sweettalk all of the two blenderfags here and really sell how much of an improvement upgrading to newer PESes and being in bed with 4chan is.
Exactly, and I'm not going to do that. A waste of time and effort considering our conditions. PES18 was a bit of shiny new thing syndrome, and me thinking it would make rigging better. But in our case, we can't really make it 'worth it' even if it was fully totally better, which as you point out it isn't.
I didn't come to 8chan from any of the exile/clone boards (/v/ ,GG ,/pol/) so I don't have the same deep-seated integral animosity of 4chan that many post-8chan boards have, more just a general animosity towards the site becoming the antithesis of its pre-2012 self and it becoming monotonous and pathetic. It's a di
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Replies: >>4930
Actually, some of the player models already add the arms and legs manually, to do something similar to what you're doing, so you can use those.
For example, the Erisian Magazine model has fake arms which were copied from the real models, just with the animation removed, so the UV maps would be the same.
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It seems there's a folder in the ICUP6 export that contains those parts you were mentioning. This folder: ICUP6/8ccPlayerRemove/common/character1/model/character contains torsos, legs, arms and other bits of player. However, I've been unable to locate a pair of hands. Is this the correct location?
In any case, let's say I do find a pair of hands to use and pose and I add their respective .mtl file into the Faces folder; who's to say the game won't spawn two pairs of hands, rendering some sort of demonic Goro-human miscegenation?
How does the game keep track of what hands to use, and which not to? The save file editor doesn't specify anything about deleting other than the entire body.
On the Erisian Magazine guy, I take it he has had both the arms model and the uniform model posed, because the torso contains the sleeves and the arms are, precisely, only the arms; all of this weight painted so it stays at the height of the head I assume.

However, if anything I'd like to get this one issue that's been aching me forever porting models.
Don't you remember there being a bizarre halo around some facemask models' hair as they were ported? >>4057. Something similar occurs with other models that use an alpha channel to render transparencies: >>4780 
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uhhh guys?
Replies: >>4899
>>4897 (OP) 
read >>4850
btw you read like a faggot
We have a thread for this >>3
I've talked with the /eris/ guy about this and seems to be more of an issue with SKF being MIA for the last year or so.
Sent an e-mail his way to see if he could transfer it to any of the other guys working on it (either Cflap or Icupanon) and this is why we need more wiki volunteers too

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In order to clean up the catalog a bit, you can use this thread to talk about the new teams you want to add to the cup and general management of the rosters.

>A link to the board for which you want to submit a team
>16 (max. 23) Player Names (the first 11 shall be the starting lineup)
>Player positions (see second picture), with at least one Goalkeeper
>Player medals, which are used to determine which players should be the strongest in the team (1 Gold player, 1 Silver player, 2 Bronze players)
>Among the starting 11, you must select one to be the Captain (they get a bonus to their stats)
>A team logo (just use gimp or photoshop or
>A minimum of two Kits, which are the shirts that your main players and your goalkeepers will use (if you're feeling really lazy, you can just make a recolor of the main kit and call it the goalie's), we would also appreciate a third one for the Away games; use the third pic as a base
Used to be necessary, but if you got any problems you can just let us rig it:
>Player cards and roles, refer to
>A Team Strategy, refer to
>A set of player heights, refer to the rules
>3D models of your players, or at least face edits / photos:
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Next cup when?
Replies: >>4844
Starts on Sunday
Replies: >>4845
Where's the announcement
Replies: >>4846
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Come on, he's taking the piss, can you not tell.
Replies: >>4849

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/monarchy/ icup, royally late, the kings of football / soccer, here to tyrannize /icup/ & larp, no guillotines allowed
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Replies: >>4759 >>4763
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You may be fucking autistic about your OC, but I'll take it as long as someone here cares about the /icup/ as much as I do.
I think adding /monarchy/ to the Infinity Cup has been one of the best decisions after the /lego/ wondermatches.
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/monarchy/ crown jewels
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real rigged matches 
11-45 penalties
ties, crashes, offsides
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Can someone else host the cup this year?

I mean I'm not about to volunteer right away because I'm a turbo introvert, but I think I can pull it off on the technical side at least.
Replies: >>2932
I don't have the ability to live-stream matches on the day, but I am experienced on the technical set-up side.
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Unreleased ICUP footage
Replies: >>4725
We'll need a bowling ball soccer ball
Actually we need a ball for every sport imaginable BUT soccer
Can you still host? It's nice to have a fallback in case grass stains can't do it

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I just remembered that we were invited. No idea how it's supposed to work but I think we just need some names and uniform templates?

WIP Roster:
dolphin_bat.png gk
Kimeemaru cf (captain)
GETmelon dmf
Marisa Kirisame cb (bronze)
Komachi Onizuka cb (bronze)
sokunigger cmf
Bane amf (silver)
Wreckage Brother ss
ohayou cb
Raymoo ss
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today i will remind them
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scored some fakkin goals today
hehe football
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revised playbook for next time

P L A Y E R  C A R D S  &  S T Y L E S
All non GKs get Fighting Spirit henceforth known as 「Shitposting Damashii」 and Acrobatic Finishing
Everyone on the bench has 「Shitposting Damashii」 and Super Sub instead
Style: Fox in the Box
COM Playing Style: Trickster (use this if it overrides the one above idk how to play game)
Heel Trick
Man Marking
add random cards affected by trickster if I have extra slots
Style: Dummy Runner
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Placeholder for our team
We're a small board, but we love us some virtual footie and feels
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Yes, I want the Wallace and Gromit theme too.
But I would also like a Greggs kit or something.
Lads, Brit here
Could you use this as a victory theme for the team? The firm would love it very much.
Replies: >>3873
Replies: >>3893
proper, lad
Lads please change her to F Queenie

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