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come back ICUP staff
>>2917 I'm always here, but I can't host, that's the big issue If I could I would have done so for the missing two competitions
>>2919 >tfw can host from 2023 onwards but not this year life is ded
>>2919 Can someone else host the cup this year? I mean I'm not about to volunteer right away because I'm a turbo introvert, but I think I can pull it off on the technical side at least.
>>2931 I don't have the ability to live-stream matches on the day, but I am experienced on the technical set-up side.
Unreleased ICUP footage
>>4721 We'll need a bowling ball soccer ball Actually we need a ball for every sport imaginable BUT soccer
>>2930 Can you still host? It's nice to have a fallback in case grass stains can't do it