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Discuss rivalry match-ups that would be especially exciting to watch, if they occur.
Weeb Trifecta: /2hu/, /a/, /anime/
An epic fight scene for first place (in the alphabet).

Battle of the Gods: /christian/, /eris/
There is no god but God, we're just not sure which one...

Kinda Comfy: /kind/, /latecomfy/
Good luck!

Fun With a Football: /art/, /loomis/
We don't make plays, just happy little accidents.

Two Girls, One Cup: /cuckquean/, /yuri/
The only thing better than a girl is another girl.

Deux Vult: /christian/, /cuckquean/, /yuri/
Repent, heretics!

Hail!: /eris/, /fascist/
Lawful vs. Chaotic, a showdown between autocracy and eristocracy

[autistic screeching] : /v/, /v/ trolls
With friends like these, who needs enemies?
Replies: >>871
Kinda wanted to see /otter/ vs /furry/, but I guess they're not joining.
Replies: >>875 >>877
Who is /kindlatecomfy/ supposed to play against?
Please stop getting the name wrong, it's /late/ & /comfy/ not /latecomfy/.
Replies: >>874 >>875
/a/ vs /bane/ sort of organically became a rivalry.  I'm sure there's more. 
It's probably the fault of the wiki's naming conventions that that's spreading, I'll use /late/+/comfy/ as often as I can.
Replies: >>875
My mistake, I'm used to the wiki spelling. Sorry.
I didn't check the wiki but I'm sure there are some canon rivalries there too.
Can you settle for /monster/?
Don't think they got any real rivals
Replies: >>879
Who would want to be a rival to otters?
/japan/ vs rulecucked boards, particularly /a/ or /monster/
I want to see /monster/ vs /cuckquean/ and /monster/ vs /lego/
Replies: >>885
You'll have to explain that one anon.
Replies: >>886
The former as a surprisingly fun and friendly rivalry due to what happened with /cuckquean/ backing up a lot of /monster/'s stuff and having a bicorn on their team, and the latter because anubis girls are autistic lego lovers.
Is /sp/ joining? They had a friendly rivalry with /monster/ and not-so-friendly ones with /int/ and /argentina/ on 8chan.
Yeah they're entered in already.
/christian/ v /eris/ and /ausneets/ for religion and all that (Given that /ausneets/ follows the traditional indigenous traditions of the dreamtime and none of that Jew Dog Christ cuck stuff ay)
Replies: >>911
Fuck yeah, The Dreaming derby.
Let's try and get the commentator for /ausneets/ home game to pay respects to the traditional custodians of the land.
Now that the draw is in we can name which games to get HYPE'd for:

Group A: J-League Finals
>/librejp/ vs /japan/

Group A: pls stop yelling
>/v/ vs /kind/

Group A: Dead Board Memorial Match
>/v/ vs /japan/

Group B: BIG GUYS Showdown
>/wooo/ vs /bane/

Group B: Lego Star Wars Game
>/lego/ vs /sw/

Group C: Bicorn Derby
>/monster/ vs /cuckquean/

Group D: Art Critique Club
>/bmn/ vs /loomis/

Group F: Mythology Matchup
>/ausneets/ vs /eris/

>Group G: Christian Fascist Thread
>/christian/ vs /fascism/

>Group G: National Rematch
>/fascist/ vs /lang/
Replies: >>1181 >>1450 >>3853
/eris/ vs. /sp/ should be a very high-scoring match.
Replies: >>1449
look at this prophet
If /2hu/ manages to fuck up their own second place I propose /ita/ vs. /2hu/ as Spaghetticon 2020
everyone vs /islam/ is a rivalry I'm down with
I foresee an epic /lang/ vs /pol/ rap battle.
Replies: >>2055
>The War of Words
/pol/ vs /lang/
>The Mahabharata Match
/pol/ vs /inch/
>The Haiku Heat
/pol/ vs /japan/
>The Hero Slays The Dragon
/pol/ vs /monster/
>The Divine Competition
/pol/ vs /ita/
Replies: >>2877
>tfw we will never see it
I can see some good ones coming this year
>/leftypol/ vs /monarchy/
>/islam/ vs /christian/
>/pro/ vs /otter/
Replies: >>3828 >>4404
>Juche Derby
>The Game of the Gods
>Furry Frenzy
Replies: >>3833
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>For the Last Time We're Not Furfags: /monster/ vs /v/
>I HATE THE ANTICHRIST!: /k/ vs /christian/ (alternatively, When the Saints Come Marching Home)
>Ba'ath Party: /fascist/ vs /islam/
Replies: >>3840 >>3844
Why would /v/ be furfags?
Replies: >>3842
It's the reverse, newfag-kun. There used to be shitfests back on 8chan where /v/ would call /monster/ furfags, with /furry/ participating at times.
>Baʿath Party
Threesome? ¯\_ (´・ω・`)_/¯
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>Group A: Dead Board Memorial Match
>/v/ vs /japan/
Replies: >>3855
>replying to a 2 years old post
Replies: >>3859 >>4068
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>didn't read the year
>assumed 08/01 was yesterday
Replies: >>4068
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/monarchy/ vs /leftypol/
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ICUP 7 edition

>/a/ vs. /ac/ - East vs. West
>/bmn/ vs. /retro/ - Stupid Funny Video Showdown
In fact group F is comfy group
Group E has two GCUP rematches with /eris/ against /fscchan/ and /ita/
Replies: >>4095
I like that we'll see /art/ vs /otter/ again, too.
Suez Crisis
>/britfeel/ vs /egy/

Martyrs of Japan
>/christian/ vs /japan/

Small Game Hunt
>/k/ vs /pro/

Afghan Civil War
>/leftypol/ vs /islam/
Replies: >>4116
>/islam/ and /leftypol/
Gaddafi did nothing wrong!! Well, maybe that one time he publicly called for the dissolution of Switzerland, its territory to be divided among France, Italy and Germany, but anyone could make that mistake.

>/leftypol/ and /cuckquean/
Distribute the means of reproduction!

>Small Game Hunt
oh noes!
Replies: >>4117
Dissolve Switzerland, give it to Liechtenstein. There.
>>/pro/ vs /otter/
I wonder why those two boards feel so different.
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On rivalries going on in the cup, it seems that /cuckquean/ has a feud with /v/.
In all two cups that /cuckquean/ has participated in, both in crucial spots in the cup, /cuckquean/ has nuked two different iterations of /v/ with a 3 goal lead.
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