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Placeholder for our team
We're a small board, but we love us some virtual footie and feels
Replies: >>1830
Welcome! Looking forward to seeing you guys taking on /ausneets/.
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Maybe something based on this would be cool for a logo. I wouldn't know though, I'm just an outsider.
>It's coming home
- Deano (captain)
- Dolequest lad
- Retail lad
- Snake
- Sam
- /guildfeel/
- /britfeel/ Light Music Club
- Floopity whibblescromps
- t. SAG
- Lupus
- Party hat/bag/balloon
- Regurgitated Hula Hoops
- Candlefag
- Harbourfag
- Protective mattress
- Jammy digestives
- Dildo dad
- Asda
- Gremlin Squad
- Jobcentre Plus
- Man on his bike with his socks pulled up and ready to give a firm handshake to the manager
-Are Nige
Here's a blank one, I'm not the best at editing text but might give it a go later
Here's a blank one, I'm not the best at editing text but might give it a go later
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Here's a blank one, I'm not the best at editing text but might give it a go later
Replies: >>1666 >>1686
looking good lad
Replies: >>1677
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Replies: >>1686
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Didn't even realise this thread existed, much appreciated OP. Should link it in our main thread lad.

While I appreciate the effort and the Union Jack aesthetic, the 1966 World Cup and 3 lions emblem are England-specific things, and we have Welsh and Scottish posters among us. Pics related are more reflective of our board's colours: Jobcentre plus is our primary colour palette, Asda second, and UKIP colours third (UKIP's not relevant to our board at all these days, but it was back in 2015; we used their colors for our old WoW guild).
Replies: >>1690 >>1694 >>1711
Likin this
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Here's an ASDA kit, you'll have to add in the captain armband though.
Can the Armband be a loicence to play footie?
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The Asda kit is quality, our retail lads will be proud. Cheers lad.

I will say though, neither "norf fc" nor "loicence" are related to /britfeel/, that's more the sort of thing that random yanks say on the rare occasions they give us a visit. We're not associated with brit/pol/, /int/, or nu-4chan; we're more of a UK-specific lite-/r9k/ that took the /improve/ pill, with an emphasis on general discussion, hobbies, and a hint of /a/.
Replies: >>1701 >>1704
Could you make the goalie kit that pepe sweater then? I think some other 3d hooded models are already used by some teams, all you'd have to do is give the hood part to all goalies.
Glad you like the ASDA kit. Yeah the norf meme has been hijacked from north banter to burgers shitting on brits but I made it in case you guys wanted it 
that job centre plus logo has such a centrelink vibe
t. an ausneet
Replies: >>1717
It effectively serves the same purpose.
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>>1645 (OP) 
Made us a logo lads
Replies: >>1832
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Okay so
Norf FC is going to be our Goalkeeper kit, while the ASDA kit is going to be our primary one.
This one instead is going to be used during away matches.
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The wiki has our finalized roster:
1 	Pos-GK.png 	Sam
2 	Pos-LB.png 	Dolequest Lad
3 	Pos-CB.png 	Snake
4 	Pos-CB.png 	Floopity whibblescromps
5 	Pos-RB.png 	t. SAG
6 	Pos-LMF.png 	Lupus
7 	Pos-CMF.png 	/guildfeel/
8 	Pos-CMF.png 	/britfeel/ Light Music Club
9 	Pos-RMF.png 	Party hat/bag/balloon
10 	Pos-SS.png 	Deano (Captain)
11 	Pos-CF.png 	Retail lad


12 	Pos-GK.png 	Are Nige
13 	Pos-GK.png 	Regurgitated Hula Hoops
14 	Pos-LB.png 	Candlefag
15 	Pos-CB.png 	Harbourfag
16 	Pos-CB.png 	Jobcentre Plus
17 	Pos-CB.png 	Protective mattress
18 	Pos-RB.png 	Jammy digestives
19 	Pos-LMF.png 	Dildo dad
20 	Pos-CMF.png 	Asda
21 	Pos-RMF.png 	Gremlin Squad
22 	Pos-CF.png 	Man on his bike with his socks pulled up and ready to give a firm handshake to the manager
23 	Pos-SS.png 	Queenie

Special rules for substitutions: if we're lagging behind by 2 goals in the second half, whenever substitutions come up change whichever CB is at its lowest in terms of stamina and sub either a CMF, CF or SS player in, according to the sub player with the highest morale. i.e. if the CMF is at its highest morale, go from 4-4-1-1 to 3-5-1-1.
Replies: >>1836 >>1837
It didn't go through but /guildfeel/ and Deano are bronze, Retail Lad silver and /britfeel/ Light Music Club gold.

Attacking Style: Possession Game
Build Up: Long-Pass
Attacking Area: Center
Positioning: Flexible

Defensive Style: Frontline Pressure
Containment Area: Wide
Pressuring: Conservative
Defensive Line at 5
Compactness at 5

No advanced tactics, otherwise just go with the default idk.
Playing styles in italics

1 	Pos-GK.png 	Sam
2 	Pos-LB.png 	Dolequest Lad = Offensive Full-Back , Heading, Scissors Feint
3 	Pos-CB.png 	Snake = Heading, Scissors Feint
4 	Pos-CB.png 	Floopity whibblescromps = Extra Frontman, Low Lofted Pass, Scotch Move 
5 	Pos-RB.png 	t. SAG = Defensive Full-Back, Heading,  Low Lofted Pass
6 	Pos-LMF.png 	Lupus = Box-to-Box, Low Lofted Pass, Scotch Move 
7 	Pos-CMF.png  (Bronze) /guildfeel/ = Hole Player, Cut Behind Turn, Low Lofted Pass, Heading
8 	Pos-CMF.png (Gold) /britfeel/ Light Music Club = The Destroyer, Cut Behind Turn, Low Lofted Pass, Heading, Knuckle Shot, Scissors Feint, Scotch Move
9 	Pos-RMF.png 	Party hat/bag/balloon = Hole Player, Cut Behind Turn, Scissors Feint
10 	Pos-SS.png  (Bronze) Deano (Captain) = Captaincy, Heading, Low Lofted Pass, Scotch Move
11 	Pos-CF.png  (Silver) Retail lad = Goal Poacher, Heading, Scissors Feint, Low Lofted Pass, Cut Behind Turn


12 	Pos-GK.png 	Are Nige = Defensive Goalkeeper 
13 	Pos-GK.png 	Regurgitated Hula Hoops
14 	Pos-LB.png 	Candlefag = Cut Behind Turn. Knuckle Shot
15 	Pos-CB.png 	Harbourfag = Extra Frontman, Scotch Move, Heading
16 	Pos-CB.png 	Jobcentre Plus = Scotch Move, Cut Behind Turn
17 	Pos-CB.png 	Protective mattress = Extra Frontman, Cut Behind Turn , Heading
18 	Pos-RB.png 	Jammy digestives = Scotch Move, Low Lofted Pass
19 	Pos-LMF.png 	Dildo dad = Hole Player, Low Lofted Pass, Knuckle Shot
20 	Pos-CMF.png 	Asda = Classic No. 10, Heading, Knuckle Shot
21 	Pos-RMF.png 	Gremlin Squad = Box-to-Box, Low Lofted Pass, Knuckle Shot
22 	Pos-CF.png 	Man on his bike with his socks pulled up and ready to give a firm handshake to the manager = Goal Poacher, Scotch Move, Heading
23 	Pos-SS.png 	Queenie = Dummy Runner, Scotch Move, Cut Behind Turn
Replies: >>1839
Lads just here to ask if our goal horn could be changed, we put it on the wiki but here goes;
Replies: >>3873
Suggesting a change: Greggs ad theme for the anthem
Replies: >>3234
I would much rather use as an anthem, it's way catchier
Replies: >>3243 >>3873
Yes, I want the Wallace and Gromit theme too.
But I would also like a Greggs kit or something.
Lads, Brit here
Could you use this as a victory theme for the team? The firm would love it very much.
Replies: >>3873
Replies: >>3893
proper, lad
Lads please change her to F Queenie
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