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In order to breathe in some fresh air in the cup, I was wondering if it would be useful or necessary to change a bit which board get to compete in the next iteration. Given the viewership for the G-Cup being much smaller (given also the type of event, of course), I fear that even a new iteration with more teams would generate much less buzz than when we were a closely knit community back on 8chan prime.

So instead I was wondering if it would be more optimal to court certain boards with major posting activity of the webring and known 8chan bunkers to join us in the next cup. It would have a twofold effect where more teams will be able to bring more creativity to the cup - and hence more custom models, anthems etc. at the same time we could see indirectly more reason for these people to come and watch our little show, boosting viewership numbers and eventually getting people to cooperate in hosting it.
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Replies: >>2603 + 3 earlier
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>I think I found out who made the / SHIRT IRONING / entry, and it's zzzchan's /b/. 
Watch out guys, we got the famous detective Conan here.
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>>2544 (OP) 
>silly poll made for the sake of understanding who wants to watch what team
>suddenly at the center of an inter-board conspiracy
what sorts of hellish autism have we unleashed, friends
Replies: >>2604
beats the everloving shit outta me lad I just made the damn poll expecting the people coming on /icup/ to vote, not the entire fucking universe, this is a /cow/nspiracy if I ever saw one
Replies: >>2607
So you made the poll and someone else started spamming the webring with it? That sucks.
Replies: >>2625
Pretty much. I think I'll go about it in some other way, to gather which teams have the most support.

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Sup /icup/, 
I'm from the other memeball competition on halfchan and I've had an idea for a little while: organizing a Meme World Cup in which each participating international image board sends a team representing their culture.
This would still be a ways off because our 2021 schedule is stupid amounts of full, but just letting you know in advance that this may happen.
Would /icup/ be interested in sending an all-star team for a possible meme world cup?
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Replies: >>2615 >>2617
>>2613 (OP) 
That'd be swell. Do we have a deadline to think this over?
>>2613 (OP) 
I'd be delighted to have a cross-imageboard competition of some sort, even a meme one.
We would accept it, but do you have proof to back up your words? We're in a bit of a sticky situation right now due to some schizo spamming the whole Webring with a copypasta pointing to us, so we're kind of on edge when it comes to these things.

I'd also vouch for a Webring team representing all sister IBs as our reps.
No hard deadlines at all for now, this is just an elevator pitch, and this is NOT an "official" 4CC thing, although the 4CC is also OK with sending an All-Star team (if someone can manage it).
Solo proposal. It's a thing I've been mulling over for a number of years (since I also have ties with some italian *chans) but never acted upon until now. I did see the GCUP but I think your concept is more like Dag's Multinational Bowl than an inter-chan tournament like I've been wanting to do.
Anyway, that cup is part of the reason the ball got rolling in the first place; during it I talked about the meme world cup to someone from Kraut who expressed interest, and then someone from ylilauta caught wind of it and mailed me so they're now in the process of building their own team, so I thought I'd ask here and at the 4CC's commissioner as well too.

As for being on 17, I wouldn't worry too much about it. Porting aes to 18 to 21 format is not exactly automatic, but it can be done.
Replies: >>2620
>since I also have ties with some italian *chans
Are you familiar with /ita/ at all? Actually, what kind of imageboards are you talking about, DC, Vecchiochan etc.?
Replies: >>2621
Yeah I keep an eye on /ita/, DC, Niuchan and very occasionally Vecchiochan as well.

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Won the most African cups in the world btw. Thanks for the invitation.

Victory theme:[Embed]
Default goalhorn:[Embed]
Sisi's goalhorn:[Embed]
5th settlement roastie's goalhorn:[Embed]
Amr Warda's goalhorn:

Formation: 4-2-3-1

Starting 11
GK: High dam [bronze]
CB: Pedo
CB: Abdelnasser
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Thanks for the info regarding the modeling/animations. I'll try to forward these to the rest of the /egy/ptians and hope one of those lazy fucks actually does something for once.

>That was me a year ago, and now we are the bar! Good luck.
Good to hear. Hopefully the other teams will follow suit once they see the renewed interest.
I am top 1 8channer on egy 
called the pedo anon(lolicon) 
ect so I am wondering Can I make my model player a pedo bear or a loli ?
if no then Can I make the model muhammed peace be upon him ?
هنخربها يا ولاد الاحبة 
بس انا مبعرفش العب بيس  الا لو ماسك دفاع زي ما الانون حاطني كدا
Replies: >>2440 >>2441
>ect so I am wondering Can I make my model player a pedo bear or a loli ?
find a free pedobear 3d model and play around with the settings on PES
like, pick this one and see if it works
I've been reading the wiki but I'm still not quite sure how to add this kit ingame. Do I need to create or generate these normal maps and whathaveyou from the PNG I posted? I've downloaded the game and I want to test out these things ingame as well but it's not very clear. (also the wiki appears to be down atm)

It's not you, it's the guy who was recently caught. Pic in roster page.
Replies: >>2444
So you have PES 2017 installed and running. Have you installed the ICUP 6 DLC and EDIT files? (contains all the changes we made for the last full tournament). First you should get those working in PES by pitting them in the correct folders as instructed and using Boris's DPFileList tool to make PES load them in.
To edit the DLC, use a CPK extractor (there's some on the wiki, can't hurt to virus test on to unzip the file structure. Some files are encrypted with zlib (more decrypted on the wiki, but check for dodgy ones!! If you're fine with CLI there's a clean one the 4CC made) but the kits should be fine. implyingrigged has a page on it, basically you find the folder full of kit textures, find the ID of the one you want to replace (I think we're restructuring IDs soon so just pick one high on the list like /2hu/) and replace the .dds texture. I use GIMP to open a .png and save it as a .dds, the wiki tells you the export settings. The other texture handles things like shinyness (for that sticker material) so probably just leave it all that exact green. Then use the CPK tool to repackae that filesystem, put it in the DLC folder and re-run the DPFileList tool to load it into PES.

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Hello friends please add us to your soccer competition

Attacking Styles Counter Attack 
Build Up Long-Pass 
Attacking Area Center 
Positioning Flexible 
Support Range 7 
Defensive Styles Frontline Pressure 
Containment Area Middle 
Pressuring Conservative 
Defensive Line 4 
Compactness 3 

Advanced tactics: False No. 9
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Replies: >>2391
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>first >>>/lang/
>then >>>/pol/ - Poetry and Lyrics
>now >>>/pdfs/
i just wanted to watch me footie and now im being educated! it's a scam i tells you!
Replies: >>2389
too bad ya poofta nonce
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>>2387 (OP) 
Here's our kits, hope everything's in order. Can we join now?

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let's play

GK: HE	Offensive Goalkeeper	GK Long Throw	
LB:	Gaymer Goy		Speeding Bullet	Weighted Pass
CB:	DK Jr.	The Instigator	Acrobatic Finishing	Weighted Pass
RB:	/vgmg/	Defensive Full-Back	Scotch Move	Weighted Pass, Flip Flap
LMF: Tactical Board Nuke [silver]		Low Punt Trajectory	Weighted Pass, Long Throw, Flip Flap
CMF: Robi's Revenge		Incisive Run	Weighted Pass
CMF: New Funky Mode! [bronze]		Man Marking	Weighted Pass,Track Back
CMF: AiAi		Malicia	Weighted Pass
RMF: Specter bronze		Malicia	Weighted Pass
SS: Amigo	Dummy Runner	Long Range Drive	Weighted Pass
CF: Donkey Kong (Captain) [gold]		Captaincy,Acrobatic Clear	Weighted Pass, Man Marking, Acrobatic Finishing, First Time Shot, Rabona
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Replies: >>2343 >>2390

wiki page up
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>>2316 (OP) 
Here's our kit lads
So who copypasted the invite, mid-GCUP onto your board?
Replies: >>2346
Beats me. The board is practically empty save for occasional banter too.
>>2316 (OP) 
Hey anons, could we use[Embed] as our special anthem for Donkey Kong?

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Please send me all the advertisement boards you've been making lately in this here thread. I want to try and do something funny.
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Just saw it. Forget I said anything.
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Anon on eris has made a couple more ad boards, you can remove the Opposite Day one if you want.
Replies: >>2306 >>2326
Bumping these two.
Replies: >>2326
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New adboard.

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Okay, folks, to whoever's still interested in inter-board competitions, here's the deal:
I'd like to have some more banners, hopefully some that redirect attention to other would be sports that can be simulated via vidya. Also to get ride of some of the outdated ones. Wanna help me out, fellas?
17 replies and 25 files omitted. View the full thread
Added banners
Could you reup?
Replies: >>2307
I didn't verify but this should work:
Can you ask the admin to allow more pages? We keep losing useful threads and their images.
Replies: >>2310 >>2323
I swear we had asked. Dunno if anything came of it.
>Can you ask the admin to allow more pages? We keep losing useful threads and their images.
I think we did but I can ask again. In any case I have backed up all previous threads on the wayback machine.

A quick question, should we have like a single stickied thread to gather all newcomer teams?
Replies: >>2344
Gonna have a pause on this whole "creating teams" thing for now. Need to finish off the GCUP work and then it's into other quality of life shit on my end.

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Use this thread to ask questions about the cups or tournaments.

PES 2017 I reckon was the last version we used in the cup. But as I said, while PES is the go-to since we take inspiration from the 4CC, other games with customization are more than accepted as suggestions for future cups. I myself wanted to create an NBA 2K1X cup given that the modding tools for that game are quite expansive, see:[Embed]
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So exactly how many active AND prospective teams do we have here, and who are they? Do we need more or less of them?
Replies: >>1891
>So exactly how many active AND prospective teams do we have here, and who are they?

I'm going to assume the teams that participated in ICUP 6 will be active.

That being said, here's a list of every prospective team that I found:

>/gamergate/ (possibly merging with /gamergatehq/)
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It could be interesting to organize a proper kind of webring cup, where each site puts together an all-stars team out of all their boards and competes with each other. Might not have enough for that, though.
Replies: >>2266
Do you mean something like: a team of players from
Prolikewoah: a team of players from
Smug: a team of players from
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Replies: >>2267

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Goal Horn:[Embed]
Punished Yoda Goal Horn:[Embed]
Zack Goal Horn:[Embed]
Orange Transparent Chainsaw Goal Horn:[Embed]
Victory Song:[Embed]

GK: The Good Guy
CB: The Brickster (Bronze)
CB: Wojtuś 
LB: Broken Bionicle
RB: 31014
CMF: Cheeky Croc (Bronze)
CMF: That One Piece
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ps: link expires in 23 days

>If I can figure out how to get the textures on the model to switch for each kit
It is possible, I know the Gondola model does it. Basically, you set the material shader to be a uniform one and it will set the texture to the current kit in use. UV mapping could be a pain but certainly possible. The aesthetics team can probably help.
Replies: >>2199
Last correction post. This one is important!
The folder I uploaded has the old OTC head texture with an oversized face. This one here is probably better: >>2192
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Thank you! I'll take a look at these and see if I can get them working on the newer PES games. Appreciate the help, and good luck in your games /lego/bros.
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Here they are.
Replies: >>2265
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These are the final adjustments for the textures. Thanks for sorting all of this anon.

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To the sporting event of the year!
Please see the attached invitation to secure your exclusive spot!

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