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Goal Horn:[Embed]
Punished Yoda Goal Horn:[Embed]
Zack Goal Horn:[Embed]
Orange Transparent Chainsaw Goal Horn:[Embed]
Victory Song:[Embed]

GK: The Good Guy
CB: The Brickster (Bronze)
CB: Wojtuś 
LB: Broken Bionicle
RB: 31014
CMF: Cheeky Croc (Bronze)
CMF: That One Piece
AMF: Bear Gold (Silver)
DMF: Glows In The Dark!
SS: Orange Transparent Chainsaw
CF: Alfred Legosen (Captain) (Gold)

GK: Jack Stone
CF: Zack
AMF: Punished Yoda
CB: Kathleen Enright
CB: Sad Clown
LB: LEGO Story
RB: Craig
CMF: Nephilim
DMF: LEGO® Millennium Falcon™
Replies: >>473 >>474 >>498
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>>472 (OP) 
Here's our kits
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>>472 (OP) 
Our stadium is called Lego City and if possible could pic related be used to cover the entire pitch?
Replies: >>476
Can do. Welcome aboard.
Replies: >>479
That's cool, its good to be in
>>472 (OP) 
too cool
yoda should be on the starting squad but other than that I like it
Replies: >>514
Switched Yoda and Bear Gold around and made Yoda a silver player
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So I've looked around for models for players but I have no idea if these will work or if there's time to implement them, no worries if they aren't doable.

Could the base model used for all players be this but with pic related as a face. If that doesn't work, could the model for OTC be used as the base model but could the face be replaced with pic related and the chainsaw removed?

Glows in the Dark: - please use the Zaktan model (the green one).

The Good Guy: please use the same appearance as in pic #2 but change the body, legs, head and mask to a dark grey colour.

If this works Unikitty can be added to the roster.

Lego Yoda model: , ideally with no hood and no lightsaber but it doesn't matter that much

Millenium Falcon model:

Bear Gold model: - I think it's transparent so if it could be coloured brown that would be nice

31014 model:

Similar to Unikitty, if this model works it will be added to the roster:

I see that /eris/ has an invisible player, could That One Piece also be made invisible too?
Replies: >>1195 >>1235 >>1347
We'll try and get these ones in, and That One Piece will be made invisible.
Millenium Falcon, Bear Gold and 31014 are not downloadable. If you can find alternate sources or versions then great.
The rest are being rigged now.
Replies: >>1245 >>1719
That's odd. I can't find any replacement models for Millenium Falcon or Bear Gold, but there's this . It might work, but I can't tell if it's a complete model or if you download all the individual parts and then have to assemble it. If that's so don't waste your time on it.

Why weren't the models downloadable? I thought they were free to download.
Genuinely curious why a Bionicle is being used for Glow in the Dark. By all accounts, shouldn't he be a green glowing minifig?
Replies: >>1422
Wordfilter on /lego/ turns nigger into piraka as piraka is essentially the Matoran for nigger. So when an anon suggested a CIA glownigger it became a CIA glowpiraka, hence why a piraka model is being used.
Replies: >>1440
The real Piraka toys also had a glow-in-the-dark gimmick.
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Ok so the 2020 cuckchan cup had a Lego head as a ball for /toy/. I know it wasn't PES 2017, but would it be possible to use that as the model for the ball in Lego City Stadium? should hopefully have it included
Replies: >>1722 >>2119
Forgot to say but I wanted to give a big thank you to the blenderfag(s) for an excellent job on the models, you really outdid yourself/selves. Thanks.

Out of curiosity, why weren't the other models included? Was it due to time or did they not work? Just wondering so I can rearrange the roster for the next cup.
Replies: >>1719
A blenderfag here.
I'm guessing the reason for the base model only being on one player is either a miscommunication or wanting to show off your kits. That said, I now know how to use the kit texture (like on Gondola) so I can experiment with that if we run friendlies.
The other models were not downloadable and I didn't find any alternatives I could download. >>1235
It was a fun challenge to make them move more stiffly, although there were compromizes made like massive size and slight levitation. I'm glad I could help!
Replies: >>1732
I like this
I want this
Replies: >>1732
>I'm guessing the reason for the base model only being on one player is either a miscommunication or wanting to show off your kits.
Looking back, it was a good decision not to have one model for all players.
>The other models were not downloadable and I didn't find any alternatives I could download
Damn, all of them weren't downloadable? Bit disappointed with that, sorry for posting bogus links.
>It was a fun challenge to make them move more stiffly, although there were compromizes made like massive size and slight levitation. I'm glad I could help!
Haha, you really done an amazing job, Glad to have gave you a bit of a challenge!

How did you add the image onto the 3d Lego head? I was thinking of editing the model for OTC so each player could have their own customised model. 

Same here, it looks bretty gud. Nothing would intimidate our opponents like using a decapitated head a ball.
Replies: >>1740
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>How did you add the image onto the 3d Lego head? I was thinking of editing the model for OTC so each player could have their own customised model. 
PES (and most game engines) use textures for modelling. Attached is the normal lego model's texture (the red part is the shirt). I can show the UV map tomorrow to show the how the shape of the head uses the texture, although the UV map was very rushed for the cup so it may need to be overhauled for easier editing.
It could also be done one texture per feature (e.g. one texture for the head), it just takes a little bit longer to set up but makes editing easier.
Replies: >>1789
Ah that's interesting, thanks for posting. Is it as easy as inserting a PNG to change the appearance of a player? Sorry about the long delay in replying.
Replies: >>1797
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"For you" - Dark Vader

If you only want to change the skin ('texture') of the model, rather than the actual 3D shape ('mesh') then yes. The rest of this post is just explaining behind the scenes, for fun.

Did you make any of the kits? If so you may recognize the first two pics. The first is a simple template someone made, showing how each part of the texture image map onto the different areas of the clothing. The second is more detailed. As the original filename suggests, it shows the actual UV mapping; which pixels in the image are mapped to which position on the faces of the 3D model. That's how most games paint a whole 3D model using simple flat image/s.

The third pic is a bit more complex, mainly because I was rushing to get some of the models done before the cup started and as a result did a shortcut hackjob.
Start in the top left corner. That's the 3D model I was given, then we auto-transfer and/or paint 'weights' from the normal PES player onto the 3D model to let the game know how to animate the model (the hip weight and right thigh weight are shown). We've done this, so you don't need to care about it unless you try to add/change 3D props.
The next images (2) show the 3D mesh and how it maps onto the image. The UV map I made is broken into pieces and overlapping because it was rushed, but I spent a couple of minutes and got it to be a more intuitive mapping in (3), where the head becomes a front and a back half you can easily paint. So when you have a decently made UV mapping like that, changing the face, shirt color, etc. is as easy as inserting a properly-made image.
Small note: we convert the PNGs to DDS files, which is extremely easy to convert ([Open]->[Export as...] lol), similar formats but DDSs can store mipmaps (which /eris/ abused to make their kits change color, see )
Replies: >>1799 >>1803 >>1821
This is absolutely crucial information and as such I took the liberty of archiving it for the cup's sake. I'll repost these on the main thread.
Do you paint any player model always using the first template image? If so, you keep the original uv and only move around the triangles of the original 3d model to match the new custom model?
Replies: >>1804
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I'm not sure I understand the question.
>first template image
Does this mean the first attached image with the pants, shirt, etc?
If so, no. That is a texture image for the clothing 3D model/s worn by the default players, other models (like the player's skin, or custom models) need different UV mappings. The kit's UV map (defined by the kit's 3D model) was specifically made to unwrap all the faces of the kit model onto a convenient square image.
Each model contains its own UV mapping, which we can modify in Blender. I could make a player that is just a cube, which only has six faces, and use pic related as the shape of the UV map.
The only reason the current Lego man's UV map is bad is that it didn't come with a pre-made one and I don't know how to properly unwrap most shapes yet.
Replies: >>1805
>other models need different UV mappings.
That's what I was asking. I wasn't sure whether the uv were editable or not, and the soultion was just to morph the default triangles into another model.
Thanks for the detailed and informative response. Would you be able to post the texture for OTC's head, so I could create customised heads for all the players?
Replies: >>1822 >>1824
All good.
>Would you be able to post the texture for OTC's head, so I could create customised heads for all the players?
I won't give you the current one because the current hacky UV map was only made so that the small : ) front was easy to edit, the rest of the head would be a nightmare.
I will learn how to unwrap their head properly for easy editing and then send the texture. I am busy with a project for the next two week so don't be surprised if it gets delayed, but do keep reminding me.
Replies: >>1824
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Update: I had some spare time and found a new lego model which was far better made, and I was able to learn how to make a decent UV map out of it (see pic 1). Of course, it can be improved so don't treat pic 2 as final but that's the kind of head texture layout you might get.
Replies: >>1854
Thanks anon, I'll hold off on creating customised textures for the time being then. How easy is it to change the skin colour of a player, i.e could all the players be changed to have yellow skin? Is it a case of having to create textures for each player or is there an in-game setting to alter this?
Replies: >>1856
>How easy is it to change the skin colour of a player, i.e could all the players be changed to have yellow skin? Is it a case of having to create textures for each player or is there an in-game setting to alter this?
I think it's a case of giving them all a new 3D model (by just copying an existing body, not too hard as people have done it before like OTC) and giving that a custom yellow texture.
In-game you can only choose typical racial skin tones so replacing the skin texture with Lego yellow needs to be done by replacing the whole body (the textures that the default players reference are a shared resource since there are only like ten needed to color thousands of players, so overwriting one of them would turn players in other teams yellow too).
Replies: >>1861
>I think it's a case of giving them all a new 3D model (by just copying an existing body, not too hard as people have done it before like OTC) and giving that a custom yellow texture.
>the textures that the default players reference are a shared resource
Damn, I was hoping it wasn't this. Thanks anyways.
/lego/ lays claim to Denmark in order to participate in the upcoming Winter Cup. There's a blenderfag doing some amazing work with the 3d models so hopefully we will be able to fully unleash our autism onto the pitch
Replies: >>2047
Seconding this
if SKF does not put them in the G-Cup he is SUPER GAY
Could you please post the tactics used for /lego/ last time? I was thinking of slightly tweaking some of the players. 

It's nothing important but is it possible to do this >>1705 at all? We should have a custom model for all our players in the upcoming cup (I'm working on textures at the moment) so it would be nice to have a custom ball too.
Replies: >>2121
If the other Cup has already done it, I can take the files no problem. I think one of our Blenderfags was going to give the LEGO Brick a try to practice creating a ball from scratch.
Replies: >>2125
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Oh that's fine, I didn't hear anything back so I assumed it didn't work.

To the guy that was working on the models, could you check if I'm understanding the texture templates correctly? I don't want to rush in only to find I'm doing it wrong.
Replies: >>2128 >>2152
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Yeah, that's the way. One hint I should have said before is that it doesn't matter if you draw on the areas which aren't used, so if the pants are one color like this design, you can just fill the whole bottom area with that color to make it easier, instead of tracing all those shapes.
Where possible, extend the edge colors a little bit past the edges, to avoid the risk of it picking the wrong color when it scales down the image (for far-shots).
Replies: >>2129
>it doesn't matter if you draw on the areas which aren't used
Goddamnit, I spent ages in MS Paint tracing those fuckers. Thanks for the tip though, it'll definitely make things easier.
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These are the textures for Sad Clown
Replies: >>2145
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These are the textures for Bear Gold
Replies: >>2145
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Replies: >>2149
Thanks for testing them out. How would I make a part of the model transparent, or is it impossible to do with just the textures?
Replies: >>2154
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These are the textures for Zack
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These are the textures for a new player, Bootlego. Please ignore this >>2125 as these are the more updated version. Depending on how the armband works I may still have to edit it.
The texture supports transparency, are you using a drawing tool where you can draw transparent pixels? If not, I can probably help out with it.
I've made a test model with 50% transparency, it's acting weird for me but my setup has known graphics issues, so we're checking if it's just my computer or PES being broken.

Are you trying to do a transparent material like clear plastic or remove a piece? If you just want to have no legs, I can simply remove them (but due to PES's skeleton rigging, if I lower the upper body to the ground then they cannot be animated like normal, they will move statically like the otters).
Replies: >>2155
I was after just a pair of legs for Wojtus, would that still work?
Replies: >>2157
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That should work fine. I made this model and quickly painted placeholder colors over it in photoshop (so if you are able to get the proper face image then I can just make the texture for you).
Replies: >>2158 >>2159
(PS I'll fix the proportions, I just copied the legs and torso as-is to make the draft quickly)
Holy shit that model is amazing! I have the proper face image so please post the texture whenever you have time. Don't worry about fixing the proportions unless you really want to, it looks fine.
Replies: >>2162
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Here are some UV maps. The legs and hips are exactly the same as other models. The head one was made really quickly because I assume the parts on top are going to be a single color. The hair and face are both part of the same rectangle, I drew it there just to demonstrate this, the drawn hair and face is not to scale!
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Hopefully this works
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These are for The Brickster
Could you post the texture for orange transparent chainsaw please?
Replies: >>2171
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Here they are.
Replies: >>2173
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Thank you. Here are his new textures. I didn't realise how badly done his face was
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These are textures for Sharpied Clone, a new player along with Bootlego.
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Another new player, Johnny Thunder
Replies: >>2179 >>2183
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Textures for RUBBLE
man I remember lego racers, thanks for bringing my childhood games back to life
Replies: >>2180
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Lego Racers was the shit. I was thinking of adding this smug asshole to the team too.

The roster has been updated but I'll post here just in case it isn't seen.

GK: The Good Guy
CB: The Brickster
CB: Wojtuś (Bronze)
LB: Sharpied Clone
RB: Sad Clown
DMF: Glows In The Dark!
CMF: RUBBLE (Bronze)
CMF: That One Piece
AMF: Punished Yoda (Silver)
SS: Orange Transparent Chainsaw
CF: Johnny Thunder (Gold) (Captain)

GK: LEGO Story
CB: Kathleen Enright
CB: 31014
LB: Broken Bionicle
RB: Cheeky Croc
DMF: LEGO® Millennium Falcon™
CMF: Nephilim
CMF: Bootlego
AMF: Bear Gold
SS: Alfred Legosen
CF: Zack
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Please use the standard texture for LEGO Story, Kathleen Enright, 31014, Broken Bionicle, Cheeky Croc, LEGO® Millennium Falcon™, Nephilim and Alfred Legosen.

As for Johnny Thunder >>>>2177 please instead use this  texture for his torso and legs.
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Here are most of the starters! (no glowie)

Ignore the annoying pitch glitch, that's been fixed. Ignore the red arms poking through, I just didn't bother removing those and they won't be there in the cup.
Replies: >>2192
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Thank you very much! Would you be able to post what the other players look like, if that's possible? I just want to check that the textures have turned out ok. I've updated OTC and Wojtus heads as they needed a bit of tweaking.
Replies: >>2199 >>2201 >>2214
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Hey guys, aesthetics guy for /toy/'s 4cc team here. I got sent here from our thread. Any chance you could post the full body model or boots model for OTC?  Here's how ours is looking now on PES19. 

If you guys want anything from us I'd be happy to provide, but it might not be compatible with PES17.
Replies: >>2194 >>2197 >>2198
Oh nice too meetcha
Try asking on /lego/ too
Hi! Glad to see /toy/ and /lego/ fans are getting along.
I assume you're asking about those new OTC. Be warned, the arms and general movement are a bit unpolished and you'll have to add the chainsaw yourself. Texture UV layout guide is ITT if you want to change anything.
OTC folder:
Mesh source:
If you manage to improve it, please post it here!

Make sure to let the /toy/ thread know that our exhibition G-Cup is set to start on the 13th/14th, so if the finals get boring you can explore the hip underground league where you can actually read the chat comments.
ps: link expires in 23 days

>If I can figure out how to get the textures on the model to switch for each kit
It is possible, I know the Gondola model does it. Basically, you set the material shader to be a uniform one and it will set the texture to the current kit in use. UV mapping could be a pain but certainly possible. The aesthetics team can probably help.
Replies: >>2199
Last correction post. This one is important!
The folder I uploaded has the old OTC head texture with an oversized face. This one here is probably better: >>2192
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Thank you! I'll take a look at these and see if I can get them working on the newer PES games. Appreciate the help, and good luck in your games /lego/bros.
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Here they are.
Replies: >>2265
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These are the final adjustments for the textures. Thanks for sorting all of this anon.
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