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In order to breathe in some fresh air in the cup, I was wondering if it would be useful or necessary to change a bit which board get to compete in the next iteration. Given the viewership for the G-Cup being much smaller (given also the type of event, of course), I fear that even a new iteration with more teams would generate much less buzz than when we were a closely knit community back on 8chan prime.

So instead I was wondering if it would be more optimal to court certain boards with major posting activity of the webring and known 8chan bunkers to join us in the next cup. It would have a twofold effect where more teams will be able to bring more creativity to the cup - and hence more custom models, anthems etc. at the same time we could see indirectly more reason for these people to come and watch our little show, boosting viewership numbers and eventually getting people to cooperate in hosting it.
I don't get it, what is it that you're actually proposing there?
Replies: >>2546
My point is that of these following top rated boards for users, pph or generally strong sense of community, there's several that are either not represented or represented through different means. Concentrating on supporting these would allow for a funnier time for everyone involved, unlike what happens when you let just a two-people-board run a team up to the finals unopposed.

8chan	/v/ - Video Games [x]*
Smug	/a/ - Anime & Manga [x]
tvch	/tv/ - Movies and Television [o]
tvch	/dup/ - btfo [x]
zzzchan	/v/ - Video Games [x]*
8chan	/hisrol/ - Hispa Rol 
Smug	/monster/ - Monster Girls [x]
tvch	/dunk/ - Off topic 
Sportschan	/sp/ - Sparts [x]
animu bunker	/hgg/ - Hentai Games General [o]
zzzchan	/b/ - Random [o]
animu bunker	/animu/ - animu and mango [x]
8chan	/b/ - Random [o]
animu bunker	/geimu/ - Video Games
AlogSpace	/cow/ - Lolcows [o]
Smug	/tg/ - Traditional Games [x]
8chan	/delicious/ - Cake
Sportschan	/librejp/ - librejp [x]	/k/ - Weapons, Combat, Outdoorsmanship [o]
8chan	/loomis/ - Art Gains [x]
8chan	/co/ - Comics & Cartoons [x]
8chan	/pol/ - Politically Incorrect [o]	/comfy/ - A place to relax [x]*

LEGEND: [x] participated/have a team with a similar name and hence can be enticed to join in; [x]* participated as a joint team but can be broken down into two distinct teams to increase competitiveness and create sporting feuds; [o] have an existing team but either have shown no current interest in participating or don't know anything about the cup's existence; [x] G-Cup exclusive
I get what you're saying, but the cup exists mainly because of autists trying to push their own agenda or board into stardom. It wouldn't be the same without /christian/, but /christian/ now is basically just a few holdouts on our bunker and the bulk of them stayed over 8kun, without ever being notified of the cup.
Now, rather than that I think it would be great if we could reach out older 8kunners (jc) to come and watch the cup when it comes around.
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Frankly I'd rather keep the current format, but add in a clause that for a team to participate at least a modicum of work must be put into its presentation. Sort of like, add at least a custom model or contribute to the board a bit.
It would make it so that boards like /eris/ or /otter/, which don't have a strong presence on the webring but are important parts of the cup's identity keep on staying in the nominees, but boards with very little effort put into them like /lang/ or /art/ don't clog the entire system with boring teams for boring boards.
Replies: >>2549
Two separate /v/s would pose the same problem as the two separate /pol/s, but I'd be lying if I didn't admit that I would love to see a 8/v/ vs z/v/ scrim match.
Other than that I'm completely on board for pushing hard for advertising the cup to those boards.
Speak for yourself, /lang/ is comfy. /japan/ and /dup/ make no sense, given their viwership.
>>2544 (OP) 
We COULD solve this problem just by going around and asking, you know. Just as it used to be done long ago.
We just need someone to bite the bullet and create some sort of thread or poll to garner interest in the cup.
>but boards with very little effort put into them like /lang/ or /art/
which have custom models, custom banners, made OC, kits, anthems, players, strats, and are two of the few teams which actually made roster pages?
I still don't get it.
Replies: >>2553
Here, pick your poison
Replies: >>2554 >>2555
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Yeah I don't fucking get this either, he's probably nitpicking because his board didn't get invited or something. Either way, I casted my own votes.
Replies: >>2557
Based. Spread this to other boards.
Replies: >>2556
So was this made by a rigger or just a random anon? Will it have any significance?
Don't just do it without asking. We're already dealing with last invitefag's bullshit.
>>2544 (OP) 
The last thing I want to see is our comfy cup turn into pseudo-4CC where it's literally the same generic major boards like /v/, /a/, /tv/, /pol/, /b/ flooding a chat to death.
I also don't want to see low-effort and dead teams with no viewers, so renewal should be necessary.

This isn't a popularity contest. More active teams are great, but optimizing to PPH is a travesty and in fact an inverse of sense of community.

Replies: >>2558
>>2544 (OP) 
We should see what SKF has to say before proceeding with any of this, but I think it's already pretty much underway so w/e, casted my vote.
>The last thing I want to see is our comfy cup turn into pseudo-4CC where it's literally the same generic major boards like /v/, /a/, /tv/, /pol/, /b/ flooding a chat to death.
This, 4CC is so fucking boring because all the main boards just get through because of PPH rather than if the board is any interesting, at least the bowls with board-specific teams are funny.
why don't you at least use the existing threads instead of creating new ones?
Replies: >>2560
Seconding this request, stop spamming
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Replies: >>2575
If the riggers don't add /shirtironing/ as a team the ICUP is fake and/or gay
Replies: >>2565 >>2575
Yeah that would be pretty wrinkled
Replies: >>2568 >>2575
I unironically want to see this as a team now.  Make your thread and start choosing players.
Replies: >>2576
Absolute state of the cup
Replies: >>2577
Replies: >>2586
If you don't think this faggot shit is what's killing your viewership along with the rigging and e-celeb aspirations  I don't know what you're thinking.  Maybe get your guys to stop posting fake interest on boards that told you to fuck off already.
Replies: >>2589 >>2591
>along with the rigging and e-celeb aspirations 
you havin a laff sunshine?
I think I found out who made the / SHIRT IRONING / entry, and it's zzzchan's /b/. Could be fun if we had them use that name to refer to their team actually, the last /b/ team being implemented was from 8chan prime.
Replies: >>2593 >>2594
They did start the joke, but they already bothered to come up with a few players for an actual team, so if they make the full thing it should definitely be its own team.
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>I think I found out who made the / SHIRT IRONING / entry, and it's zzzchan's /b/. 
Watch out guys, we got the famous detective Conan here.
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>>2544 (OP) 
>silly poll made for the sake of understanding who wants to watch what team
>suddenly at the center of an inter-board conspiracy
what sorts of hellish autism have we unleashed, friends
Replies: >>2604
beats the everloving shit outta me lad I just made the damn poll expecting the people coming on /icup/ to vote, not the entire fucking universe, this is a /cow/nspiracy if I ever saw one
Replies: >>2607
So you made the poll and someone else started spamming the webring with it? That sucks.
Replies: >>2625
Pretty much. I think I'll go about it in some other way, to gather which teams have the most support.
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