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Hello friends please add us to your soccer competition

Attacking Styles Counter Attack 
Build Up Long-Pass 
Attacking Area Center 
Positioning Flexible 
Support Range 7 
Defensive Styles Frontline Pressure 
Containment Area Middle 
Pressuring Conservative 
Defensive Line 4 
Compactness 3 

Advanced tactics: False No. 9

Silver, Captain: Meek Librarian No. 52 : CF Weighted Pass, Low Punt Trajectory, Fighting Spirit, Man Marking, Captaincy; 
Gold: Johannes Gutenberg No. 14 : LWF Rabona, Long Range Drive, Low Punt Trajectory, Sombrero, Scissors Feint, Long Throw; 
Huey P. Long No. 4 : RWF Track Back, Scotch Move; 
borked link No. 30 : LMF Cut Behind Turn, One Touch Pass; 
Aut History No. 56 : AMF Low Lofted Pass, Rabona; 
Muh Manuals No. 72 : DMF Marseille Turn, Heading; 
Stalag Edition No. 92 : RMF Low Punt Trajectory, Track Back; 
Bronze: Gengis 'didn't read lol' Khan No. 19 : CB Man Marking, Malicia, Outside Curler; 
Bronze: Ivan Libranovich Genesisov No. 26 : CB Heading, Cut Behind Turn, Malicia; 
200 Years Together No. 39 : CB Low Punt Trajectory, Acrobatic Finishing; 
I WANT TO BELIEVE No. 99 : GK GK Long Throw

The Eye No. 35 : CF Scissors Feint, Heel Trick; 
Sort Your Backlog No. 44 : RWF Scotch Move, Low Punt Trajectory; 
Mr. DJVU No. 87 : RWF Acrobatic Finishing, Rabona;
[Political Ideology Primer]™ No. 22 : SS Acrobatic Clear, First Time Shot; 
STEM No. 15 : LMF Long Range Drive, Malicia; 
Reading Maid No. 24 : AMF Super Sub, Marseille Turn; 
Chad Scanner No. 42 : DMF Long Throw, Knuckle Shot; 
Phone Reader No. 53 : RMF Long Throw, Sombrero; 
>audible No. 3 : CMF  Super Sub, Low Punt Trajectory; 
The Gentoomen's Library No. 64 : CB Marseille Turn, Heel Trick; 
The Bibble No. 38 : CB Acrobatic Finishing, Track Back; 
How to win friends and influence people No. 69 : GK GK Long Throw
Replies: >>2391
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>first >>>/lang/
>then >>>/pol/ - Poetry and Lyrics
>now >>>/pdfs/
i just wanted to watch me footie and now im being educated! it's a scam i tells you!
Replies: >>2389
too bad ya poofta nonce
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>>2387 (OP) 
Here's our kits, hope everything's in order. Can we join now?
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