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we accept your invitation and would like to participate
we are still working on team kits and logo
here's the team till then
GK Dead SSR [/ent/ player]
LB [Vice] Captain Ajith Vadakayil
CB Dravida Bvll Z [/a/ player]
CB Janny chamaar[/meta/ player]
RB Nagoor Babu [/g/ player]
DMF Stuti Khandelwal
DMF Baba Ramdev [/yoga/ player]
AMF Maulana Modi (bronze) [/pol/ player]
AMF Sariyacel (bronze)
CF Bimaru (silver) [use the paan pepe for him]
CF Lodu Singh Chamaar (gold)[captain]
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6 replies and 2 files omitted. View the full thread
Replies: >>2031 + 1 earlier
>>1991 (OP) 
Took the liberty of making you a thread on the wiki
Please, when you're done discussing the team and shirts, add information over there. You can change the positions to any one of the available positions from PES17. Add information regarding substitution and heights if you're okay with them.
Replies: >>2034

Sorry I made a mistake use this one
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Replies: >>2127
Yastill gots to respond to this thread >>2059

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Thank you for the invitation, /fscchan/ would love to join the /icup/.  The team is still in progress, but i hope it will be done soon enough.  Also i'm not the BO, just a random anon, i made this thread because no one made it yet.

General team discussion here.
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Replies: >>2032 + 5 earlier
Okay then. From left to right: Home kit, GK kit, Away Kit
i like this
>>1949 (OP) 
Took the liberty of making you a thread on the wiki
Please, when you're done discussing the team and shirts, add information over there. You can change the positions to any one of the available positions from PES17. Add information regarding substitution and heights if you're okay with them.

Sorry I made a mistake, use this one
edit wikinya udah?

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Yeah we'll join in on this again.
Just use our assets from last time we were in, thanks
I'll look and see if its possible to get some custom three dee models (I have little idea how this would work for example, i.e. would it be possible to import MMD model shit for example?) but otherwise things can be assumed as prior defaults.
I checked the wiki and everything seems to be correct.

For whatever reason I can't upload a txt file with the team's strategy but here's ours I guess:

/gts/ Strategy Guide

Formation: [link to image]

Attacking Instructions
        Attacking Styles:	Counter Attack
        Build Up:		Short Pass
        Attacking Area: 	Center
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Replies: >>2024 >>2036
>>2019 (OP) 
>would it be possible to import MMD model shit for example?
That's an option for 3D models. They need to be rigged to fit the player skeletons in PES but they work. 
>Also if you need pictures for the players/roster...
Go for it.
What are the icon dimensions? I can help cobble some together.
Replies: >>2028 >>2029
Here's the link to the wiki 
I have no idea if that's where to upload, or to just upload here or something
I think you can make them any size.
Here's /lego/, for example:
>I have no idea if that's where to upload
There's an Upload page on the left sidebar to upload an image to the wiki, then you edit the Roster page to ads those uploaded files in (see the /lego/ roster page source for easy reference). Let me know if you need a hand.
>>2019 (OP) 
glad to see you guys

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/ck/ would like to formally accept your invitation to participate in the next Infinity Cup.

For now, we will keep our old assets. We'd also like to add Jon Townsend and Bread Riamu to the roster, roles still undetermined.
Further updates will be added soon.
Replies: >>1921 >>1930 >>2005
>>1912 (OP) 
Sure lad, let's play together!
>>1912 (OP) 
For wiki purposes, this is the 8ch board, right?
Replies: >>1934
That's right. Board thread is I'll link back here for reciprocity.
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>>1912 (OP) 
Glad the cooking guys are back in action.

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LB: Esperanto 
CB: Çekoslovakyalılaştıramadıklarımızdanmışsınız 
RB: Moonrunes 
DMF: Do not want 
DMF: My hovercraft is full of eels! 
LMF: Ooga Booga 
CMF: LangFocus 
RMF: Ellen Baker
CF: Big Muzzy 
SS: Duo

William Shakespeare 
Entero Somewhere Elso 
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56 replies and 18 files omitted. View the full thread
We can have up to like six
I think we can just add them in for the time being
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Here at L.A.N.G. we value diversity and are committed to doing everything we can to oppose racism and discrimination. The team's management has become aware that Ooga Booga, one of our former players, is a racist caricature making fun of POC. This is deeply offensive and problematic, and we have therefore decided to replace him with a new Mystery Player who is still to be announced.
Replies: >>1953 >>1969
Replies: >>1959
Very cool
I don't remember ever agreeing to this. Oogabooga is a reference to Google Translator.

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Thank you for the invitation to The Cup. it's been too long.

Pending approval from other /t/echnicians, I'd like to propose moving Terry Davis to Captain, dropping Install Gentoo to the bench.
I'd also be interested in seeing Libbie added to the team somehow.

I'll produce some banners and upload them here some time in the next week.
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>I'd also be interested in seeing Libbie added to the team somehow.
Starting eleven, or bench?
If bench is fine, you can just swap Terry and Gentoo, then Gentoo and Libbie.
Replies: >>1929 >>1933
Yeah you don't need to adhere to the previous roster. Just to clarify, you guys are from 8ch?
Replies: >>1933
>you guys are from 8ch?
>don't need to adhere to the previous roster
Sure, but /tech/ was never the fastest board. If someone wants to revamp the roster entirely then they're welcome to it, but I think having Terry and Libbie as starters and maybe finding a spot for Lain as well will reflect the changes in board culture since the last roster was made. It's enough to start with.

I'd really like to see her starting. Maybe replacing 3.5 GB? That's a pretty outdated joke now. Steve Jerbs is also pretty old; I wouldn't mind replacing him with Iawakura Lain.
So I guess let's do that, unless any other /tech/nicians want to object or suggest further changes. I don't have a 3D model for Libbie and don't know if one exists already. Lain models should exist somewhere, but I don't know if they need to be rigged to work with PES.
Replies: >>1935
>Libbie model
I looked around and found nothing, which is disappointing since I could have found Dashie and Krita models.
>old memes
The roster hasn't been touched since 2016. Add whatever you want. Requesting systemd be renamed to systemd/GNU/Linux
>lain models
PES doesn't use skeletal rigging, so with a humanoid model like animu we can just change the pose, transfer vertex weights (for rigging animation) and convert the textures. That means any 3D model of Lain should be fine. I would assume someone's made a MikuMikuDance (MMD) model, I can port that to PES easily.
Replies: >>1946
> That means any 3D model of Lain should be fine. I would assume someone's made a MikuMikuDance (MMD) model, I can port that to PES easily.
Couldn't find any MMD models but maybe I don't know the best place to look. I found one on sketchfab, though.
Uploaded to 8ch because cafe doesn't allow zip files:
I'll keep looking for a Libbie model but have had no luck so far.

>Requesting systemd be renamed to systemd/GNU/Linux
Works for me.

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Is possibly putting a team together. Here's a logo candidate, for now.
10 replies and 3 files omitted. View the full thread
Good job, guys
I see that some teams have some custom player models. I wonder how these are made.
Replies: >>1674
It's supposedly easy, there's a bunch of tutorial in this board and on the wiki.
Replies: >>1676
I will have to look around, thanks
For the future we should try to work in Yukio Mishima, Brenton Tarrant, William Luther Pierce and Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya

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Shit to come when the next cup is announced but here's our logo and /a/ best give Dio to us
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Replies: >>1578 >>1917 + 1 earlier
and yes I am aware that I literally just created the board, but I wanted to see a JoJo board somewhere and I figure that if anyone would join it then as shameless as it sounds then I might as well shill it through here
Would of hosted it on the webring except it's seems like none of the webring sites let you make your own board
Replies: >>1581
>>1554 (OP) 
Gotta be on the level with you friend
I like the idea but shouldn't you try and get some people involved first before creating a new team for a board with no population?
You could theoretically go to the Jojo threads on the various /v/s and gather support there, you could also try and find the 7SU2 and Anon's Bizarre Adventure guys and get them on board.
Anyhow, I'd like to see you in, just give me a better reason to add you guys.
You could probably convince to give you a board on this site.
Replies: >>1592
Actually, endchan boards are okay to join.
We had a /jojo/ board on 8kun too if they feel like reusing their content. In addition, zzzchan is always up.
>>1554 (OP) 
Just to clarify, are you guys still interested?

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17 GK Perlota
35 LB Bolitoro - Track Back, Scissor Feint
6 CB Froyden - Scotch Move, Fighting Spirit
5 BRONZE CB Eduardo Feinmann - (The Instigator) Low Punt Trajectory, Low Lofted Pass, First Time Shot
11 RB Esquizo - Man Marking, Track Back
23  CMF Baby Etchecopar - Cut Behind Turn, Fighting Spirit
7  CMF Adrián Salbuchi - Sombrero, Man Marking
14 BRONZE CMF Lisandro - Scissors Feint. Man Marking, One Touch Pass
1  SILVER AMF Nippur de Lagash (Captain) Captaincy, Heading, Flip Flap, Long Range Drive, Heel Trick
9  CF Un dino (Target Man) - Low Punt Trajectory, Track Back
10  CF  Jorge Rafael Videla - [Incisive Run] , Heel Trick, Low Lofted Pass, Man Marking, First Time Shot, Cut Behind Turn

22 LB Ricardo Barreda - [Mazing Run], Long Range Drive
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Replies: >>1896 >>1915
I'm glad to hear you guys are still around. Where'd your board migrate to?
Replies: >>1884
>>1838 (OP) 
Vamos Choritos
>>1838 (OP) 
Chori here
I want a win this year

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Hey there friends, we at /hyper/ on have decided to join in the tournament.
For the time being we have not decided on much, just on one kit, which is probably going to be for the goalie.

We'll update this thread with more info as it comes.
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Replies: >>1827 + 1 earlier
No, /gts/ is just about giantesses. /hyper/ is about all kinds of big 2D girls. Either fat, hourglass figures, muscle girls or giantesses.
>>1810 (OP) 
1 GK milk is hyper 
2 LB drama in my porn 
3 CB Transformations 
4 RB goth gf 
5 LMF cumflation 
6 CMF A Fat of She * 
7 CMF Musclegrill * 
8 RMF Ageification 
9 SS Hourglass  
10 CF hyper proportions * 
11 CF yiff party

Subs coming up
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Hello again, friends, I finally came up with something usable:
I made a wiki entry too on here

1 	Pos-GK.png 	milk is fat
2 	Pos-LB.png 	drama in my porn
3 	Pos-CB.png 	Transformations
4 	Pos-RB.png 	goth gf
5 	Pos-LMF.png 	cumflation
6 	Pos-CMF.png 	A Fat of She [bronze]
7 	Pos-CMF.png 	Musclegrill [bronze]
8 	Pos-RMF.png 	Ageification
9 	Pos-AMF.png 	Hourglass [silver]
10 	Pos-CF.png 	Hyper Proportions [gold](Captain)
11 	Pos-CF.png 	yiff party
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Replies: >>1894
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Couldn't come up with anything original, so here's the second kit.

Anyhow, taking this as an opportunity to type down some stuff:

Subs strategy: if we're winning in the second half and our non-medal CF is tired and the substitution CF is low on morale, please just change our formation from 3-4-1-2 to a 4-4-2 by subbing in the best CB we have.

Our strategy is as follows:
On Offense:
Attacking Styles on Counter Attack 
Build Up on Short-Pass
Attacking Area on Wide
Positioning on Flexible
Support Range on 8
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Replies: >>1895
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This is our logo btw
As far as cards go:
drama in my porn, Transformations and goth gf: Acrobatic Clear and Long Throw
cumflation and Ageification: Track Back and Outside Curler
A Fat of She: Man Marking, Low Lofted Pass and Acrobatic Clear
Musclegrill : Man Marking, Malicia and One Touch Pass
Hourglass: Man Marking, Weighted Pass, Heel Trick and Flip Flap
Hyper Proportions: Captaincy, Heading, Flip Flap, Low Punt Trajectory, Outside Curler, Cut Behind Turn and One Touch Pass
yiff party: Sombrero and Scotch Move
Melon Destroyer, deviantart and 3DNPD: Scotch Move and Heading
DUMMY THICK, My Ass Is Heavy and Nuked Gallery: Low Lofted Pass and Rabona
not hyper material, not a furry and 2butt: Flip Flap and Outside Curler
Mommy: Knuckle Shot and One Touch Pass
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