Is possibly putting a team together. Here's a logo candidate, for now.
Is it really a good idea to put the House of Savoy jerseys from the 1930's when the background has fascist flags?
How's this? Formation 4-2-1-3 Motto: A noi! Nickname: Blackshirts Team: GK: Charles Maurras LB: A E S T H E T I C S CB: White Juche CB: Giovanni Gentile RB: Cultured Thug DMF: Pentti Linkola DMF: Ted Kaczynski CMF: Integralist-chan LWF: Benito Mussolini RWF: Oswald Mosley CF: Adolf Hitler (Captain) Bench: Carl Schmitt Savitri Devi Earl Turner Julius Evola Oswald Spengler Mohammed Amin al-Husseini Corneliu Codreanu Anthem:[Embed] Goal Horn:[Embed] (from 30 seconds)
>>496 I think these are good, but what about the kits? I was thinking of a British Union of Fascists black turtleneck kind of dress for the goalie, very in touch with the twenties aesthetic.
>>496 Who are your medal players gonna be?
>>496 Use this anthem instead[Embed] >>564 Kits should be like in the OP pic.
>>676 You'll need another kit and one more for your GK, also you'll need to name a gold, a silver, and 2 bronze players.
>>677 Generic Goalhorn:[Embed] when hitler scores:[Embed] When integralist-chan scores:[Embed] When mussolini scores:[Embed] Gold:hitler Silver:mussolini Bronze:mosley, codreanu
>>720 this >>496 goal horn is better
We won lads
It was fun. Many laffs were had.
Good job, guys
I see that some teams have some custom player models. I wonder how these are made.
>>1673 It's supposedly easy, there's a bunch of tutorial in this board and on the wiki.
>>1674 I will have to look around, thanks
>>496 For the future we should try to work in Yukio Mishima, Brenton Tarrant, William Luther Pierce and Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya