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Yeah we'll join in on this again.
Just use our assets from last time we were in, thanks
I'll look and see if its possible to get some custom three dee models (I have little idea how this would work for example, i.e. would it be possible to import MMD model shit for example?) but otherwise things can be assumed as prior defaults.
I checked the wiki and everything seems to be correct.

For whatever reason I can't upload a txt file with the team's strategy but here's ours I guess:

/gts/ Strategy Guide

Formation: [link to image]

Attacking Instructions
        Attacking Styles:	Counter Attack
        Build Up:		Short Pass
        Attacking Area: 	Center
        Positioning: 		Flexible
        Support Range:		???? Nothing on the goddamn wiki about it, probably moderate range though
Defensive Instructions
        Defensive Styles: 	All-Out Defence
        Containment 		Middle
        Pressuring: 		Aggressive
        Defensive Line: 	Moderate
        Compactness:		Moderate
Advanced Instructions:
        Attack 1: 	Attacking Fullbacks	
        Attack 2: 	Centring Targets	
        Defence 1: 	Swarm the Box	
        Defence 2: 	Gegenpress
Replies: >>2024 >>2036
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Also if you need pictures for the players/roster, I can provide them, since question marks just aren't as fun to see.
Replies: >>2024 >>2027
>>2019 (OP) 
>would it be possible to import MMD model shit for example?
That's an option for 3D models. They need to be rigged to fit the player skeletons in PES but they work. 
>Also if you need pictures for the players/roster...
Go for it.
What are the icon dimensions? I can help cobble some together.
Replies: >>2028 >>2029
Here's the link to the wiki 
I have no idea if that's where to upload, or to just upload here or something
I think you can make them any size.
Here's /lego/, for example:
>I have no idea if that's where to upload
There's an Upload page on the left sidebar to upload an image to the wiki, then you edit the Roster page to ads those uploaded files in (see the /lego/ roster page source for easy reference). Let me know if you need a hand.
>>2019 (OP) 
glad to see you guys
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