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Shit to come when the next cup is announced but here's our logo and /a/ best give Dio to us
Replies: >>1555 >>1578 >>1917
>>1554 (OP) 
Where is your board located?
Replies: >>1566
and yes I am aware that I literally just created the board, but I wanted to see a JoJo board somewhere and I figure that if anyone would join it then as shameless as it sounds then I might as well shill it through here
Would of hosted it on the webring except it's seems like none of the webring sites let you make your own board
Replies: >>1581
>>1554 (OP) 
Gotta be on the level with you friend
I like the idea but shouldn't you try and get some people involved first before creating a new team for a board with no population?
You could theoretically go to the Jojo threads on the various /v/s and gather support there, you could also try and find the 7SU2 and Anon's Bizarre Adventure guys and get them on board.
Anyhow, I'd like to see you in, just give me a better reason to add you guys.
You could probably convince to give you a board on this site.
Replies: >>1592
Actually, endchan boards are okay to join.
We had a /jojo/ board on 8kun too if they feel like reusing their content. In addition, zzzchan is always up.
>>1554 (OP) 
Just to clarify, are you guys still interested?
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