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Post OC and edits you may make of cups, former, current and future.
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Be the change you wish to see in the world.
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You will lose.
Replies: >>4190
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Could we have both this picture, and the one I posted as banners?
Also this looks neat but can you resize it to fit?
Replies: >>4251
what res
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One thing that we keep on lacking is some good color commentators and analyzers. If you think you've got the guts to be one (or know someone who may be into it), please report it here.
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Good question. These are the people who have expressed interest from memory:
>Pope Grassstains the Divin' I
>Ch 5
(I'm assuming SKF will be too busy, but they're more than welcome)

This may seem like a lot, until you realize these are people scattered around the world who could have something more important come up at any moment, and then you realize half of us can't pronounce half the names, let alone make relevant jokes i told u about the roster pages!
Replies: >>4171 >>4234
Rooting for more commentators, if not too late!
The famous Mike Oxmells from I.C.U.P.?
Ziegels secretary here
Big Z would prob have time on sunday. Any way to communicate to make some semi knowledgeable tactics commentary possible?
Replies: >>4241
Now I want an imageboard secretary.
The standard for commentary is just direct-messaging the host on gameday and joining a voice chat, but even if voice can't be done there is nothing wrong with posting insightful commentary in chat. (Does that answer the question?)

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Just a heads up! We want in on the cup, but we're probably going to change the formation again (and no, this time we aren't doing anything too autistic like last cup). We in?
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Are you a pasta boi?
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As requested by the admin, here's the missing trading cards. Note that Harrycotter won't be playing so that's why it's a low effort as possible.
Ciao baby, how big can the icons be?
Replies: >>4224
The player portrait icons? I think I already made some from those cards, but if you want to change them , 128x128
Replies: >>4227
Thanks I'll keep you updated

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I think it would really make the matches stand out more from the older Infinity Cup if we somehow managed to recreate some 3D players, at least for the medals of the mainline teams that don't really have them, like /christian/ or /co/. To that end, I was wondering if anyone knew or had the time to look up and monitor which players have already had a customized model or face. I say this as we could very easily solve many more "generic" names by using pre-existing assets.
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I'm working on Todd now, is it just my computer or does this face have grey hair like picrel?
after literally days of messing with shader and .model combinations, I've just realized I can fix it by editing the hair_col_parts image to remove the greyness.
Replies: >>4058 >>4059
Are you saying you tried editing the hair .model file, or not?
If you didn't edit it and only touched the image files, that would be super weird.>>4057
Replies: >>4060
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I've made my bob page to work, so don't dabble on that one
>does this face have grey hair like picrel?
odd. must be some .dds artifact
it looks similar enough on my end
Replies: >>4061
I only edited the hair textures, then imported the 3d head+hair files to see if the textures matched and then re-exported the head with the fixed position for the texutre
I'm not touching this shit again until I know how to make 3d models swear on me mum
Replies: >>4061
That's ok, I'll just make sure to fix it then.

Editing their existing models like hair is tough stuff, you should have seen how screwed up the Emperor Norton model is. I ended up just painting half of the hair on.
I'd just try the full body tutorial then something like this >>3629 to get the hang of full body modelling and the animation rigging.

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FINALLY, without further ado it's time to OFFICIALLY announce the GCUP, an exhibition tournament to crown a champion among the webring's national representatives! Format currently TBA, it will be either bracket style (Single or Double Elim) or a Group Stage tournament. Whichever one we go with mostly depends on the total # of teams involved. As previously mentioned, we'll also be hosting friendlies for teams not in the GCUP. These games will either be by the ICUP book, or "enhanced" with a random, meme ruleset. First matchday is tentatively February 13th. I was considering end of January, but with the holidays coming up, it's likely no serious progress will be  made on very many fronts, so we'll kick things into gear come January and be ready for February. Matchdays will consist of some amount of exhibition games and then a number of GCUP matches after that. 

To enter your team officially, please post in the thread with your board and its site, and indicate what you want to enter for. If you'll be a GCUP team, please let me know what nation you'll be representing. If you've started work already, either on this board, or on your home board, please include links to the work in your post, otherwise, just let me know where it will be posted. The team must be created in accordance to ICUP rules. Lastly, if you're willing to take the charge for your given board, please send me an email (SKF at cock dot li) so I have a direct line to you. I still aim to avoid namefaggotry as much a
Last edited by SKF
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124 replies and 32 files omitted. View the full thread
stop bullying otters
Replies: >>2384
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no u!
Replies: >>2385
the manlet massacre never happened
No sense in keeping this as a sticky no more.
Wow I sure am excited for this to start!

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Yes, we are doing it.

Formation 4-2-2-2

GK Emir Abdelkader
LB Imam Malik
CB Imam Hanbal
CB Imam Shafi'i
RB Imam Abu Hanifa
DMF Nur ad-Din Zengi
DMF Saif ad-Din Qutuz 
AMF Mehmed the Conqueror (b)
AMF Suleiman the Magnificent (b)
CF Tariq Ibn Ziyad (s)
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Honestly I should you make a template with the same dimensions as PES to remove ambiguity, many tools have different dimension pitches (fun fact: IIRC the 'laws of the game' don't specify exact field dimensions, only a range)
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alright, that works too
Replies: >>3917
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If we are going with Ghurabaa2 then I would prefer this version (from 1:11), as it fits in the 40 seconds as well.
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With names of course
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I see we can use specific themes for each player too.

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A thread for disorganizing our team for the 2020 cup.
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Alright, you win. We'll choose some good music.

This masterpiece of an album received an initial critical reception of 0/10. :^)
Replies: >>2376
A 0/10 from Vox is the utmost of compliments though.
Is the /eris/ manager still around here?
Replies: >>3134
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>play a match with /eris/
Good job guys

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GK - Hope Solo
LB - Wadina
CB - Chinky Racoon
CB - ???
RB - Dave Roberts
CMF - Mahomes
CMF - Ghost
LMF - Wade Davis (Cubs Wade)
RMF- Spartman
CF - Mayor of Memetown aka mil kaki
CF - Goatbro

Subs can be whatever was on the wiki
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Replies: >>3065 + 2 earlier
I made a basic version of this team and played eight games with them against two opponents. Naturally, this team is highly capable of scoring and highly capable of being scored against; the average game had 6 goals total and all had 3 or greater, no team was ever goalless. Total for-and-against was 23-25 (relatively even).
Very entertaining, we need teams like this.
>>565 (OP) 
/sp/artans wants back in
Replies: >>3070
In response to this, I have NOT changed /sp/. The team is valid.
Replies: >>3469
thank you for your hard work

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Formation: 5 - 2 -3

LB - Art Beggar
CB - Richard Williams (Bronze)
CB - Loo Miss (Silver)
CB - References (Bronze)
RB - Feel the Pose
CMF - Art Goblin
CMF - Paid in exposure
LWF - Suspiciously Wealthy Furry
CF - Andrew Loomis (Gold) (Captain)
RWF - Wacom Tablet
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Team Strategy for /loomis/:
On offense, Possession Game + Short Pass + Wide Attacking Area + Maintain Formation + Support Range = 6
On defence, All-Out Defence, Wide Containment Area, Aggressive Pressuing
Defensive Line = 1, Compactness = 3
Advanced Instructions:
Attacking: Attacking Fullbacks
Attacking: False No. 9
Defending: Tight Marking
Defending: Deep Defensive Line
As for cards/players:

LB - Art Beggar | COM Long Ball Expert | Low Lofted Pass
CB - Richard Williams (Bronze) | Fighting Spirit | Outside Curler | Long Throw
CB - Loo Miss (Silver) | Heading | Man Marking | Acrobatic Clear | One Touch Pass
CB - References (Bronze) | Fighting Spirit | Heading | Man Marking
RB - Feel the Pose | Heel Trick | Low Lofted Pass
CMF - Art Goblin | Fighting Spirit | Outside Curler
CMF - Paid in exposure | Classic No.10 | Fighting Spirit | Track Back
LWF - Suspiciously Wealthy Furry | Creative Playmaker | First Time Shot | Low Punt Trajectory
CF - Andrew Loomis (Gold) (Captain) | Captaincy | Fox in the Box | First Time Shot | Acrobatic Finishing | Outside Curler | Long Range Drive | Heading | Malicia
RWF - Wacom Tablet | Prolific Winger | Long Throw | Outside Curler

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Replies: >>3449
Should we link this to both the and bunkers?
Replies: >>1902
I don't see why not, we're one big drawing family.
This has been verified.
Note: Low Punt Trajectory is for goalkeepers (was renamed in later versions to GK Low Punt), so I would advise replacing those two. I've left them as Low Lofted Pass for now.

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Hello!!  We know it's so late, but we will join. Any help would be appreciated.
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Replies: >>3391 + 2 earlier
Super Librejp Link
False No. 9
Deep Defensive Line

Thank you!
>>666 (OP) 
Do you think the Japs will join us this year as well?
Replies: >>3392
I don't know, the last time I checked someone said that he confirmed the invitation but he was waiting for other Tochiakis to also confirm it.
They seem unwilling to do it.
Don't get your hopes up.

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