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We'd like back in, fellas!
Same roster and strats as the last cup unless further notified.
Replies: >>1739 >>1879
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We're pledging a Zocchihedron as our ball!
>>1667 (OP) 
Chrow gave us a blessing to discuss it on /tg/'s meta thread.
>>1667 (OP) 
Do we need to update the kits?
Replies: >>1885
If you so choose to. Remember the minimum is 3.

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Temporary thread for /fast/'s Infinity Cup pledge, more info to come.
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Replies: >>1872 + 2 earlier
>>1764 (OP) 
Very nice.
On that note, would it be possible to use 3D models from the various games, at least for the medal players? I don't really care if it's just the heads and the skin color, I'd love to see the actual characters in.
Replies: >>1875 >>1878
Check out the /lego/ thread as it's pretty informative
Replies: >>1881
If you have download links to the models, we can try to add them using Blender.
Replies: >>1880 >>1881
I don't have them on hand but I know where to find most of them, please even if it's just the heads over PES models.

There's also this monstrosity, please do not even attempt to add it, I'm just adding it because I'm scarred for life and so sho
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Replies: >>1881
Also, we wanted to incorporate some elements from a 3D world from the available 3d models for our custom field. Even if it's just a straight rip of the 3D model with the football pitch imposed over it, it'd still be cool.

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Going by what said, we'd like to book a spot for the next cup or any of the following friendlies.
For the time being we could use the same export as the Gamergate prime team, but maybe we could touch up the logo to look like the Gamergatehq one?
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Replies: >>1522 >>1733 >>1871
>>1512 (OP) 
Anyone got some 3d models?
>>1512 (OP) 
I had these ideas for cards, assuming the formation stays the same as previous years:
88 	Pos-GK.png 	Uncle /pol/
99 	Pos-LB.png 	Anime Avatars
10 	Pos-CB.png 	Ten Bux
5 	Pos-CB.png 	Danielle BRONZE
8 	Pos-RB.png 	Full McIntosh
69 	Pos-DMF.png 	Rape Colors
29 	Pos-CMF.png 	29 YEARS
3 	Pos-CMF.png 	Gilda Mars BRONZE
4 	Pos-AMF.png 	Freya SILVER
7 	Pos-CF.png 	Sockpuppets 
2 	Pos-SS.png 	Vivian James (Captain) GOLD
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Replies: >>1734
Also, for team strategies:
Possession Game
Maintain Formation
Support at 6

Frontline Pressure
Defensive Line at 7
Compactness at 4
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we're using the first logo anyhow, the one for f
gghq since we also have a board there
>>1512 (OP) 
Can't wait for this to get back in

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Tell me more about it, Anons. Considering implementing it on my imageboard.
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Replies: >>1753
no one banned you?
Replies: >>1749
Nope, the site uses an external blocklist 
( that includes many things like VPNs/proxies/TOR nodes that some anons use for extra privacy. I understand some people abuse proxies for shitposting but it's pretty rare and requires a motive.
Will disable for the time being.
>>1741 (OP) 
I suggest you check out to get a better explanation of how the plugin works, basically it just lists friendly imageboards all together.
Update: admin has disabled the feature that cause this. Snide remark retracted.

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Sup matey's 
We're still deciding on the final details (Medals and Positions) as well as uniform but this is what we've done so far
The main team is
 Possum, Weber (GK), Cruisey, Costa, Tony Abbott,10k, Shire, NEETKing, Monaro, Shitey and Whore
And the Bench is Wandjina, Nuro, NoFun, The Pasito Can, SoyFreeNEET, Gook Night, ethanolstate NOW, Anus Spied NEET (GK), and Anthony Mundine
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>>395 is the current gen
I'll keep both in the game and re-name them, it's not like we're going to have enough teams come in to completely overwrite every unused stadium
Replies: >>402
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In Solidarity with Nuro coming out as a bisexual bicycle we have decided to add Black Blends Matter to our kit
Based and SA pilled

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