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Temporary thread for /fast/'s Infinity Cup pledge, more info to come.
Replies: >>1864 >>1870 >>1872
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>>1764 (OP) 
88 	Pos-GK.png 	Original the Character Coldsteel
4 	Pos-LB.png 	Big Fat Bat Tats
12 	Pos-CB.png 	CREAM the rabbit
15 	Pos-RB.png 	Amy a cute
72 	Pos-DMF.png 	Axe the Artist
19 	Pos-CMF.png 	Bump the Deer
6 	Pos-CMF.png 	Sage the Sloth
10 	Pos-AMF.png 	Dr. Ivo Robotnik
74 	Pos-LWF.png 	Tails Gets Trolled
1 	Pos-CF.png 	Sonic The Hedgehog (Captain)
11 	Pos-RWF.png 	&knuckles
99 	Pos-GK.png 	Ken Penders
2 	Pos-LB.png 	chao autism
33 	Pos-CB.png 	SRB2
34 	Pos-CB.png 	OW THE EDGE
42 	Pos-RB.png 	420 Blaze it
91 	Pos-DMF.png 	Sonic Retro
25 	Pos-CMF.png 	Sonic Scholar
69 	Pos-CMF.png 	Sonic Inflation Adventure
9 	Pos-CMF.png 	Metal Sonic
7 	Pos-AMF.png 	E.G.G.M.A.N.
2 	Pos-LWF.png 	Paki MCDonald
5 	Pos-CF.png 	Michael Jackson

Formation: 3-1-2-1-3 (Diamond 3-4-3)
Replies: >>1865
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Subsitution Rules
All players at the beginning of a match should be those with the highest mood stat (except for Medal players who play regardless unless their mood is ↓ and one of the subs for their position is );
Non-medal players can be exchanged for whatever other sub non-medal player has the highest mood, i.e. going from 3-4-3 to 4-1-4 if players have a high enough mood;
If we're winning by the second half by whatever margin, AND our bench has extra players in one of the following positions (CB,DMF,CMF) and with a good/great mood (↗/↑), then by the time the first substitutions come up (at about 65') sub whatever non-medal player is at its weakest. i.e. going from a 3-4-3 to a 4-3-3 if the new CB is at its max mood and one of the midfielders has exhausted their energy.
Conversely, if we're losing by the second half by whatever margin, AND our bench has extra players in one of the following positions (CMF,AMF,CF) and with a good/great mood (↗/↑), then by the time the first substitutions come up (at about 65') sub whatever non-medal player is at its weakest. i.e. going from 3-4-3 to 3-3-4 if one of the CMF/DMFs is low on energy and the new CF is at its max mood.

pic related is our gk kit
Replies: >>1866
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This is our revamped logo
Attacking Styles = Counter Attack
Build Up = Short-Pass
Attacking Area = Center
Positioning = Flexible
Support Range = 7
Defensive Styles = All-Out Defence
Containment Area = Middle
Pressuring = Conservative
Defensive Line = 4
Compactness = 7

Advanced Instructions
Centring Targets
Tight Marking
Deep Defensive Line
Replies: >>1867
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pic related is our first kit (second coming up shortly)

Player Cards and Playing Styles:
Each player except for Dr. Ivo Robotnik and EGGMAN has Fighting Spirit
Dr. Ivo Robotnik and EGGMAN have Malicia

Other than that:
gk Original the Character Coldsteel
 lb Big Fat Bat Tats - Flip Flap
 cb CREAM the rabbit - [Extra Frontman] - Cut Behind Turn
 rb Amy a cute - Rabona
 dmf Axe the Artist - Rabona
 cmf Bump the Deer - Marseille Turn
 cmf Sage the Sloth - Scotch Move
 amf Dr. Ivo Robotnik (TAoStH) bronze - Sombrero, Low Lofted Pass
lwf Tails Gets Trolled bronze [Prolific Winger] - Sombrero, Cut Behind Turn, Scissors Feint
cf Sonic The Hedgehog gold captain {Captaincy} {Speeding Bullet} - Cut Behind Turn, Rabona, Acrobatic Finish, Heel Trick
rwf &Knuckles silver - Knuckle Shot, Scissors Feint, Cut Behind Turn

gk Ken Penders 
lb chao autism - Flip Flap 
cb SRB2  - Marseille Turn
cb OW THE EDGE - Cut Behind Turn
rb  420 Blaze it  - Rabona
dmf Sonic Retro - Marseille Turn
cmf Sonic Scholar [Box-to-Box] - Flip Flap
cmf Sonic Inflation Adventure [Box-to-Box] - Scissors Feint
cmf Metal Sonic - Flip Flap
amf E.G.G.M.A.N. - Rabona 
lwf Paki MCDonald - Super Sub
cf Michael Jackson - Super Sub
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>>1764 (OP) 
And finally here's our second kits! More info on the wiki.
Please add us, SKF.
Replies: >>1872
>>1764 (OP) 
Very nice.
On that note, would it be possible to use 3D models from the various games, at least for the medal players? I don't really care if it's just the heads and the skin color, I'd love to see the actual characters in.
Replies: >>1875 >>1878
Check out the /lego/ thread as it's pretty informative
Replies: >>1881
If you have download links to the models, we can try to add them using Blender.
Replies: >>1880 >>1881
I don't have them on hand but I know where to find most of them, please even if it's just the heads over PES models.

There's also this monstrosity, please do not even attempt to add it, I'm just adding it because I'm scarred for life and so should you
Replies: >>1881
Also, we wanted to incorporate some elements from a 3D world from the available 3d models for our custom field. Even if it's just a straight rip of the 3D model with the football pitch imposed over it, it'd still be cool.
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