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FINALLY, without further ado it's time to OFFICIALLY announce the GCUP, an exhibition tournament to crown a champion among the webring's national representatives! Format currently TBA, it will be either bracket style (Single or Double Elim) or a Group Stage tournament. Whichever one we go with mostly depends on the total # of teams involved. As previously mentioned, we'll also be hosting friendlies for teams not in the GCUP. These games will either be by the ICUP book, or "enhanced" with a random, meme ruleset. First matchday is tentatively February 13th. I was considering end of January, but with the holidays coming up, it's likely no serious progress will be  made on very many fronts, so we'll kick things into gear come January and be ready for February. Matchdays will consist of some amount of exhibition games and then a number of GCUP matches after that. 

To enter your team officially, please post in the thread with your board and its site, and indicate what you want to enter for. If you'll be a GCUP team, please let me know what nation you'll be representing. If you've started work already, either on this board, or on your home board, please include links to the work in your post, otherwise, just let me know where it will be posted. The team must be created in accordance to ICUP rules. Lastly, if you're willing to take the charge for your given board, please send me an email (SKF at cock dot li) so I have a direct line to you. I still aim to avoid namefaggotry as much as possible, but this is a necessary evil to keep communication neat and orderly. If you wish to enter a team for the friendlies, same thing, please provide a link to the posts/thread where your work is. Please also request your match preference (ICUP rules or meme rules) and, if you wish, a potential opponent. Depending on how long the GCUP festivities run though, we may not be able to accomodate all requests, so bear that in mind. Meme rulesets used for these friendlies will be determined at a date closer to the start of the event, so to keep expectations clear: To enter a team for a meme friendly I will need only team name, logo, 3 kits, anthems, player names, and their default positions. Strategies will not be needed, but any additional submissions (game balls, player models, stadiums, etc) are accepted. If you're a pre-existing team I can just take your team from ICUP6 and adjust it accordingly. I had been planning for a streamlined method of submitting teams, but it's not ready yet. Hopefully this will be the last Cup we go with this scattershot method of submitting teams and strategies.

I'll likely edit this post to add more info as it comes up but for now this is it. I'll be making a couple of tracking posts underneath this one for quick topic reference.
Last edited by SKF
The following teams will officially be competing for the GCUP 

/lego/ - Representing Denmark
/ita/ - Representing Italy
/islam/ - Representing the Ummah of Muslims
/eris/ - Representing Greece. No Poland. Definitely Greece(?)
/otter/ - Representing Scotland
/fscchan/ - Representing Indonesia
/ausneets/ - Representing Australia Native Land
/japan/ - Representing... Canada...?
/inch/ - Representing India
/argentina/ - Representing Argentina
/britfeel/ - Representing Great Britain
/dup/ - Representing the United States
Last edited by SKF
Replies: >>2111 >>2137
The following teams are officially entered into the GCUP friendlies:

Last edited by SKF
Replies: >>2095 >>2137
As has been brought up previously, we are also looking to expand our commentary booth for this Cup. As of now, myself and Oxford are the only two who can/have hosted the matches, while we've had others who have joined in for banter/commentary. The deficit is obviously in the commentators of the former variety, so if you can/are willing, we'd love to give you a test run. What you'll need to be a main commentator is as follows:

>A computer that can handle streaming
>A mic of decent quality (Bare minimum: $2 chinese mic from that one mall nearby that openly sells all the bootleg shit but never gets shut down, AKA the ICUP5 Special.)
>Two controllers (or one controller and a keyboard splitter)
>Strength to resist the urge to riggy-diggy
>Willingness to sit in one spot for 4+ hours, while queuing up music and autistically simulating divegrass
>Jitsi Meet
>A voice that isn't grating
>Functioning vision, enough to see what's going on on-screen and talk about it. 

And that's about it. If you just want to sit in the booth and verbally shitpost, you obviously won't need anything other than the last three. We're also looking for ways to improve our current standard of streaming. As of now, screen sharing via Jitsi gives the other commentators a crisp 1.25 frames per second view of the match as it happens. We haven't tried the rigcam set up just yet (i.e. pointing a webcam at the screen like a bunch of savages) but if you have any other ideas we'd love to hear them. Suggest Skype or Discord and I will fucking take you out by the ankles I'll be hosting a couple of private streams (Dates TBD) for aspiring commentators to see how you handle streaming a game. If you're interested, drop an email my way (SKF at cock dot li).
Replies: >>2205
There are other ways to contribute to the Cup. OC is always accepted. We're also still looking for anons who are experienced in the ways of Blender to either create or steal rig up pre-existing models to the PES skeletons. PES also has room for custom game balls and stadiums, which are also handled by Blender. Tutorials exist for creating player models, stadiums, and balls thanks to the 4ddit Cup and the work of others. Anons have also created wipes (screen transitions) for use in-game, one anon purported to be working on music to be used as a Cup theme, there's really no limit if you want to contribute.
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/monster/ ITS OUR TIME
Replies: >>2068
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I would like to see /lego/ back in, but the board's dead. Does that mean /lego/ can't be entered?

There's an anon doing some amazing blender work, I'm going to get some textures ready so hopefully every player has their own unique model.
Replies: >>2066
Nope, still good to join! I'll file you guys in for representing Denmark
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/otter/ wants in. We represent otters
Friendly team obvs
Replies: >>2070 >>2083
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Actually if you're short on "official" teams, we can represent Scotland. Just let us know.
Replies: >>2083 >>2167
>>2059 (OP) 
/ita/ here put us in the tourney pappy
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Put /islam/ in, representing the Ummah of the Muslims
Replies: >>2161
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We are excited to confirm that /ερις/ will be representing Greece in the GCUP Competition.
Or maybe it was Poland... it's hard to know who we represent nowadays.
>>2059 (OP) 
/lang/ here, put us in
>>2059 (OP) 
>random, meme ruleset
Do they still have bighead modes?
Other than that, are those Indiachan and Indonesianons going to participate in some way?
Replies: >>2080
>>2059 (OP) 
With the addition of to the webring, does it mean that all boards created under it count towards Infinity Cup eligibility tickets?
Replies: >>2080
Bighead mode might have been a >FIFA only thing. I would assume it possible in PES with some model fuckery though. Also, I'm letting in the indians and indonesians because this is a meme tournament. ICUP is still gonna stay within our usual circle. 
8ch/co/ and /v/ were both involved in ICUP6.
Replies: >>2081
What about /ck/?
Replies: >>2082
They can be in, I was just pointing out that 8moe boards have already been involved in prior Cups.
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Hey, we decided we want in the proper game after all, so if you could us in the otticial teams, that'd be just great.
Replies: >>2092
Please do add /pol/,
let our strong soles
kick far the ball
into the goal.
Replies: >>2086
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Poetry is everywhere,
and thus to enter a team
we must be friendly, and care
(about fun!)
Our ruleset shall be a meme.
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>>2059 (OP) 
put /fscchan/ in for representing indonesia
Replies: >>2093
Replies: >>2094
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>/monster/ vs /otter/
>/lang/ vs /pol/
We got some good stuff here already
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I'm down for joining, but I believe I need to do some redos on the players
Replies: >>2097 >>2100
I have some time, so when decided can you please bump your thread with requests and I'll see what I can do.

Also, I sent an email to SFK a while ago re: modelling. Was it received or was cockmail broken (yet again)?
Replies: >>2100 >>2102
>>2059 (OP) 
/hyper/ here, can we join?
Replies: >>2100
If another national board that wasn't on the webring or that is on 8chan tried to join, would you allow it?
Replies: >>2100
Yes, we're letting in non-webring boards for this as it's an exhibition Cup. 
>Was it received or was cockmail broken (yet again)
Take a guess. Just try sending me another email. 
Yer in
Replies: >>2102
/cuckquean/ would like to join as well.
I tried replying. 
>Sender address rejected: gtfo
Ah god I love email.
Replies: >>2103
try then, I'm guessing the problem last time was that I sent to
Replies: >>2104
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Everybody say thank you to /kind/ for the Christmas edit 
Seems to have gone through this time.
Replies: >>2108 >>2110
>>2059 (OP) 
oy cunts
add /ausneets/
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Even if we don't end up winning, we're still the only ones who managed to enter the tournament twice.
Is /kind/ joining now?
Replies: >>2112 >>2113
so how many are still needed for a proper start? we have 7 now, if we count /inch/ in that's 8, is that (theoretically) enough?
Replies: >>2112 >>2132
8 is enough to consider it a-go. I'll adjust things as more enter, but 8 is a good minimum. /argentina/ wanted back in again too right?
I'll count it, sure.
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Yes, /kind/ is joining now.  We will try to make it more competitive this time.
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/japan/ wants in, representing Canada. Our beloved reporter can commentate too.
When's the deadline for the national teams to confirm their participation?
Replies: >>2133
I'll say January 16th as the deadline for the GCup and February 1 for friendlies.
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>>2059 (OP) 
/fast/ here, put us in bro
Is /otter/ joining as a national team or a friendly team? I'm a bit confused.
Replies: >>2138 >>2139
Replies: >>2139
They signed up for a friendly but submitted as a national team to even up numbers. We'll see if that was necessary as we approach the deadline.
Hello I am from indiachan we would like to participate thank you
Replies: >>2143
Yer' in lad.
>>2059 (OP) 
Is /britfeel/ not joining? I thought they were good to go.
Replies: >>2146
Haven't heard from em since. If they're still good, I'll let them in.
>>2059 (OP) 
Lad, /ita/ here
We changed our formation somewhat, just wanted to give you a heads up, details on our own thread
>>2059 (OP) 
/dup/ here
Let's go for one last btfo
Replies: >>2160
shove your pedophile site owner up your ass
can you put /christian/ representing christendom?
Alright, so we are at 13 teams for the GCUP, which is an odd number. There's a couple of solutions to this, but I'm open to any idea I may not have thought of. Straightforward solutions include dropping /otter/ as a national team (they were a "just in case" national team, as per >>2070) or adding another board/country. There's also the possibility of me just running things with an odd number of teams as well.
Well, you could just add those who didn't answer the call to get it up to 16 or just let some of the GCUP Friendlies in the cup itself.
Maybe /lang/ could be #14? Or maybe we could invite more national boards from 8chan/8kun?
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we'd rather stay in, but if there's no otter way then drop us
Add /librejp/ if they aren't in yet.
Replies: >>2175
They weren't interested in participating. They want to wait for the ICUP later in the year.
/christian/ here, if it comes to it we could just play friendlies 
we'll get /islam/ in the summer
/britfeel/ want in, I think
Hey /icup/, an update after some radio silence. The current condition of shit has tried to grind me down something fierce, but I'm not letting it get in the way. With /christian/'s voluntary recusal from the GCUP proper, we have 12 teams set to compete for the GCUP. As for the friendlies, the move by /christian/ gives us at least 10 willing participants, with a few more I'm waiting on for confirmation. I've decided to move entirely to joke/meme friendlies, since there wasn't interest in ones played under ICUP rules. We'll be determining the draw for the tournament before the end of this week. Since we have 12 teams, I've decided to move forward with 4 groups of 3 teams, with the top team in each advancing to the Knockout Bracket. This guarantees each team at least two games, and keeps the main tournament at a brief 16 games. We'll be padding the days out with the friendlies whose gimmicks will be determined at the same time as the GCUP draw. I doubt I'll be streaming it live, but I will at least record and post it on the match archive as soon as it's ready. Stay tuned!
Replies: >>2258 >>2263
Have you guys tried Tox? A couple of their clients have a screen-sharing option
Replies: >>2215
We'll be doing some testing this weekend. We'll see if it works any better.
Have we discussed who's going to host the tournament? /lang/ seems to be the obvious choice to me.
Replies: >>2233 >>2241
I also want to know if it'll be played at the same time as the previous cup.
Replies: >>2241
Was thinking neutral site/no official host sort of situation, though I see the appeal of giving it to /lang/. As for times, I'm still on the same schedule as I was during the last Cup, so the games will be at the same times.
Replies: >>2242
>Was thinking neutral site/no official host sort of situation
May I suggest to host the tournament at the Atlantic Accelerator?
couldn't it be the top 2 teams?
Replies: >>2259
That would punt any friendlies on the final day. It would mean 8 knockout matches on Sunday the 21st. It's doable honestly.
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The groups have been drawn and are as follows:

>/otter/, /inch/, /ita/
>/eris/, /fscchan/, /japan/
>/argentina/, /britfeel/, /lego/
>/ausneets/, /dup/, islam/

That means the first matchday will have two friendlies (to be revealed tomorrow) followed by /otter/ vs. /inch/, /eris/ vs. /fscchan/, /argentina/ vs. /britfeel/, and /ausneets/ vs. /dup/. The proper schedule will be up on the wiki tomorrow, but again the times will be the same structure as the ICUP (Afternoon/Late Afternoon on the East Coast)
Last edited by SKF
Replies: >>2263 >>2270

Oh there's not gonna be a livestream?
Replies: >>2271
Can you please officially yell at teams to make/fill the roster pages? Especially with non-English teams who we have little chance of pronouncing correctly, let alone providing relevant commentary.
Replies: >>2269
/islam/ here, God willing it'll be done this week.
Replies: >>2275
Protip: When announcing the times to each board, can you link to an event announcer? I use this one:

It makes a link like this, which shows the times around the world and also (if JS is enabled) the date-time in your local timezone:
Replies: >>2271
I meant the draw wouldn't be streamed. It wasn't tied to a bunch of exhibition matches like it was for ICUP 6 so I didn't see a point. I have a recording of the draw, and Oxford as a witness though, so everything was indeed above board.
Consider it done.
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The GCUP Friendlies are set! Teams and gimmicks were drawn at random. Friendlies will be played two per matchday, before the day's Group Stage matches. Times for the matches are as follows:

/fast/ vs. /tg/ -
/christian/ vs. /ck/ -
/hyper/ vs. /monster/ -
/cuckquean/ vs. /art/ -
/otter/ vs. /kind/ -
/pol/ vs. /lang/ -
Replies: >>2273
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>'Divegrass is Alright' Match
Roster is up
/fast/ 0 - 3 /tg/ 
/christian/ 0(5) - 0(4) /ck/
/otter/ 4 - 1 /inch/ 
/eris/ 2 - 0 /fscchan/ 
/argentina/ 1 - 1 /britfeel/
/ausneets/ 1 - 2 /dup/

See you tomorrow, same time same place
Anyone been able to watch the replays? Keeps throwing me a "The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported." on bitwave
Replies: >>2280 >>2281
I've been getting the same with all channel replays on there, even from five days ago. I think bitwave replays are broken.
Replies: >>2281
Here's yesterday replay
Replies: >>2282 >>2348
Thanks doc
/hyper/ 0 - 1 /monster/ 
/cuckquean/ 1 - 3 /art/
/inch/ 2 - 2 /ita/ 
/fscchan/ 4 - 1 /japan/ 
/britfeel/ 0 - 0 /lego/
/dup/ 1 - 1 /islam/

Match VOD: 

Working on splitting these into their individual matches.
Replies: >>2290 >>2299 >>2348
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Congrats to /lego/ for fielding the first fully modeled team in the history of the Cup.
Replies: >>2295 >>2313 >>2331
Properly resized this could be one fantastic banner
Btw wasn't the goalie supposed to look different?
Replies: >>2296
Yes, now that I think about it. I think when putting in that default LEGO player I overwrote the Good Guy's model.

indonesia giving japan a payback after all the colonization finally
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romantic moments x siamese twins x autism.
Replies: >>2312
>Emperor Norton enters Gamestop and fucking slaps your Greek God GF's titties, how do you respond?
Fuck it I just added it as is
Replies: >>2320
We'll get a better shot (with the right keeper model) on Saturday when /lego/ play their home game.
Poor Wojtus!
I really got the post number wrong three times in a row.
I'm AFK right now but if we could get Erisian Magazine and 'a strong gust of wind's faces removed and Magazine's model added for the final series, that would be great. (I can add it to the vola in about 1-2 hours, if you didn't get to save it)
lmk if our sub strategy is causing a problem, I can summarize it into the most important ideas or something.
Replies: >>2336
And also make the team abbreviation DIS instead of MON pls
Anyone got the replays for yesterdays' matches?
Replies: >>2339
They'll be up on Neko bar soon. I have to do less cutting up, since I recorded them locally. Only issue I can foresee is the daily upload limit on Peertube.
Congratulations to /dup/ for taking the GCUP! All match videos will be uploaded to . I'm a little throttled by the daily upload limit but I give it about 3 days max to get everything on there. Awards will be tallied shortly and posted both here and on the wiki. Thanks to all who tuned in, and we'll see you for ICUP7
Last edited by SKF
Replies: >>2347
Congratulation to /dup/ from /fscchan/ indobros. Never thought participating in this cup can bring much excitement to us.
hey chief I think you made a mistake with that link, it says "my-library" in it and keeps booting me to the login screen
Replies: >>2349 >>2353
also these two links are unavailable
Replies: >>2349 >>2353
Use this link
Replies: >>2350 >>2356
Based & Clermont Foot pilled
You are correct. When uploading to Peertube, you end up stuck with that "My Videos" shit in your link unless you specifically search out the Share function. It's fixed.
The matchdays those were for are up on NekoBar now.
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Can you hear that the volumes are still unbalanced? I ask for a better DJ next time!!!11
Replies: >>2361
All match videos are up in the playlist on NekoBar: . I'm going to work on wiki polishing, and eventual migration, also actually fixing PES without fucking it up this time. 
I'll see if it's in the budget for ICUP7. I know nothing of audio mixing.
Replies: >>2363
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>/cuckquean/ memed on again for not knowing how long goal horns were supposed to be without being told
Fuckin'... where was the information, then? Didn't find it in the tangle back then, just thought we were doing a favor by pre-cutting things for the hosts.
Replies: >>2367
Ratatoing:[Embed] the bootleg experience for a bootleg film
Replies: >>2367
Yeah, preferred audio lengths most definitely got lost in the shuffle at some point. It's not a big deal at all though, don't worry.
Replies: >>2368
I think it was briefly mentioned in /pol/ v /lang/
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Undeniable goal of the tournament.
Replies: >>2373 >>2377 >>2379
though best goal has to be Feceschan's 360° no scope MLG header
Replies: >>2379
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Oh you sonofabitch
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Here's the 360 goal. I had to compress it a ton to get it under the file limit. If anyone wants the original to rip and work on, the clip here starts at 7:23 of the /otter/ vs /fscchan/ game. But yeah, the goal is ripe for a 2009-era MLG edit.
Replies: >>2380
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Replies: >>2381 >>2382
unbelievably based
I'll make this into a banner later on tonight
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That is a genuine work of art. True beauty.
stop bullying otters
Replies: >>2384
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no u!
Replies: >>2385
the manlet massacre never happened
No sense in keeping this as a sticky no more.
Wow I sure am excited for this to start!
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