/monarchy/ icup, royally late, the kings of football / soccer, here to tyrannize /icup/ & larp, no guillotines allowed
/monarchy/ team: gk Leviathan lb Leopold II of Belgium cb Charles V cb Corgi rb King James I lmf Caligula cmf Grace Chan GOLD CAPTAIN cmf Louis XIV SILVER cmf Charles II of Spain BRONZE rmf Henry VIII BRONZE cf Tsar Nicholas II -------------------------------- gk Hoppesama gk Ramses II lb Emp Peter I lb Tsar Alexander I cb King Edward III cb Prince Charles cb Philip the Fair cb Nero rb Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud rb Bokassa imf Kaiser Wilhelm II cf Victoria II
>>3967 Grace icup model Corgi model Leopold II model
>>3967 This model could be King Edward III
Does our Charles II look like this? I haven't seen him in-game or in a test. Should I provide pictures as references for other players on the team?
Lets go /monarchy/
>>3975 to penalties
>>3973 Yeah that's what he looks like. You can provide pictures, not sure how many I'll be able to make in time.
>>3987 I'll make a priority list, from top to bottom. Top = highest priority, lower = lower priority: 1. Louis XIV 2. Henry VIII 3. Tsar Nicholas II 4. King James I 5. Caligula 6, Charles V
>>3987 Nicholas II
>>3987 James I
>>3989 Caligula
>>3989 Charles V
>>3987 >>3989 Henry VIII & Charles V
Hopefully the Corgi model works. But if there's a problem with the animations, I try and send it to someone to fix.
>>3997 that Hapsburg jaw gives him enhanced header abilities I should imagine
*scores a goal with the Hapsburg chin*
>>3967 RIP Huey
Hopefully we will face /leftypol/ at icup
They are asking for it.
/leftypol/ has a strange love-hate relationship towards us.
My only concern is our "aggressive" tactics. Whether there will be custom or generic tactics. Will tactics win us the game?
>>3967 (possible) Henry VIII model? It isn't a good fit, but best I could find. Someone requested Jan Sobieski III, that person could replace Tsar Alexander I. Will the >>3968 leopold II model work?
>>3968 More custom models I'll consider. But I also look forward to the face models.
Test match
Henry VIII & Leopold II models are optional.
BIG henry should be fatter
A friend of mine worked on an alpha model & was wondering if it could be put on the /monarchy/ team. So I'll post this model here & suggest where on the team it could go. Alpha chan model: My recommendation. It hurts, but I suppose we'll replace Charles V with Alpha and swap Charles V with Nero and kick Nero off the team. This way we'll have room for the alpha model, and Charles V might still get some screen time.
A preview of more /monarchy/ icup art
>>4107 That's a good point, I'll try that out. I believe that player weight (unlike height) is inconsequential to gameplay so I'll pudge him up. Is that face too thin too?
Hyped for /icup/. >>4108 Also, no pressure for this request. It's complicated, but if it was done -- thanks. But if not, that's likewise fine. Who will carry /monarchy/? Who will carry the team? Charles II of Spain? Henry VIII? Louis XIV? Leopold II? The Queen's Corgi? Nicholas II? K. James VI & I? Caligula? Charles V or alpha-chan? Grace-chan?
We'll look into our roster page soon.
I looked at the /monarchy/ wiki page & fixed a few errors I saw. But the roster page I'm not sure how to make.
>>4339 Click Edit for an existing page (try one of the ones listed in the wiki thread as good examples) and copypasta, then edit it all (or leave parts blank: empty is better than false)
>>4339 Here's your roster page It has the names and positions of your players but you can add their numbers, images and a description of each one.
>>4345 Will look into it now.
>>4345 I'll work on numbers and descriptions for now.
Our roster is done.
This will be the final revision for /monarchy/ I promise, I won't do this anymore. Female cover of /monarchy/ anthem When the King Comes Home In Peace Again & an optional male cover. My instructions: The female & male versions are optional. The old anthem >>3178 is also completely optional for being used instead, preferably for home games. This >>4337 old anthem (Vive la race de nos rois). While the revised anthems female & male covers are for away games. Old anthem (Vive la race de nos rois) is ideal for being played as a victory theme, if we win at the end. TL;DR Any of these anthems are fine.
>>4374 Any of these or the old anthem (Vive la race de nos rois) related would be good at /a/ game. I'm going to delete oldposts to remove clutter.
Grace shall be crowned the Queen of /icup/ If this winning streak continues!
>>4440 If she ever needs a throne, you know where to find me.
>>4523 I think I'm beginning to see why there are so many fags open to art comissions /monarchy/ is a boring ass team on the field though. 0-0 plus a goal around the 90' mark. I can't imagine the meltdown once they have to face off against a team with an actual strategy i.e. /a/
>>4524 >/monarchy/ passes >commies left in the dust Mmh delicious copium
>>4534 i simply don't like the team, i give zero shits about your half-assed rivalries >haha consumists didn't make it >implying i'm a gluesniffing tankie
>>3966 (OP) Prince Charles will now be King Charles III At the request of /monarchy/.
>>4601 Will Queen Elizabeth still compete as a Lich Queen?
>>4606 The corgi is on /monarchy/'s team on the Queen's behalf.
Requesting God Save the King to be played at the knockout.
>>4640 So you're still not going to use the perfect /monarchy/ song?[Embed]
>>4643 It's over. We lost the knockout match.
>>4645 See, I told you you should have used that one; you probably would have won then.
>>4645 why does gr@ce look like a tard?
>>4651 Generations of royal inbreeding.
>>4757 >>4758 You may be fucking autistic about your OC, but I'll take it as long as someone here cares about the /icup/ as much as I do.
>>4757 >>4758 I think adding /monarchy/ to the Infinity Cup has been one of the best decisions after the /lego/ wondermatches.
/monarchy/ crown jewels