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/yuri/ slowly and dramatically reporting in!
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OK, here's the current situation. BO and the people who worked on the team previously are currently very busy irl, even if they can still be reached. So I'll be making sure the team has everything it needs to participate and will do my best to support it throughout the tournament. There is not that much enthusiasm back in the board, but that's just what happens when you read so much drama with a hint of depression for years. A guilty pleasure. Personally, I'm a divegrass fan and a /u/ native, and have supported this team's great campaign during the whole last cup. Playing the full amount of possible matches is a nice achievement. Hopefully, some more nee-sans will join in this campaign. But /u/ is a popular team, full of love and carnival, so I'm expecting a lot of support from different anons. Absolutely everyone is welcomed to cheer for pure love!
When the plans for this edition were starting, we were told about the possibilities of reusing old assets, changing some trademarks, and the change of the name to the "new" one. So for all of you not in the know, here's the nature of the board: both 8/u/ and 8/yuri/ agreed to become a single board when coming to the webring. Staff and regulars from both boards are currently together in our home, along some new anons, too. So the names /u/ and /yuri/ can be used interchangeably without any problems at all. It was also unanimously decided that 8kun was to be ditched, so everyone's gathered in smug/yuri while we have a nicely compiled list of bunkers, alternatives, and procedures in case of emergency.
Given all that, my complete inexperience in PES stuff and lack of creative talent at all, and that the team did fairly well last time. I'd like to request the use of all the same assets we used for the previous edition of the cup. I'll be taking care of any minimum adjustment or last minute tweak that could be needed.
Please and thank you!
Replies: >>862 >>863
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Also, if any other supporter is feeling a little curious about what this team is all about, please come and check us out over at
This is a most welcoming board dedicated to the appreciation of cute anime girls and girl's love. We like to take things slowly, but there are always many anons lurking if you have any questions or would just like to chat for a while about the most pure love genre there is.
We're actually starting a new season of anime streaming, too. In about 10 minutes! Come around if you'd like to hang out for a while, we currently have streams scheduled for every Saturday and Sunday. The address is

New manga releases are compiled and posted almost every single day, there is a scanlation team, and threads for every medium in which this beautiful genre shows up. Not to mention plenty of gorgeous & awesome anime girls! Hope to see you around...
Replies: >>863
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Happy to have you guys aboard! We'll keep everything the same for you then. Anons on the board can still contribute to the Cup by making adboards or finding/making 3D models for the players on /yuri/. I'll also try to do one or two streams on the way to the Cup's start, I'm just hoping Ctyube/Twitch figures their shit out in the meantime.
Replies: >>878
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I found a few board relevant models we could use
Cyber Sluts:
Ami Aiba (red haired girl, MMD format)
Shiramine Nokia (MMD format):

Valkyrie Drive:
Mirei Shikishima (MMD):
Mana Inagawa (MMD):
Ranka and Manpakumaru (XPS, BONELESS)
Unfortunately I can't find Rinka and Mamori anywhere, so if the girls I posted do make it in, we'll have to pretend that their GFs are watching in the crowd

Main magical girls (MMD):
There was a an amazing pack that had all of the girls plus Hitomi (pic related) in school girl outfits. We originally wanted to use them on our first icup, but it looks like the download page for them was taken down some time after that
I can't find archives of this pack anywhere either. If some kind anon somehow finds this pack, please make it so that Hitomi is our goal keeper.

Nights of Azure:
Arnice (3ds max format?)
This also appears to have been taken down too, but luckily I actually downloaded this one before that happened.
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A clean copy of our current roster for quicker reference:

19 	GK 	 Okada Self Insert
11 	CB 	 Übermensch
10 	CB 	 Maria-sama
9 	RB 	 Aki Lovely
8 	DMF Tacos, Tacos, Tacosu
23 	CMF  100% Bullying
22 	CMF  RAPE!
32 	AMF  Miko Embrace
20 	SS      Etoile-sama (Captain)
1 	CF      ShizNat

38 	GK 	 Tylenol
21 	LB 	 Kashira, Kashira
24 	CB 	 Gayy Lmao
5 	CB 	 WA HA HA
17 	RB 	 Cocaine Ninja
6 	DMF  But That's Forbidden Love
37 	DMF  Yuritopia!
13 	CMF   Aaeru Ackbar
4 	CMF   Lesbo Fites
2 	CMF   <<Sword>>
To answer the question asked of me via email: I can pass them along to one of the Blenderfags and see if they can rig them up properly.
Replies: >>1014 >>1508
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Please and thank you.
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An interesting fact: our board may be still somewhat small, but it has yet to fail in fulfilling any request.
Feel free to come by any time...
Replies: >>1183
Thanks :D
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>we made it to the knockouts with 2 points.
>worst stats ever to get past the groups stage.
Shameful display aborted, the temp-manager's head is still joined to her neck! Historical achievement, in the comical category.
Whelp, that's all we can say. Next up is figuring out who will rape who in the match against the 2whos. We're definitely not the favs here, but we've saved face already.
Anyways, what I came here to say is that I've seen the models the local blenderfag finished for us. And they look truly awesome!! I can't put in words how thankful I am, really. Thanks a bunch! 
It was said that it was a little hard to figure out what player each model belonged to, and this has been duly noted, our roster is in fact more based on ancient community memes than actual anime lesbians. We are gonna correct that before next cup, as it was the original plan, only difference being that it will probably be done by the manager that takes over after me. So for that end, I humbly request that you keep working on getting those models to work for us, no matter the pace. The ones mentioned, attached, and assigned in the e-mail referred here >>1013 are kinda a priority (that Nokia is lovely, thanks again), but I don't mean to rush anyone. We will still try to find more appropriate models around, the most important one being Hitomi by far, and deliver them to the rigger by e-mail in our way to the next competition.
Sorry for waiting a little long to thank you for this, but that's just kinda how we roll. As a small token of appreciation I thought about leaving you some fav doujin work to enjoy, but then realized that I don't know the first thing about your tastes. So instead I'm leaving you here a small selection of varied thingies, and hoping that you'll like at least some. Please feel free to ask for stuff or make any request if you feel like it. Once again: thanks a lot!
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Whelp, pasaron cosas. We kinda deserved it, but I'm not forgetting that we made it the farthest from all teams in our F (death) group and in the last Cup's top 4. Riggin' attempts aside, you cannot call luck to our thing when the stand-in goalkeeper played 3 of our last 6 games. Imagine if Doom or Ridley played half their matches. Our shape was abysmal, and we were still close, crashing the posts 3 fricking times in the last game. But I ain't complaining, making it there with only 2 points in the group stage is a worthy achievement!
Now a shout-out to our fair champion /fascist/, may this be a sign of the times to come!
Also, let it never be said that we don't know how to lose, this is for /cuckquean/ who were a better team and deserved the win:
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Rezuquesting help! We found a couple more models that we'd like to use for the next tournament, but we need a blenderfag to do the work, PLEASE. As usual, we're probably capable of paying in yuri reqs(?) for such a noble kindness.
I'm leaving what I have of the two models here, honestly have no clue what to do with this, specially the second one.
>PlayStation Vita - Miracle Girls Festival - Chinatsu
#1 is for RAPE! our player number 22. Got this from
#2 is But That's Forbidden Love our player number 6. Got this from
Please & thank you!
Replies: >>3206 >>3457 >>3460
I don't know if blenderfag is around here, but the guys over at /ac/ seem to know a thing or two about it. The hispachan board that is.
Good luck posting anything there, though, the SOBs keep banning me for no reason.
Replies: >>3213 >>3457
>the SOBs keep banning me for no reason.
Really? as far as I know all the foreign IPs are banned except on /ac/ where the american IPs are allowed, so maybe you could try posting with an american VPN (I've donde that in the past and it works just fine to me), otherwise you can just email the administrator to know what's going on.
Replies: >>3255 >>3457
Aah, so that's what it was. I think I used an American proxy.
Replies: >>3457
The /ac/ guys moved a while back to, so if you want to contact them now it's possible to do.
Replies: >>3459
I doubt our blenderfag survived the migration, but you don't lose anything asking.
The first one should be fine.
The second one isn't a model, it's just .png pictures someone made using a model. I can't check pixiv for now, are there any other links on that page?
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Manager here.
Sorry, should've responded ages ago but had a few busy days. Unfortunately, I don't think we can help much besides our participation. My ISP randomly caps my connection for fun, and everyone actually on staff is pretty overloaded already (not like you could tell by the state of our board, but it's true).
>Hopefully this also includes a sub that you’re missing.
What do you mean, we can add one more sub? In that case, it'd be like this
Amigo Tacos SS. Same abilities and all with Etoile, but no "medal" of course.
About forbidden love, there's actually an alternative MMD model available:
We liked the other one much better, but this will do in case you can't figure out koikatsu exports. For those, the actual job is installing the koikatsu version and the expansion pack explicitly mentioned by the artist like in that pixiv post there (MODはHFpatch3.7 in this case, for example) and then recreating the models. After that, the process for exporting them should be found here
Of course, we totally understand if that's too much for a novice blenderfag. I could ask if any of the people back home could give you a hand with the technical parts of it, like the export, but there's no way around that tedious process.
All in all, best wishes of course, but I'm glad I didn't have to ask /ac/ for this. Siendo argentino, sería incómodo.
Replies: >>3567 >>3646
Thanks for the quick response. I've updated your teams to match the image in the comment you linked, with the final player Amigo Tacos added. I'm assuming it's using the same player model that was on former player Tacos, Tacos, Tacosu.
Since they're not a medal player, they can only have two of the player skills (track back, weighted pass, first time shot). Let us know which to remove.
Similarly, the new CF Shamiko needs two cards. CF ShizNat has Long Range Drive, First-time Shot, Weighted Pass and Speeding Bullet.

I don't think I'll be able to do the koikatsu process (there are still a ton of other, easier things that need doing), so it would be best if you can find someone who has koikatsu installed to export them. I should be able to handle it from there.

Does anything happen with Tanoshi and『Sword』models, or are they no longer needed?
''note: DMF『Sword』/ Shikishima had Low Punt Trajectory, a GK-only stat, so I've changed it to Low-Lofted Pass which seems like the intended choice.
Replies: >>3570
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>the same player model that was on former player Tacos, Tacos, Tacosu.
No, that model should remain with Manpukumaru. Amigo Tacos and related are references to El Cazador de la Bruja, webm related, for which we don't have a model yet.
>Let us know which to remove.
track back.
> the new CF Shamiko needs two cards.
First-time Shot.
Speeding Bullet.
I'll ask back home. a few anons have at least SOME experience with it, but I honestly wouldn't expect much.
>Tanoshii, Sword, 100% Bullying, etc.
They should all keep the models they have, even after the name change. We actually had a model of Mirei with an actual sword somewhere, but it's canon bigger than herself so it didn't look very nice.

A new name change:
Übermensch to Tenjou Utena. Been pondering over choosing her or Hiiragi Utena/Magia Baiser, but it's probably better to go with the classic one.
Replies: >>3573 >>3646
Nice, done!
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Thanks for the info. The roster in the wiki is now updated as well. The only thing missing is a shirt number for Amigo Tacos but that's not too important.
Replies: >>3946
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Here are the portraits for our team, can't remember what size you wanted them so they are all 128x128, I think you needed them smaller but those should scale ok.
Latest changes:
5 WA HA HA change to  59 Mashima Himeko
Everything but name and shirt number stays the same.
Amigo Tacos is assigned shirt number 16.
Aaeru Ackbar is assigned shirt number 5.

That's it and it'll probably be everything from us for this cup, we don't have the rezupower to do much more. How're things going?
Replies: >>3947
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Changes made to the wiki. The portraits should be fine as well.
Thanks for the update.
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/k/ doujins post postponed until the cowards show up and finish a game, imagine not handling some friendly casual rape, it's no reason to desert.
Anyways, soon I'll post some minor changes (like adding the few missing portraits) and a separate list of major changes (like models) that I can wait for Round 2 to be implemented (provided we make it, or for the next tournament, it's ok). Didn't want to post them earlier because other teams needed the attention with more important things. Thanks, and good luck rezus!
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Changes we want:
Stadium changed to the "Alberto J. Armando" one.
Cocaine Ninja player taken out to include <<Sword>> back in the roster again. I'm leaving her portrait pic #17 here. Everything else the same for that player.
We'll be replacing our away kit, just that one, the shirt and goalie kit for it are left here.
Let me know if we need to do anything else or whatever, good luck!
Replies: >>5071 >>5072 >>5073
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Happy to help. I should look a little further into the stadiums .cpk before I can let you know if those can be changed around. Didn't /yuri/ already have a stadium?
>replace a player name and change the profile picture
Sure can do.
>we'll be replacing these kits
Aren't those kit previews? I need the proper textures to swap kits around, which should resemble this template. Don't you have those around?
Replies: >>5076
Let me know if you need help with the kits.
3d shit though, I have no idea how to do that stuff
Before I make the player change in your wiki page I need to know if you want to keep Cocaine Ninja's position and/or shirt number, just to be sure.
Replies: >>5076
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It's just a name change to re-include a player we had taken out. Before I sperg out about the reasons, it should just look like this:
Player name <<Sword>>
Shirt number 17
That portrait pic up there.
Position RB
Same style and skills that Cocaine Ninja has now. Cocaine Ninja is retired as a player.

Our current stadium is a modded default stadium, can't remember what other teams used it but it's not our own, the stadium I asked for is also another default stadium that's already made and included. Of course we'd like to mod it at some point in the future but shit's hard yo', that can wait for another tournament.

Those shirt kits were already made, adapted, and tested by a previous BO; I just decided to use them right now. Unfortunately that was more than 2 years ago and I'm not sure he can be reached or if somehow he still has the files at hand. I'll try to contact him and get them ready, before I ask for further help with them in case I fail.
Replies: >>5077 >>5082
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Change is done on your wiki page.
Speaking of which I see you don't have a roster page. I don't know if you want to create it or not.
For the kits I could skim through older ICUP exports to find the ones on your pic. Do you remember at least the last cup that had those kits?
Replies: >>5083
>I could skim through older ICUP
They aren't, I've already looked through their exports ICUP4-7 and those kits have never been used. Some older /yuri/ manager aparently made those kits long time ago and the only thing remaining are those previews Hopefully /yuri/fag here has some way to contact the previous guy and retrieve those textures right?.
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