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Since the site is going to be shut down it's time to quickly explain the situation so far:
Infinity Cup 8 is not happening any time soon. The last person to work on it stopped a long time ago and I don't know if he just gave up or is busy with real life.
Similarly, this is the reason I haven't been able to check on this board. I'm sorry about that.

With that being said, I don't want to let this board die so I'm thinking of moving to a different site on the webring (no idea which one).
I know someone a while back made a bunker on 8moe but I doubt many anons want to go there and I have no idea who made that board.
In the meantime, if anyone wants to suggest a possible place to move please feel free to do so.

Update: We're moving to Trashchan.
Last edited by ronaldinho
Replies: >>5105 >>5108 >>5109
>>5104 (OP) 
Please come help us solve this together, /icup/ :

Please stay encouraged! This will work out if we just don't quit. Cheers.  :)
We have discussion for /icup/ and future interboard games like 8chanmania at 8moe /icup/:
>>5104 (OP) 
Maybe zzz or PLW would accept the iCUP? It seems like something is getting started with an inter-board Soul Caliber AI-only tournament on Markchan, but I'd prefer the iCUP to stay on the webring.
>>5104 (OP) 
Just wanted to mention, the board has been completely archived on
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