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We all know the covid vaccines are killing a shitload of people and making even more people sick and disabled. Share stories ITT of people you know who either died or got very sick after taking the covid vaccine
idk two of my friends got a harsh fever each time they would get vaccine but that is supposedly normal 
my grandfather died of stroke two years after vaccine so i guess it is doing what they wanted it to do
share the stories please. you made me open the thread for nothing. (and no, old people dying of old age does not count)
Replies: >>158
People getting intolerant to things they consumed everyday before the jabs, not dying per se but i know personally lots of people who became lactose intolerant after the jabs, a girl who was pretty cute got ravaged by her sudden intolerance to anything not rice or animal protein, she became thin-thin rather than thin with curves and got into a keto diet that also gave her very long-lasting dark eye bags and irritable attitude.
Another friend drank a ton of milk and loved grilled cheese, nowadays has to stick with oat water and tofu that rots away into an acid mess after minutes outside the fridge because nobody makes it here.
It keeps happening, and to be fair pneumonia is somewhat usual but got a LOT more common for old people to die from it in my area in them pandemic days and it kinda stopped now,
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took covid vac when they first rolled them out, i now have scars on my balls legs and fingers. ive been slowing dying every mouth cuz of it.
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