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We might be joining this thing,
we still need players, kits,
and basically everything.
Hm, there might be a problem with /pol/'s political team. How about finding an alternative name on the wiki?
Like /poly/ or /pol//lyr/ or something like that.
Replies: >>1664
That's not the board's name though. Why can't we use /pol/s page? Their team is dead anyway.
Replies: >>1665
Sorry, I think I worded that wrong. You can name yourself /pol/, but we'd rather keep the legacy team as well. So for example:
Is right wing /pol/'s page, while yours could be:
Replies: >>1668
Why can't the /pol/ page be renamed to /fascist/ since they hired all the old /pol/ players anyway? Then we could use the name.
Replies: >>1669
Try asking SKF for permission
Replies: >>1670
Can we do it, SKF?
Replies: >>1675 >>1679
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Logo design variant

Possible list of players:
William Butler Yeats
Edgar Allan Poe
T. S. Eliot
Jalal ad Din Rumi
Robert Burns
Kahlil Gibran
I'd suggest naming our stadium "Flower Garden" after Saadi's poetry collection because it's a nice name.
Replies: >>2234
Try asking him on the wiki
Replies: >>1678
I'd instead recommend using his email:
(the old address seems to be having problems)
I can find a way to make it work, I think. I'd have to do something to differentiate the old /pol/ references and calls in the wiki from your new /pol/. I don't believe merging them with /fascist/ is necessarily the right call, just from an outsider point of view, *and* I don't know if /fascist/ would even be okay with that.
Alright, how about this team? 
It's a mix of poets and heroes of poetry.

Robert Burns (GK)
JW Goethe 
Rudyard Kipling 
Jalaluddin Rumi 
TS Eliot 
Beowulf (Bronze) 
Ulysses (Bronze)
Väinämöinen (Silver) 
Rostam (Gold) 

Shota Rustaveli (GK)
Charles Baudelaire (GK)
Fujiwara no Kinto 
Saadi Shirazi
Adolf Hitler, the poet
Friedrich Schiller
Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky 
HP Lovecraft
Martín Fierro

Goal horn[Embed]

Player specific goal horns:
^(also make these victory anthems in case of MotM)
Replies: >>2074 >>2223
Wiki page is here.
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Requesting Adolf, the poet, be replaced with Ron Hitler-Barassi an English teacher
Replies: >>2224
lmfao 10/10 typosquat
What formation should we use?
I propose a poetically structured, poetically unconventional 3-2-3-2.
Replies: >>2073 >>2223
I like it!
That Shahnameh recitation is really beautiful. How do the Persians always nail it like that?
Gonna need some kits from you guys soon.
Replies: >>2206
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1. a nice leather bound book
2. the texture of old paper
Any other ideas?
Replies: >>2211 >>2244
I have no idea about strategies to be honest.
Replies: >>2211 >>2212
Nice work!

I am happy to help out with a strategy if you give me some thematic advice. Different strategies are better against different teams so don't worry so much about picking a 'perfect strategy' and instead have some fun while keeping it sane (or not).

What kind of core strategy is more suitable: conservatively trying to pass the ball to team-mates to build up an attack, or making risky dramatic plays?
Do you want to try and keep formation, or should players be more fluid?

>Disclaimer: I am the strategist for /eris/.
Replies: >>2212
I second the erisian's opinion on your kits. There's something about that shade of red, very stately. Historic. He's also on the nose about strategy. It can be developed from simple statements about how you want the team to play. Whether you actually trust an opponent's manager to draw it up for you though... I leave that up to you 

Proof it's me below.
Last edited by SKF
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We should refer to some stylistic devices used in poetry, instead of just poets and figures from poetic literature.
I wanna replace Valmiki, Rumi, and Burns with these players:
>Woof! Pow! Bazoing!
>She sells sea shells by the sea shore
>I am bus
(They're referring to onomatopoeia, alliteration, and metre, respectively)
Also I'd prefer a different anthem[Embed]

Here's a formation in 3-2-3-2
It's got defenders, attackers, and midfielders too.
How shall we use them, my poetic friends?
What tactics will make us win in the end?
How do we defend and how do we attack?
How to pass the ball and how to win it back?
So many choices, so many questions!
Fellow fans, do share your conceptions.
Let's deliver games of turns and twists,
and put our board on top of the list.
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>>She sells sea shells by the sea shore
How many times do we have to say that one aloud?

I prefer your techniqual player names, especially since they're more accessible and a fresh contrast to the dry list of important names. Requesting a second opinion on >>2056
Replies: >>2225
Since Hitler proper is already on /fascist/ can't see why making the switch would be bad.
Replies: >>2231
Poetry is an art form, its beauty lies in finding creative ways of using language to evoke meanings beyond the literal. Similarly our game plan shall transcend the rigid ins and outs of divegrass tactics to deliver something greater. We should treat our strategy as an expression of what we represent: Art.

We want to be fluid, dangerous and unpredictable. We also want to be guarded and choose our plays very carefully. Based on that, here's my idea of our strategy:
>Counter Attack
>Long Pass
>Support range: 7

>All-out Defence
>Defensive Line: 5
>Compactness: 3

>False No. 9
>Wing Rotation
>Tight Marking
Replies: >>2230 >>2231 >>2252
Actually  would rather have short pass and support range around 4. Otherwise we're just gonna kick the ball into the aether on offense. Other than that this is good. I'll be thinking about the cards and styles of our poets.
Replies: >>2231
Poetry is doing extraordinary things with ordinary means. Translating that concept into our playing style is a challenge, but can be done in a certain way.

Yeah we can do that.

Here's some cards:
>Rostam (g)
Position: Center Forward
Style: Goal Poacher
Cards: Long Ranger, Heading, Acrotabic Finishing, Low Punt Trajectory, First Time Shot, Long Range Drive
>Väinämöinen (s)
Position: Second Striker
Style: Creative Playmaker
Cards: Trickster, Scissors Feint, Flip Flap, Rabona
>Ulysses (b)
Position: Attacking Midfielder
Style: Dummy Runner
Cards: Early Cross, Low Lofted Pass, Fighting Spirit
>Beowulf (b)
Position: Right Midfielder
Style: Box-to-Box
Cards: Long Ball Expert, Low Lofted Pass, Fighting Spirit
>TS Eliot
Position: Left Midfielder
Style: Hole Player
Cards: Incisive Run, Acrobatic Finishing
>She sells sea shells by the sea shore
Position: Defensive Midfielder
Style: The Destroyer
Cards: Man Marking, Track Back
>Woof! Pow! Bazoing!
Position: Defensive Midfielder
Style: The Instigator
Cards: Speeding Bullet, Outside Curler
Position: Left back
Style: Defensive Fullback
Cards: Acrobatic Clear, Heel Trick
>Rudyard Kipling
Position: Right back
Style: Defensive Fullback
Cards: Acrobatic Clear, Heading
>JW Goethe
Position: Center back
Style: Extra Frontman
Cards: Speeding Bullet, Fighting Spirit
>I am bus
Position: Goalkeeper
Style: Defensive Goalkeeper
Cards: GK Long Throw

These should look the same on the bench, except for the medals:
Position: Centre Forward
Style: Fox in the Box
Cards: First Time Shot, Acrobatic Finishing
Position: Second Striker
Style: Creative Playmaker
Cards: Heading, Knuckle Shot
>Martín Fierro
Position: Attacking Midfielder
Style: Hole Player
Cards: Long Ranger, Low Punt Trajectory
>HP Lovecraft
Position: Right Midfielder
Style: Hole Player
Cards: Long Ranger, Low Punt Trajectory
And that's it. Oh man, really looking forward to how this is gonna play out.
Replies: >>2252
I also had the idea of adding "The Curtains Were Blue" as a player, based on that meme of english class text interpretations. Maybe we can replace TS Eliot with it.
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Pitch texture's here. What stadium is the most pot-shaped?
Replies: >>2235 >>2236
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No wait, this one's better since it's actually shot from above. Also fits our team colors well.
Maracanã seems to be up there. It's certainly very round.
We should name it "Flower Pot" instead
We still need a third one, right?
Replies: >>2252 >>2253
This is good stuff. 
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I looked to /lit/ for inspiration but they just had a nice suit for their GK. Worst case, we can steal it.

How about a haiku-inspired kit? The white would contrast with the other two kits.
Replies: >>2255
>we can steal it
I like the haiku idea. But is that gonna look too different from the paper one? Maybe we could just add a little bit of haiku to that one.
how about the minecraft bookshelf texture?
Well, /pol/ is about to be deleted. That's it for this team, I guess.
Replies: >>2855
protest really hard about it and maybe it won't happen
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