/l/ - Virtual Livers/Virtual Youtubers

Fun things are fun. Take care of your Oshi.

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Welcome to /l/!
Read the sticky.
Welcome to /l/ - Virtual Livers / Virtual Youtubers. This is a "big tent" hobby board for the discussion of Virtual Livers and Virtual Youtubers. Please note that while all バーチャルライバー are allowed, this board's primary focus are otaku-oriented and idol-oriented streamers. 
~Code of Conduct~
Please repeat after me!
0. I will not come to the board with a rancorous attitude! [1]
1. I will not violate the global rules!
2. I will not spam!
3. I will spoiler all NSFW and 3DPD images!
4. I will not namefag without an appropriate reason!
5a. I will not post face reveals, boyfriend lists, or other meta content outside of the arena!
5b. I will spoiler all sensitive content posted inside the arena!
6. I will post on the board with the intention to have fun!
7. I will not type like a nigger! [2]
8. I will not discuss how I use my cash! [3]
9. I acknowledge that the moderation reserves the right to ban anon for reasons not listed in the rules.
10. I will give the moderation 24 hours to respond to reports, and shall file a global report when necessary. 
Additionally, when possible please host large files such as video archives off-site and either link or embed them. If this becomes an issue in the future, bump limits might be lowered and bumplocked threads will probably be deleted among other memory-saving techniques.
Characterized by bitterness or resentment.
"Sixteen miserable months of rancorous disputes."
In regards to 7, I'm not going to pull a "rule 11" on anon for blatantly refusing to capitalize his sentences or using foreign imageboard slang. However, if anon is bringing down the overall IQ of the board with his post, it may be removed.
Buyfag threads are allowed.


As of March 5th, BO has received 0 letters from glowies, 0 gag orders, 0 DMCA takedown notices, and 0 warrants from feds
Last edited by almondpeko
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Collab Guidelines
E.G. The do's and don't's of advertising /l/ off-site.
1) Please avoid advertising our board during a crisis unless the thread/discussion on the website in question is discussing banning it from their platform. This board is not interested in stealing disgruntled users.
2) Please be on your best behavior when advertising us so as to avoid ill will towards our board. By advertising /l/, you are acting as a board ambassador and people will associate us with your attitude whether it's accurate to the board or not.
3) Please do not advertise our board in bad faith or in such a way as to intentionally cause drama off-site or on-site.
4) When advertising /l/ does not come up naturally in a conversation, please be creative in promoting us with the use of images, puns, etc. 
I won't try to stop or report anon on other websites so long as he follows these guidelines. Good neighbours make for good company, and we don't want to be bad neighbours, friends.
The "collab ban" will be lifted on Friday, October 8th 2021.
Last edited by NeneSeal
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