You're partially correct in that this is why so many stories come out of Florida.
What you're probably unaware of is that even inside of law enforcement, which does have 'generally' easy access to other states' records, Florida is a known 'anything goes' location that people are just... insane in for some unknown reason.
It's bad enough that there's actually a now 400 year old myth and legend that it's caused by the fountain of youth being hidden somewhere in those marshes and enyouthening everyone's wisdom over there. In fact, some Native American tribes have proto-Floridaman stories (example: a wildman who wore a gator and ran around screaming local Native equivalent of 'I'M A GATOR, RAWRRR!!!' and so mortified the spirits that they eventually turned him into a gator just to shut him up) as well dating back to a thousand years ago or farther. Simply put, Florida has always been insane.