/l/ - Virtual Livers/Virtual Youtubers

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Describe what your ideal vtuber would be, and then recommend others vtubers that fit their descriptions.

Keep in mind there's a 99%+ chance people posting know about popular vtubers like Gawr Gura.
Replies: >>74
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>>67 (OP) 
>Describe what your ideal vtuber would be
>OL or simple soft looking cake like Suzuka Utako, Saionji Mary or Marine
>Delicious brown (optional)
>Voice most match design of course, singing is optional

>Obviously most be a jap otaku
>Normal average streams, no need to pull a haachama but some variety wouldn't hurt either 
>good taste in vidya (aka no Apex or flavour of the month shit) something similar to Korone
Replies: >>302
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I like Hirasaka Mei Desuwaaaaa~
She responds as she can, knows a little English, has many talents, and can drive a truck.
Replies: >>186
To BO: 8chan vtuber board is shit, please protect your takos so this board won't become like that
Also is this NSFW board?
Replies: >>184 >>186
Did something happen over on 8chan? I haven't really followed them since the blacklisting incident. As long as anons are having fun I don't have any particular direction to steer the board. 
Please read the sticky & meta thread.
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Replies: >>186
Use the meta thread to say that dummy.

It sounds like you already know your favorite, anon.
Replies: >>187
Nah, I like Desuwaaaa but she's not my favorite. Her content would be appreciated by some anons so I figured I would mention her.
I thought from this picture and a first glance that you wanted a cooking vtuber. That would be nice. One with a matronly vibe that sang while cooking and chit-chatted. She could start with the very basics and sell branded kitchen goods, if the audience supported it.
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