This time is exercise 2-C, involving Free Hand Drawing.
The main trick on this is to not focus much on the quality of what you're doing but in bringing it to paper as fast as possible. The types of exercises in this one were three.
1st: Sketch the image in one minute (Gesture Drawing)
2nd: Sketch the image in two minutes without lifting the pen from the paper (Connected-Line Drawing)
3rd: Sketch an image for 5 minutes without ever looking what you're drawing. (Five-Minute Burn)
Since these exercises were very short and the results seem lackluster, I did more than what the book asks for, instead of 6 gesture drawings I did 12, 8 connected-line drawings instead of 3, and up to six five-minute burns instead of 1.
The first two ended up giving out something I could accept, the last exercise is the one that I can't seem to manage to do. Without orientation everything ends up in a position where it shouldn't be, and most of the drawing feels disconnected. I attempted to start from the right to the left instead of the left to the right, and while it did bring some very minor improvements, everything still is disconnected.