/loomis/ - loomis

Fun With A Pencil (or tablet)

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/loomis/ Resource Hub: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/8r9omk7oj6zjg/loomis_Resource_Hub

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Drawpile (https://drawpile.net/) is a collaborative drawing and visual shitposting software. Every Sunday at 10pm EST good /loomis/ boys and girls of all skill levels from across the internet come together for a one-of-a-kind artistic experience. 

Note: Edited out by request of host.
Last edited by Lensman
Replies: >>789 >>793
Weekly bump; it's that time again
Replies: >>726
thanks fren
Weekly bump, and five hours early this time. See you at 10!
It's (almost) that time again fellas. In one hour and 10 minutes as of this post we'll be doin' the dang thang yet again. Hope to see you there
Good session guys, seven people-I think that's a record! Let's try for even more next week. Until next time!
We're 3 hours and 45 minutes out as of this post, see you then!
In the future, it might be good to use the announcements thread on /meta/ a day or two ahead.
Replies: >>781 >>782
Replies: >>781 >>782
Sounds like a plan.

It is no longer time. Here's this week's rollup, minus a few things done in the interim.
My thanks to anyone stopping by.
Sounds like a plan.

It is no longer time. Here's this week's rollup, minus a few things done in the interim.
My thanks to anyone stopping by.
>>719 (OP) 
Is there going to be another one?
Replies: >>791
23:00 EDT Sunday, 03:00 UTC Monday. Or a touch under 38 hours from this post.
Then again, those times have been slipping back and forth.
>>719 (OP) 
Lad want me to sticky this?
Actually never mind I'll do it myself
Replies: >>796
Thanks. Hope to see (You) and anyone else lurking in uh...two hours and 43 minutes!
Thanks for joining us guys! After some deliberation we've decided to try for Saturday nights instead of Sunday-same time. Sorry for the inconvenience! I appreciate the BO for his work in making this thread an official part of the board (it took me a long time to give the idea the attention it deserved back on the other one).
A thing has been produced. 
Until next time, and happy Epsteiniversary to you all.

Is uploading files supposed to be this busted? Post with no image, post with broken image, no post at all, then two posts at once.
Replies: >>805 >>806
Mmh, I believe it's something to do with data usage with the cafè.
I'll tell them we've got a situation.
Admin said the resolution may be too large to handle for the site. Maybe crop it or upload it through other means, like with anonfiles?
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Testing with quarter resolution, 50% nearest neighbor.
Replies: >>810
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It'd be nice to know the max resolution. Unless it's some memory problem and ImageMagick or whatever LynxChan uses just dies if it runs out of RAM to gobble up.

Gonna see if I can get last week's pile uploaded, as that image is also broken.
I'd use a different scaling algorithm, but the things made with binary brushes end up looking fucky.

Reminder, the session will be tomorrow night rather than sunday! Thank you.
I forgot lol
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Let's see if this week's output uploads without incident.

Session tonight in approximately 10 hours as of this post! Tell your friends, family and loved ones that it's almost shitdrawing time
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In 4 hours and 20 minutes we begin once more, hope to see you there
Replies: >>838
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It has ended.
Replies: >>839 >>840
Especially Gondolafield

How many people join on average?
Replies: >>842
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>including lyman
The most I've ever seen was 7 (including 2 mods iirc), that was when we were doing it on sundays. To be honest the saturdays have been a little tough-however we did have some people show up late-I think yesterday/this morning was 5-maybe 6 overall so not too bad.
1 hour and 20 minutes to go, bros
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Connectors & Shitposts
We're going live in about 2 hours and fifteen minutes fellas
Replies: >>853
Was supposed to join but staying back late at work. Have fun.
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How mousey of us.
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The talent has successfully been cordoned off into its own ghetto.
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Here's how my corner looked in the end.
Replies: >>868
Ah yes by the way:
I remember someone on this thread lamenting the fact they couldn't upload files of a certain file size because they were too large/wide.
If you want to post them without resizing them, just put them under a spoiler. Apparently, the way thumbnails are made is dependent on the original filesize, if it's larger than a set amount it just crashes and won't let you post. Spoilering the file though solves the issue, since no thumbnail is saved.
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Gee Bill! How come your mom lets you have two canvases?
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And it's over once more.
One from today, one from the rest of the week.
Replies: >>918
Thanks for making these, man.
Replies: >>925
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Six of seven respondents rallied around the time between noon and 5pm Sunday. So it's decided, we have a new official meetup time: 

2pm CDT / 9pm CET Every sunday!

We'll try this for a few weeks-if it's a ghost town by this time next month we'll have to try again. Also, don't feel limited to just the official meetups either! The server is up all the time and I've found it's been fairly active as of late.

No problemo, the real thanks are in order for the gracious host, Harb
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DRAWPILE >>> Join >>> Host Address: splelps.com >>> Sever: /loomis/
Replies: >>935
Thanks for hosting these
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Just 45 minutes to go, fellas!
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One hour to go!
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It's nearly that magical time once again. Join us in the >>>/loomis/ Sunday drawpile for an afternoon (or evening for you Eurofriends) of collaborative drawing fun. Starts in just over an hour as of this post.

[Drawpile.net] > Session > Join > Host name (splelps.com) > Channel (/loomis/)
Here's last night's results. Thanks for stopping by fellas.
Here's last night's results. Thanks for stopping by fellas.
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We doin' it again
It's that time again, fellas
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Weekly Drawpile reminder!
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It's just about that time again, lads
We're doing it again fellas
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We're still at it every week, guys. Sorry I haven't been posting the rallying cry here as much.
Alright, I'm setting a calendar reminder this time.
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Weekly drawpile reminder!
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It's that time again!
Is splelps down? Connection times out.
Replies: >>1080
> Is splelps down? Connection times out.
Yes, the server is down.
If you haven't read it yet, some anon was kind enough to host one as a replacement.
The domain is artga.in
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Really sorry guys, but yeah the new Drawpile domain is artga.in. Open 24/7; big meetups on Sundays as always.
2021-12-05 and week leading up to the event.

No message or files.

The weekly activity has been cleared, the Sunday session begins! Hope to see you there
Didn't let me post the image last time, let's try again.
Let me populate this thread a bit.
Last weeks results.
There is the canvas leading up to sunday, as well as the canvas from the sunday event.

No message or files.

No message or files.

Looks like it's fucking impossible for me to upload 10MB files to anon.cafe over my wood connection.
splelps.com really the right address. Doesn't work.
is the new domain name.
Replies: >>1340
keeps throwing "unable to connect error". Is it DNS specific? I'm using an OPENNIC one.
Replies: >>1341
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Replies: >>1342 >>1344
I'd presume it's an Opennic issue.
Weird. The domain already exists for quite some time. It should've been propagated to your server. :/
That's why Tor is superior. No DNS mafia.
Replies: >>1344
Aight thanks a lot chums
Updated desc
Replies: >>1348
Awesome, thx
Looks like the "Under" layer is fucked.
Replies: >>1382
I did that by mistake
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Drawpile host here. 
We have moved somewhere else. Join the artga.in drawpile to find out more.
Replies: >>1387 >>1423
We don't want to move boards again. Piss off
Replies: >>1391
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> We don't want to move boards again. Piss off
Who's "We"?
Ebberyone is there.
And the cool thing is that the whole site is ours.
Replies: >>1394
Feeling entitled to users just based on a name "loomis". Doesn't guarantee u us it's off putting when so one demands something instead of actually acknowledge us as separate entities. You don't know what we  want you don't listen or care. Expect backlash
why is this shit even promoted all the hosts do is ban people for the most obscure reason. It's a shit place to become with and they don't welcome alt chaners and are only out to steal anon.cafe user base. Either make a new one or take it down. It's bad press for this site
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So you are saying I'd have to get up at 5 am on monday just to get the name of this new secret clubhouse?
Replies: >>1424 >>1430
Anything you do don't join it they have a policy of catering to retarded 4chaners and porn artists. Remember they don't care about us or this board and want to take it all for themselves.
I think the link is stickied the whole time and also part of the canvas.
If you're interested just join, get the url, and check it out.

But using the Drawpile as a filtering mechanism might change though.
Drawpile host here.
Please remove my server's address from this board. I no longer wish to associate with this place. Thank you.
Replies: >>1439
Sad to see that but very well, it is done.
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