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What is your honest opinion on the first Neptunia? Are you happy with the direction the series is taking and how much has it grown, /nep/?
I think the first HDN is really bad, but it has a certain charm. It feels more polished than mk2, that's for sure.
As for the series, I'm pleased. Just no more PP's, please.
Replies: >>52
Came for cute consoles, stayed for cute consoles, humor, charm, story and no way in hell for gameplay.
That sums it up.
I actually really love the first game.

I don't know what you're talking about when you say it's more polished then MK2 though. HDN felt sorta unfinished at times, like ti's missing a bunch of events and story transitions. Also not getting the goddesses until the end sucks, but it does help the story.

Despite that it's very charming, the story is really good and well executed, I actually like the gameplay cause I micromanage everything. The music was alright, but not the best OST. They really showed off/fleshed out the landmasses better then any other Nep game but that might also be a detriment since you spend a ton of the game doing quests for random NPCs

It was actually tied with V as my favorite Nep game until RB1 came out
Replies: >>23
Also forgot to mention the true end in HDN is really awful, the worst.
>>10 (OP) 
>It feels more polished than mk2, that's for sure.
What the nep are you talking about? The first game has some of the worst production values in any game ever made. Look at how the camera moves in the win animations for nep's sake. mk2 is polished as hell by comparison and has massively better production values.
I REALLY hope no more lazy copypasta for future neptunia games.
seriously, Re:birth are blatant Victory copypaste, even the quest description, items, enemy, basically everything.
I played and beat the original Neptunia on PS3 shortly after it was first released, and the only thing that got me through the game was spamming L2 and the fact that the characters were funny and the story was likeable. Definitely a mediocre game, otherwise.

I never got around to playing Mk2 or V, lost in my backlog forever, but I've spent the last few weeks playing through Re;Birth 1, and I'm really enjoying it. I'll definitely be playing through Re;Birth 2 next year when it comes out, and then hopefully we get the rest of the games in the series, too.

Are the PS3 versions worth playing, now that the Vita remakes are coming out?
Replies: >>66
If you seriously waited this long and STILL haven't played mk2 or Victory you might as well just wait for the remakes to come out.
It was my introduction into the series and I didn't think it was that bad. The healing system was really annoying at first but what was really bad was the CPU transformations. It was so useless in any normal battle and it didn't seem to have a huge power up or anything.

I sipped most animations so the game felt very fast paced and I enjoyed that.

I definitely feel their new direction is best for them. Victory and Mk2 were huge improvements.
Replies: >>71
Fast paced? The game runs at a neping crawl and has random encounters with delays. Even if you skip the animations it feels like you're playing through a molasses filter.
Replies: >>76
It's not that slow, it beats other jrpgs at the very least
Replies: >>79
>Are you happy with the direction the series is taking and how much has it grown, /nep/?

Not really.  Several of my favorites hardly ever see the light day or have ceased to exist.  That and I wish the portable games weren't, and I say lightly, mostly lazy remakes.  I know that they have V combat and minor additions like portraits but I didn't get a Vita to play a game I already played on PS3.
What JRPGS have you been playing that run at 10FPS and have as big of delays and as much skip mashing as Neptunia 1?
The mechanics were absolute shit and the framerate issues were pathetic, but the story and characters were good. Goddesses being total cunts and getting unlocked way too late was a real turn-off though.

I'm really surprised it was able to take off .
Replies: >>348
Honest question - do you think the story helped people continue playing? The draw that got me to play the game itself was the concept that the story involves these four and "the console war"

I mean, we all know a lot of people jumped in because cute girls doing cute things
Replies: >>350
It was the best the game had to offer. Characters + story, although RB1 improved massively on both.
Concept was interesting, but concept can only carry a game so far before the bad gameplay gets to you. The writing saved the game.
Replies: >>351
I really enjoyed the writing in RB1, but i don't know too much about the other games in the universe
Replies: >>352
In comparison to RB1, and all the rest of the games in the series, actually, the goddesses of HDN1 were all cunts, but Blanc especially was just turbo-bitch 24/7. Detracted a lot from their characters, could have been used to flesh them out and make them likeable.
In RB1, helping each goddess is an arc, with the exception of Noire who you come back to later on. In HDN1, each arc was cut into multiple slices, so to speak, where you'd run out of events to continue the story and have to go find crucial events in another nation and help them, and this continued for a fair while, so you never got the whole arc in one go.
Replies: >>358
Really? It sounds really hard for this particular series to have what come off as such unlikable characters. I never played HDN1, but RB1 wouldn't have been as much fun if the back and forth between the characters was as good as it was.

I guess that's another good thing that came out of the remakes? I also hear the gameplay was pretty bad in the originals too, but once again I'm just going on hearsay.
Replies: >>359
The gameplay was utterly putrescent. The combo system was an interesting idea but there was no reason to use it, no bonuses to follow up attacks or anything. Goddess mode could be used infinitely so you used it at the start of every battle and kept it on, and when you unlock Neptune Breaker, the game is essentially over, bar a few more hours of story grinding and framerate issues.
The only thing that made it tolerable was that it had the "skip animation" button. Without it, I believe the game would have fallen flat on its face. I strongly believe that button is the only reason anyone could tolerate playing it.
Replies: >>360 >>578
How do you even get the true end? I hear that was one of many issues in HDN1. 

Hell I saw this one post months or years ago discussing how poor HDN1 was compared to it's sequels, and seeing gameplay of it really made me wonder how tiny the budget was and how they even managed to have as many games and forms of media for as long as they did.
Replies: >>361 >>362 >>363
Dunno. I got bored and quit after it was revealed (near the very end) that Neptune is Planeptune's goddess after all.

Probably share grinding. Share grinding was boring as fuck though because you'd need to do entire dungeons to gain shares rather than just a quest or colosseum battle.
Replies: >>362
You need each of the 4 kingdoms to have at least 20% shares, with the "others" being at 0.

The biggest problem there was trying to get shares from Lastation, in my opinion, since it felt like EVERYTHING gives shares to Lastation
Replies: >>363
In rebirth, anyway
>The only thing that made it tolerable was that it had the "skip animation" button. Without it, I believe the game would have fallen flat on its face. I strongly believe that button is the only reason anyone could tolerate playing it.
That was actually patched into the Japanese release, it didn't ship with it. That's fucking right.
Replies: >>579
u fukkin wot
wow, that is a serious oversight. i wonder if anyone there actually played it before releasing it.
Replies: >>583
That's the thing though, maybe they played it and thought nothing was wrong, or maybe they had too low a budget for the game part.
HDN talk is accessible again.
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