/nep/ - Hyperdimension Neptunia

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"What is that game?"
A Goddess caught the DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL bug/sickness that corrupted some parts of her memory.  She remembers most things, but not all things… being the ruling CPU of a country being one of them.  So you now have the job of filling in the blanks… but what are you going to fill it with?

"How do you play?"
You pick Neptune's activity for the day, and make some decision for her so that she's ready to fight Arfoire when she returns. Don't be too hard on her or she'll try to run away. Don't be too easy on her or she won't stand a chance against the Icon of Sin.

"What's finished right now?"
Basic grinding is done, but there's no time limit yet and most interactions are not done.

Please report any bug you encounter.
Suggestions? Want to help? Post in this thread or in /vg/'s general.

This sounds great! What is needed to run it?
Replies: >>1045
Theorically, nothing. Everything's contained in the .zip.
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Text sort of scrolls off into oblivion…
Replies: >>1049
That's normal. I forgot to put a nvl clear line at the beginning of each activity.
It's not a bug.
Any updates?
Replies: >>1090
Things are moving on slowly.
A few events have been added, like Nepgear's and IF's introduction, and a draft of the ending is on.

I also added voices and music. Then I slapped myself and removed SHODAN's voice and the Deus Ex songs and decided to limit myself to Neptunia's music from the games, so the characters are silent. I could give them voices, like in Ace Attorney, but when I tried, Histoire made a huge horn noise each time, so I decided to wait until the game was finished before doing that.

And I would I could choke the son of a bitch who decided that having unreadable captcha was a good idea.
Looks interesting tbh, I hope you focus in finishing it first then adding the little details
A small update just to say something midly important : despite one of the available options being "spank Neptune", the game won't have any sexual content, and even the spanking will be kept to a minimum.
I didn't want to, but apparently it does bad things to "immersion".
This one was pretty interesting. Hope development is still coming along.
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