/nep/ - Hyperdimension Neptunia

Now with 200% more Nepping

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That's true, this place is pretty dead

It's a shame
Is there any life here these days?
Replies: >>121 >>125
Replies: >>122
That's a shame - I only started NepReBirth a week ago and saw the daily threads on /v/ about it.
Replies: >>125
Maybe the two new announcements will help move people here?
What do anons think of the two new nep games? How do you feel with the onslaught of neps coming out of every orifice?
This board was always dead, it was /vg/ Nepgen's backup board.
Replies: >>126
I didn't even see a nepgen on /vg/
Replies: >>127
there's a NEPTUNIA GENERAL on halfchan /vg/
Replies: >>128
OH, that's why this is a dead board. Ah well, I'll stick around these parts and see if neps return.
NepZombies could be a fun game
Replies: >>162
I finally met Green Heart. Does she have a thing for all girls, or just IF? I have a feeling she likes smaller girls, if you know what I mean
Replies: >>132
Never mind, I figured it out. She really likes IF.

Wrapping up the Lowee chapter sometime this week, I think, so long as my actions in the next snowfield aren't quashed
>Imported embed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bkn-utKR4Zs

Can't believe this wasn't posted back then.

Some neps just need to learn how to nep videos
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