/nep/ - Hyperdimension Neptunia

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I might as well archive this here too, so that if someone missed/misses the link in the latest /v/ thread, it's here. Hello New World's new oneshot dump time.
Replies: >>1517 >>6582
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>>1516 (OP) 
Replies: >>1518 >>2784
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Replies: >>1526
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Replies: >>1528
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Replies: >>1531
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And the download link.
Replies: >>1547
thank you!
Nobody's translated these yet? I'd be willing to do it if I can find an editfag.
Replies: >>1570
I'm not the best at it but I could give the editing a shot if you'd like someone to go for it.
Replies: >>1575
Go ahead dude!
I know my way around Photoshop and GIMP, that's what you are looking for.
Replies: >>1585
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Replies: >>1587
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I'm going to go ahead and say that I've already started work on the editing and type-setting, if you've read the threads in /v/.
I've basically done 8 out of 16 pages as of now, in no sequential order. (I did page 12 first for obvious reasons.)

Though, I still need a better translation than what I'm currently using.
It would help speed up the process, than me trying to decipher what I have on my own.

>Page 3 (Top left panel)
>Page 5 (The "Nep Pudding" wordplay)
>Page 6 (Dialogue between Nep and Uni)
Replies: >>1634
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As I've mentioned over on the /v/ thread, I'm very grateful for your efforts, mine would have looked like jank in comparison though I didn't even know someone translated it over on the other Nepgen since I don't go there.

Unfortunately I don't know enough Japanese to actually be of help (Other than guessing of my own, which would only complicate matters), just wanted to give you some more positive reinforcement so that you know people care. Glad that these scans are leading to some more good for everyone and I'm going to continue to try to figure out how to fix up my scanning routine to provide cleaner bases in the future. I gotta redo that one doujin I shared a while back, honestly. Shit was a mess. I hate thin cheaply printed pages.
It's been a few days, hows it coming?
Replies: >>1649
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14 out of 16 pages done.
Working on Page 15 and 16 now.

I still need some translation for the following:
>There's still holes of dialogue in Page 3, 8 and 10.
>Pages 5 and 6 needs better translation.
>Multiple small dialogue (sound effects, whispers, etc.) need translation.
Replies: >>1658
Mind posting more works in progress?
Replies: >>1693
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Haven't been working on it lately due to schoolwork I need to do for next term.
I still need to redraw Histoire's hat in page 3, and several ones in page 16.

Plus, I still need better translations of what I already mentioned in my previous post.
Got a quick update?
Replies: >>1792
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Nothing new.
I haven't touched the files since last time.

>There's still holes of dialogue in Page 3, 8 and 10.
>Pages 5 and 6 (As well as 7) needs better translation.
>Multiple small dialogue (sound effects, whispers, etc.) need translation.

Unless someone else helps me with this, then I really can't do anything.
Replies: >>2767
A mate who translated some doujins I released might be interested in translating the Hello New World series, for a fee, of which I'll provide. I'll also edit the translation. However, you'll need to do the typesetting yourself, as I'm not particularly interested in that anymore.

Assuming you're interested, the translation will be provided on a text file or Word document in a page-by-page, panel-by-panel format.
Replies: >>2780 >>2784
Nice. Glad to see that anon's typesetting effort probably won't be going to waste after all.

This is the only untranslated/untypeset chapter of it since it's a one-shot from way after it ended proper. I don't think scans would have even shown up had I not done it myself.
Replies: >>2781
I just need someone who will typeset it, and away we go.
Replies: >>2783 >>2784
If by typesetting, you mean editing, I can do that.
Replies: >>2784 >>2786
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That sounds awesome.
I wish that you wouldn't need to pay for it, but I guess that depends on your decision.

And yeah. I'm up for type-setting the manga.

I am curious as to what translation group you and your friend are in though.

That also sounds good.
Help is always welcome.


Though if someone was curious, this is what page 2 would look like compared to the image in >>1517
Replies: >>2785 >>2786
Oh woops. I seem to have left the edit in where I removed the bump on Plutia's head.
Don't mind that. I just wanted to see what it would look like.
By typesetting I mean inserting the text from the file into the images.

I've gone ahead and requested the translation. If he accepts, it'll probably take anywhere from a few days to a week or so.

We weren't a group, so to speak. I just really badly wanted more translated nep stuff, but didn't want to wait - so I did the editing and learned how to typeset, and paid a mate to translate. Really simple; anyone could do it.

Our releases were V-II's PH drama CD, Revenge Porno and Tentacle Syndrome. Was working on Tentacle Syndrome 2 as well, but some other fella went ahead and released it before me.
Replies: >>2826
I'm still just waiting for the translations.
Hopefully, it would be in a time schedule where I am available, and not swarmed with projects.
Replies: >>2828 >>2835
So am I. I've lodged the request with my translator, but I'm sorry to say that he hasn't been on Skype at all, and thus hasn't even seen it. I believe he's on holiday in another country at the moment, so it'll have to wait until he gets back on.
Hey, it's all good. He says he can start on it next week.
Replies: >>2836 >>2855
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>it's happening
Replies: >>2837
And if nobody else can typeset, I'll do it.
Any word?
Replies: >>2867
Pestering him every few days to get it done.
Replies: >>2872
Normally, I won't recommend a constant barrage of reminders towards the person who's working on the project you're relying on.
It would normally just end up with them shutting down the work altogether, most of the time.

But since you paid for this, I guess you have the right to annoy him at every opportunity.
Replies: >>2873
Normally I'd be inclined to agree. However, there's been a certain degree of time wasting with this project, not to mention I pay almost twice what a translation-only project is worth.
Replies: >>2874
Ayy. Yeah, in that case getting staying tight on him is very reasonable.
It's done. Here you go.

Replies: >>2901
Very handy, thank you!
So, does the original editor (ba7d56, 88f919, etc.) still want to wrap this up? That anon's work is very nearly completed anyway, and it'd be best if he'd want to do it given all the effort put into it thus far on his end.

Also going over the pastebin again and recalling one of the TL notes, I'd like to mention that "onee-chan" is alright for manga translation projects, usually that's kept in those. Instead it's in the games and their retranslations where it's changed to either "Neptune" or "sis" or "big sis" since that generally keeps up with RB1 conventions (which is - for now - the gold standard for Nep translations).
Replies: >>2901
Thanks! I'll go work on it now before any major project comes up on my end.

I'll try and incorporate some of the older translations, do some compare and contrast, and see how I can shorten some lines and make it less stressful for the reader.

Yup. I'm still here.
You can blame my ISP for giving me a dynamic IP everytime I restart the router.

I think "sis" or big sis" is the better option here, though that choice is pretty subjective.
I'll try and see what is the general consensus on how honorifics go.
But I really hope that we could avoid using them since that would make the translation look pretty hazy.
Replies: >>2902
Yeah, I agree with this.
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>Progress update
11 out of 16 pages done from the rewrite.

Comparing the two translations I received now, they seem pretty similar.
I'm just filling up holes of dialogue the other one didn't, while replacing pieces where the former sounds less humane.
I am making some additional changes as well over past pages, and making sure the dialogue flows well and makes sense.

I am also taking up advice from a doujinshi type-setter I have gotten contacts with.
The additional fonts he recommended would make the pages less stale.

It is actually nice that I'm able to learn about type-setting alongside the process of this project.
Replies: >>2931
How is it coming along?
Replies: >>2932
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Sorry. I have to focus on my finals for the next few weeks, but it's coming along nicely.
Though, I am experiencing difficulties in some pieces of dialogue where I have internal conflict on whether/how I have to change them.

For example:
In page 11, Neptune is supposed to be praising Nepgear that she is the first person that always has her back.
But at the same time, that compliment itself harbors no feat considering that everyone else is dead.
By that point, it also makes her feel lonely that her sister is the only one she could count on. Maybe lonelier than Noire, if anything.

And because of that, it's pretty hard to fit it in one dialogue box. Specifically, the third dialogue of Neptune in the middle panel.

I've been scratching my head on how I can mix the two translations I received, and make it sound reasonable enough.

The two versions of the translated lines:
>Ahh, saying that makes me feel somewhat lonely!
>Weird, I am feeling lonelier as I speak!

Compared to my rewrites:
>But since we're the only ones left, that's a pretty depressing thought!
>But saying that felt like such a waste when we're the only ones left!

I'll try and see what the people here might think the best approach would be in the meantime.
Replies: >>2933 >>2934 >>2935
>But since we're the only ones left, that's a pretty depressing thought!

That one sounds like it fits the best, of your rewrite. It fits the thrust of the two translations you've received.
Replies: >>2934 >>2935 >>2941
I'm also going to say that 
>But since we're the only ones left, that's a pretty depressing thought!
sounds like a good solution.
Replies: >>2935 >>2941
As >>2933 and >>2934 have already stated, it's fine as a translation. It reads well and expresses the meaning of the original without altering its presentation.

As for your text-box troubles, that's common-ish in editing doujins. Redraw the text box. You don't have to retain the shape of the original; you could even split them into parts if necessary.
Replies: >>2936 >>2941
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Yeah, text box redraw is easy with GIMP or Photoshop. This was quick lazy edit for example but you can see I have a ton more space to work with.
Replies: >>2941
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Alright, thanks for the input.
I'll continue working on it sometime later this week.

Yeah, that's what I'm actually planning.

Originally, I didn't want to edit the text boxes if they would be covering more of the shown art.
But editing white spaces like that panel seems to be fine.
Replies: >>2995
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Aaand might as well dump this here in addition.
Replies: >>2982 >>2995
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Replies: >>2983
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Replies: >>2984
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Guess the order of those got reversed while uploading, whoops.
Replies: >>2985
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Replies: >>2986
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Replies: >>2988
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Replies: >>2989
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Replies: >>2990
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Replies: >>2993
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Replies: >>2994
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Some extra bonus stuff in this post and that's a wrap for dumping this all.


Full download there. The book also contained a reprint of the chapter posted at the start of this very thread, but I somehow had a feeling re-scanning that would have been extremely silly.
Replies: >>3000
Nearly two weeks. Progress update?

Replies: >>3000
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Sorry for the long wait, I'm back!

My finals are finally done, and my freelance work are done as well.
I'm going to continue on the type-setting now.

But I'll have to re-do Page 5 and Page 11 because they got corrupted for some odd reason.
But it's fine, because I have a backup.

I should estimate that I could release it within this week.
More so, now that >>2994 has released, I really need to get this finished.
Replies: >>3001
Looking forward to it.
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Alright. Entire chapter is done.

All that's left to do is to redraw Histy on this panel.
All the other pages that required redraws are done, except for this one just because of how horribly placed it is.
Replies: >>3003 >>3109 >>3119
Awesome! Glad that you kept at it this whole time. Looking forward to seeing your hard work!
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I must completely apologize for the lack of updates!
I can explain why I wasn't able to upload it last week.

Good news and bad news.

>Bad news
My motherboard died last week, and I had to scrounge around to fix it.
That didn't turn out so well, so I had to build a new PC and re-install everything I needed for my classes.
That took at least a week, and I'm not even done re-installing everything yet.

>Good news
I was able to salvage my old hard drive, so the type-setting files are safe.
But, I wasn't able to re-draw Histy on the last panel which could be seen here >>3002
That's really the last thing that's keeping me from uploading the chapter.

If someone wants to, I could upload that panel here without any of the text, and someone else would redraw that last bit?

Or better yet, maybe I should just upload pages 1-15 right now and see the reception for it…
Replies: >>3112 >>3113
>that motherboard story
Shit man, glad you were able to (mostly) fix that up anyways.

>If someone wants to, I could upload that panel here without any of the text, and someone else would redraw that last bit?
Go for it. I might give it a shot.

>Or better yet, maybe I should just upload pages 1-15 right now and see the reception for it…
I would like that, but you seem to be holding out for a big release all at once and that makes sense. I'd say wait for the Histy redraw for a little bit, at least.
Replies: >>3118
That was a close one. Cap failure or bad power?

Anyway the parts above and below the new text look easy enough to repair.

The in-between-lines bit would take some time though since those art assets are covered over on the original page…you could quickly fudge it just by shadowing it, giving it a transparent repair would take a while.

Either way you should consider uploading your current work to a remote storage site just to be on the safe side.
Replies: >>3118
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Alright, here. Give it a shot.

I'll hold onto the pages for now until the big release then.

Most likely just of old age. I've been holding on to that PC since 2008.
Something must have popped in the board itself, which prevented it from booting up anymore.

It served me well this far, so I don't have a reason of doubt.
Replies: >>3120
While I'm at it, can someone remind me what font I used in >>3002 ?

It's the same one used for the character name text in Re;Birth1.
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>about to go to bed
>remember this thread
>see this not long ago
>decide to give it a sleepy shot
Nothing perfect at all (I probably messed up a lot on the false dotted tiling) but I figured I'd try to at least give you a fast response since I'm about to pass out. If you can't work with this I'll probably do something more with it when I'm up and free later on.
Replies: >>3123 >>3126
It'll be largely covered up by the new text, so it's current state looks just fine to me.

In fact the only thing that would really improve it would be if you'd gaussian blur the new lines out a little bit since the original lines are a bit softer.

But it's going to be hardly noticeable as it is now.
Replies: >>3124 >>3126
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Doesn't have that big of an impact, though yeah my lines are definitely harder than the original (my tired vision didn't catch that so well, whoops)

Slight touchups and blurring applied. You're right about the text covering it all up anyways but I don't want to let anyone down, hahah.
Replies: >>3126
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If only I operated that way.
I had to painstakingly make this panel look normal when I redrew it.
I couldn't stand the fact that if I don't make something look perfect, then I'm not even trying.

But the outcome for that panel seems to be fine, now that you say it like that though.
Plus, the text is bigger.

Alright, thanks.
I'll be sure to add it in now.
Replies: >>3127
I'm that way myself, it took me about a day to do my attempt on the first page awhile back; if the file hadn't corrupted but it would have looked OEM clean though.

But it's going to be hard to see details between the lines.
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Alright, pages 1-16 are now uploaded, but still not published.
Is there any way I can make it a private gallery first and give a link here?
There doesn't seem to be a way to do that, I think.

Should I upload it in a zip somewhere first, or just publish it now?
Replies: >>3130 >>3131 >>3136
I'm actually not sure this will be allowed on e/exhentai since it's an official manga chapter so it might get expunged though I'm not 100% on how they judge that.

Upload a zip definitely though.
Replies: >>3153
from what i recall, you can't link until you publish it.
Replies: >>3153
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Either upload a ZIP somewhere. Mega could be an option.

Or, you could post the pages here. Granted the originals are like 6-7MB so that's a page a post if that hasn't changed. But this is a slow board so I don't think accessibility would be a problem right away.

Another option would be to post the full resolution files in a ZIP and post half resolution (say around 2000x3000) greyscale JPGs here, that'll get you 2-3 pages per post.
Replies: >>3153
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Alright, I'll hold off on it for now.

Got it. Here they are resized.
Tell me if it needs any changes.
Replies: >>3154 >>3244
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Replies: >>3156 >>3157 >>3244
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And, done.
Replies: >>3159 >>3244
12's speech bubble cleaning is too visible, it's a different color.

14 should "keeps us on our toes" instead.

Otherwise this is astoundingly well done! Awesome to finally see it completed, your dedication shows.
Replies: >>3158
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Alright, I'll be sure to remember it.
I'll make the changes some other time since swamped with several other work I need to do.

I also did this on the free time I had.
Even when she's making just a single picture for a one-shot chapter, he makes NepuNepu look very lewd
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It took a while but this is Pudding Heart-tier work anon. I really couldn't have done any better, you nailed it.

I was going to point out "toes" on 14 but someone already got to it. But that's a five minute job that can be done before ZIPing it up.

I could change 01's "(moon runes) is back" to "Neptune is back" if you'd like; it's a time consuming but otherwise easy job. Or I could leave it to your skilled hands if you so choose…
Replies: >>3161 >>3175
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>tfw someone saved the ♥ pictures I screenshotted in game
Replies: >>3162
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All the best OC, anon.
I was thinking of re-drawing the first page, but I thought someone tried to redraw it prior to my work.
Maybe I will someday.

I'll be sure to edit the ones with errors though.
Really great job with the typesetting. Nicely done.
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I just noticed a typo, "agaisnt" is a bit wrong; it should instead be "against".
Replies: >>3246
And it's Page 08, the black panel.
Replies: >>3248
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It was bothering me so much that I fixed it myself; just a simply cut and paste job.

These are already JPGs so I saved this one as a PNG to save a generation.
e0001 go away.
Fixing our translation effort here.
>>1516 (OP)  
Damn image loss.
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