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Hey /nep/, the faggots over at /eternalarchive/ are making a share project against TPP and we would like your help
The fuck's this shit and why should I care?
As you should you the TPP will fuck over pirating and copyright everyfuckingthing.
To counter it we started this, our plan is to hoard shit pre-TPP and then share it around with I2P.
What do I do?
We are still planning shit, so there are four things you can do right now
>hoard shit
To share it afterwards. Eroges, doujinshis, anything goes.
>download I2P
Might as well get used to it now
>Suggest shit and help in the board
>spread it around
We need as many anons on this as possible, contact other small boards and chans. 
Why I2P?
Because it's TOR on steroids. It's safer than TOR, it has more features(such as torrenting) and it's newer meaning that is isn't called pedo net 2.0 yet.
Why bother, TPP won't do shit?
Odds are it will, but even if it doesn't there will be a new TPP. Companies are "losing money" with all these pirates, do you think they won't try to fuck us over each chance they get? We are now doing what we already should have had: preparing for the worst. Even if nothing happens next year, what's to say that it wont happen the year after?
Why /nep/
This started on /a/, the more /a/ related shit the better
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