>“My name is not important,” says the girl, with passion in her baritone voice. “What's important is what we're about to do!” She walks next to you, and points her hand toward Lastation. “I just fuckin' hate this world. And the CPUs feasting on its carcass. They claim to love video games, but they look down on us, believing us to be only for kids.” She turns around, her greasy hair floating in the wind. “My whole life is just cold, bitter hatred. But I don't want to be forgotten. This is the time of vengeance and no console shall be ignored. And I will put my games in as many as I can. My crusade begins here.” She finally faces you, extending her hand toward you. “Join me. Let's make a nation without gods, a nation where we don't need a seal of approval. A nation where games can be violent, disturbing, iconoclasts, or even s-sexual!” That small hesitation was really cute. “I travelled a lot, and all the CPUs are the same. They call themselves goddesses, but in exchange for protection from the monsters, they all require you to worships them, use their consoles, and obey their rules. Let us make a nation with no rules! This is where my crusade begins, and I will show them all that video games can be art too, not just something you play and forget!”