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Ive got some ideas, but it's pretty much a given that it's going to be invite only. Any Name ideas would be welcome, I have a few but this is a group for all of us.

There was some murmur about making the group entirely unrelated to Neptunia and 8ch so we could avoid any attention but I'm not sure if that's necessary.
Replies: >>3218
Making it entirely unrelated to 8chan is a given, as some Steam groups have been destroyed for that sole reason.

Outside of that, feel free to make it as you want. I won't join you anyway since I'm not on Steam but good luck.
Replies: >>3213
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That's good to know, I will keep that in mind.
My ideas for names as it sits are:
>Histoire's Homely Hostel
>Compa's Coffee Corner
>Eggplant Enthusiasts
>Vert's Veranda
>Noire's Nightbar

I'm hopeless at naming things…
Replies: >>3214 >>3215 >>3216
Well you could come up with a name that masks its relation to here. Not good with naming myself though. Maybe somethibg like:

The Infinity Dimension Neptunia Group

Dont think people would correlate the infinity to here automatically.
Replies: >>3215
>Eggplant Enthusiasts
Either that or >>3214
Replies: >>3217
I'd choose the Eggplant Enthusiasts. No relation from here so that couldn't be a reason to attack the group, and you'll be free to mind your own business.
Replies: >>3217
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I like how informal it is! When I get back to my PC I will make a group and start providing links.
>>3211 (OP) 
>Ive got some ideas, but it's pretty much a given that it's going to be invite only.
So you're just going to make it a circlejerk, huh?
Replies: >>3219 >>3223
Eggplant Enthusiasts sounds good.

I'm pretty sure we'll just have the same atmosphere as the /v/ Nep threads and this Nep board. If not then we can just delete the group, right?
Replies: >>3220 >>3223
If anything, it sounds like a Discord hugbox more than a /v/ thread.
I don't see it going well
Replies: >>3222 >>3223
Depends on if the people in it want to play games
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It doesn't have to be invite only, that's just what the /v/ thread recommended and I figured it made sense if we wanted to keep the vibe of the /v/ threads alive and well.
It only goes bad if you insist that it goes that way. The people who have already input all sound like nice, but shy people who would be OK in a group with a shared interest that has such a cozy following.
I sure hope we won't have to delete or get deleted, I like being nice to people.
Replies: >>3224
No need for it to be invite only, I can't see outside people finding it and joining in droves.
Replies: >>3225
I guess so, honestly who would join a group named after Eggplant.
I don't have the picture of Uni and the Eggplant, someone put it in this thread for the group page plus
Replies: >>3226
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Replies: >>3228
Though if it's an open group and clearly Nep-related, then even unrelated random people will join. I think that's why it was suggested, as an idea, to give it a name unrelated to Neps.
Replies: >>3228
That was another concern, but I suppose I could talk with you guys and setup names so I could prune off people that joined for no reason. That would be a pain though -_-
Replies: >>3233
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Gotta be invite only if you want it to be only from /nep/
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Make invite only or prepare your anus
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Alright, I'm ready, we just need a few more things
Replies: >>3234
infiniteeggplants is availible as a page link, only thing left is the abbreviation.
Replies: >>3235

Replies: >>3236 >>3237

No wait I meant IEP

Infinite EggPlant
Replies: >>3237
both are taken.
Replies: >>3239 >>3240
Replies: >>3240


Are numbers allowed?
das good
Replies: >>3241
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Alright its up, add me on steam at http://steamcommunity.com/id/AgentWOBBLeS/
I'll start punching people into the group.
Replies: >>3290
So, now it's started, how is it going ? any fun stories ?
Replies: >>3253 >>3255
Some of them played a simulator together last weekend, they might have some stories
Replies: >>3255
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It was just me and Glass playing Viscera cleanup detail, our 3rd dude have an official copy and it wouldn't connect. >>3252
I've been writing about Compa recently, one of the guys has been really helpful and positive.
I shot you a request, but I see you're offline. I'll let you get to it when you have the time.
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Anyone else got L4D2? We could have a co-op or versus match sometime
Replies: >>3297
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Do you want me to put up an announcement about it and talk to people?
Replies: >>3298
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If you'd be so kind I really should lurk this board more often
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Factorio today!
Thanks for the invite
Replies: >>3491
Surprised you guys haven't talked about Unreal Tournament 2004 since that has a Neptunia character pack made (Plus it has tons of game modes, maps, and mods)
Replies: >>3491
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Of course!
Most people don't have much money and don't seem to be much the arena shooter type, I guess it's worth a shot though
Replies: >>3493
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I don't think it would hurt to pirate a game released 12 years ago, especially one that Epic doesn't keep tabs on anymore because they are working on the latest UT (Even though it has a skeleton team)

Theres also some guides on making custom characters for use in both MP and SP which can be good if you want to try and get more people playing with you like Sven Co-Op or the Quake games.
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