/nep/ - Hyperdimension Neptunia

Now with 200% more Nepping

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>Imported embed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R42Pr6u4d9c

So. Is he literally a /v/fag?
Replies: >>4661
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>pic related
Sort of a bish Chad who gets off to Noire suffering. Doesn't share his private stash of lewds, and doesn't seem to care about games all that much…hmm…
Replies: >>4689 >>4755
>>4646 (OP) 
I've never seen the dub before, is it REALLY that bad?  Did some gaijun studio ACTUALLY pay people to make that?  Are you sure this isn't some shit tier fan dub someone made as a joke?  And do the rightsholder insist on all english translations of neptunia being complete shit?
Replies: >>4683 >>4719 >>4755
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These are the normal English voice actors. Once you understand this situation, the interest in having quality subs and the Japanese audio track being available at all times suddenly crystallizes.
Replies: >>4755
Only Nep hating faggots care about which hack job butchering of a translation they watch.
Replies: >>4719
>not finding those screams gutbusting
Aww c'mon.

What, you don't want a better translation?
Bitch about the shit dub all you want but valley girl Noire VA's autistic screeching there was fucking great.  Especially compared to the original scene.
Also thank fucking god valley girl noire decided to go full sagaftra and got sacked from being noire
The voyeur actually reminds me of that underwear-eating monster in Panty & Stocking's english dub. Same guy?
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