/retro/ - Y2K

1990s and 2000s Nostalgia

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Wanna watch some /retro/ TV? Check out https://www.my00stv.com/



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Does anyone know any free Neocities alternatives?
What's wrong with Neocities?
Too much Twitter/Tumblr users that try to cancel everyone they see. We shouldn't have let them know about Geocities at all.
Replies: >>2650 >>2653
>i have personally seen things that represent the entirety of the Neocities userbase, which I have determined to be wholly corrupt
>no, i won't share any examples of what i saw
>they can have it!
Reverse gatekeeping has always been retarded.

I haven't paid much attention to Neocities until the last couple weeks but it certainly seems to be about the only robust platform that wants to build/offer something that isn't social media sludge.  The TOS is the first one I've read in a long time that didn't have a few paragraphs dedicated to "fighting hate speech," instead opting for the usual disclaimer that they'll comply with the laws as much as the need to and that you shouldn't be surprised if you see something offensive.
Replies: >>2651
The closest thing to Neocities that I know of are the ~tilde communities, but they're not as active and most require manual account activation.

If you spend some time actually browsing the sites it's mostly spam, webdesign school projects, modern web cancer with a pre Y2K skin and the occasional site that isn't garbage. To be fair the actual Geocities had a lot of garbage too.
The ToS (Offensive Material) looks good. Do they hold any power there? But I understand avoiding them to try existing in peace online.
Replies: >>2655
As far as I know it's kind of a neutral zone. Sure, there's trannies and furries all over the front page, but there's also a site for a /pol/ podcast and one from a self-proclaimed incel, and they've been around for a couple years. I'm not sure if it's because the admins are apolitical enough not to care unless you're spewing "NIGGERNIGGERNIGGER" or making legitimate threats, or if they only come down on you when you start criticizing trannies. Or if no one's reported them yet and I've probably jeopardized both sites by mentioning them.
Replies: >>2659
The last blogpost is from 2019 so it might be on autopilot, could be tested by violating the TOS with a burner and reporting yourself from another burner.
Replies: >>2670
How about no? There's absolutely no need to push the site admins' buttons like that. Neocities is most probably running on autopilot so let's keep it that way.
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