/retro/ - Y2K

1990s and 2000s Nostalgia

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Wanna watch some /retro/ TV? Check out https://www.my00stv.com/



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You realize that you're an internet oldfag when: 

>You've been registered at old sites and forums with old local emails you don't use anymore and probably they don't even exist.
>You have saved images at BMP. format
Replies: >>3895
dunno if it counts but I still use Winamp for listening to music
Replies: >>3622 >>4647
I use winamp skins with audacious.
Replies: >>3624
Are they particularly useful for that purpose?
Replies: >>3626
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Yes anon, Audacious have a nice compatibility with Winamp skins, I downloaded some out of https://skins.webamp.org/ , the only thing I noticed is that some older skins look somewhat small in a modern display and a little hard to read.

The only catch is that you have to rename the .wzc file into a .zip and extract the content to C:\user\AppData\Local\audacious\Skins in Windows or ~/.local/share/audacious/Skins/ | /usr/share/audacious/Skins/ on Linux.
Replies: >>3675 >>4117
Did you enable double size (Ctrl-D)? Unlike original winamp, it also doubles the playlist window. Works fine on full HD, but if you have a 4K display, even that might be too small.
Replies: >>3783

No, I usually avoid double size because I use a smaller display and due to that it tends to look way too big for me. 

Depending on the theme the buttons look way too small so I stick with the shortcuts.

And the pic related is not mine, I got it on the web.
Replies: >>3849
>normal size too small
>double too big
I feel you, trying to play OpenTTD/OpenRCT2 on my notebook. 15 inch, 1920x1080. If I set it to 1x scale, everything is too tiny, if I set it to 2x, it's too big, and if I use a fractional scale, it becomes a blurry mess.
Replies: >>3890
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Just to show what I am trying to say with the picrels, probably isn't that noticeable due to the image compression but the double size makes things look very pixelated.

I also play OpenTTD from time to time, but at least I think that the interface is somewhat manageable at 2x.
Replies: >>3901
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>>3609 (OP) 
There's an imageboard that's been around since maybe 2006, and it has a (now unlisted) test board.
I made a post eight years ago. Someone replied four years ago, and I missed it, so I've replied a couple of days ago.
Maybe this is zen.

(pic unrel but rel)
Replies: >>3900 >>3901 >>3940
>Maybe this is zen.
Truly a master of slowpoking.
>double size makes things look very pixelated.
Naturally. Winamp skins are made up of fixed-size bitmaps which are simply upscaled in double size mode, making them look pixelated... I don't mind it though, it's part of the /retro/ experience and actually looks cool if you give it a chance.
>gigi d'agostino
Good taste B^)

Is it on the webring?
Replies: >>3904
>Is it on the webring?
Nope, sitting out alone in the aether.
Replies: >>3940
I'm pretty sure I know what board that is in your picture. There's not that many that are still around since '06.

It's good that you didn't say what it is.
It really fucks with me that many email providers either stop existing or delete your mail or even your whole account if you don't constantly log in periodically. Then when you do get in you find emails with links to sites and find they are dead. :(
Replies: >>4114 >>4132
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>or delete your mail or even your whole account if you don't constantly log in periodically.
I've had the bastards do that to like two of my email accounts so far.
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I do this as well, never had to extract anything though. But on some skins the transparencies don't work properly in Audacious for some reason. Pic related for example, I ended up learning how the masking works so I could redo it and make it work.
 I lost my minecraft account from 2010 this way, never buying it again
It was such a surprise when Winamp suddenly came alive and asked me if I want to update. I was, like, lolwut.
And no, I didn't update. My 5.552 version from april 2009 has everything I could ever need.
I was do the first. Good times, but they will not back more.
Replies: >>4684
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