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Means for thrust, lift and things related
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Quadcopters use a kind of feedback loop to synchronize the rotors to enable it to take off and stay in the air
Replies: >>20
welcome back /hover/. comfy css tbh. so, how does 'a thread can have it's own rules' work exactly?
Replies: >>9
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Thread rules can be put in the OP, like "refrain from mentioning x" or similar
A certain style may be asked for in a subsequent post, or I may attempt to style the thread given what I've seen previously and have access to
Replies: >>10
OK, I think I get that. Basically the honor system if you will?
>or I may attempt to style the thread given what I've seen previously and have access to
Interesting. Can individual threads be styled differently from the overall board?
Replies: >>11
>Interesting. Can individual threads be styled differently from the overall board?
Yes, in fact I can style individual posts, but it would be too much work I think
Styling the opening post styles the thread
Replies: >>12
>Yes, in fact I can style individual posts
very cool. i'm the bo of /robowaifu/ so i'm on lynxchan too. how would you go about that actually? i only know how to submit a general css file.
Replies: >>19
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I guess I'll make a thread for questions and stuff and explain it better there
Replies: >>20
that is cool af anon.

good thinking, thanks.
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Do you think the system the French are doing is gonna be useful in the long run? I feel it has too many drawbacks related to safety, a jetpack would work better
Replies: >>25 >>84
Yeah, that thing is basically a cross between a jetpack and a hoverboard
It might be popular with some daredevil hobbyists
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Replies: >>32
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I've been archiving threads from space ch on hover.neocities.org
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Over @ CERN
Antimatter is an actual thing, which some believe could be used for anti-gravity

This is also a pretty interesting article;
Replies: >>48
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Is this related to Quantum Levitation by any stretch.
Replies: >>50
No that's different
When antimatter meets matter it will annihilate in a devastating way, so any antimatter we have only occurs very briefly in very miniscule amounts and even if its contained it must be contained in such a way as to not contact any matter directly
Its been theorized that antimatter can have negative mass or negamassic effects but its mostly speculation at this point because its difficult to get enough antimatter to find out

I guess quantum levitation is a derivative of the casimir effect
Replies: >>84
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Coanda effect
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I was blown away watching that thing in action. I had no idea we had this sort of tech. Seems so science fiction.

Is it true there is some sort of mirror universe made of antimatter? Not like a Twilight Zone bizzaro world, just an inverted universe that is probably lifeless. I am a complete pleb on the subject and have probably misread something or misinterpreted someone's theory but it sounded interesting.
Replies: >>87
Its possible, but according to most scientists, there's less antimatter in the observable universe than actual matter
Some theorize that the time in an antimatter universe goes backwards from our point of view
We don't really know since scientists haven't had a chance to gather much antimatter

One can read about it here;
Replies: >>88
These are some interesting threads;
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Status of projects;
>Electrostatic lifter: Needs transformer coils soldered to pins and to connect transformer up properly for the powering circuit also might need a new sturdy structure with aluminium foil put together (materials available)
>Cetin Bal drive: Needs the tesla coil input soldered, the primary and other components also need connecting (likely by soldering) it also needs a circular aluminium plate, not sure if aluminium foil works, plate is available but needs to be worked (sawed) to make it circular (and maybe hole in the middle?)
>OTC-X1 drive: Haven't started on this, it needs a lot of materials, including transformer cores, hollow cone shapes and structural support
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Inertial drive;
Replies: >>234
I spent most of the day starting a build of this, since I have a bunch of lego technic pieces
Its looking good so far, I might post instructions for how to build it over on the /lego/ board

Here's a vid of the Thornson device in operation;
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I wonder how small of a multicopter one could actually make today with what's available
Replies: >>384
cool link anon thanks.
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Tiny foamball, hovers in air, creates 3d projection;
Replies: >>456
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Kinda neat. I hope they can get all the bugs ironed out and then copycats reverse-engineer it quickly and give us all cheap 3D displays.
Replies: >>1261
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I read a story once in which an alien space craft was powered by a vacuum (as in difference potential between air and vacuum or something to do with vacuum turning turbines)
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So what the heck are odd nuclear spin values? Anyone? I'm not sure yet either..
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Recently released files;
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Cross posting for posterity & memetic momentum for this tech

P.S. https://sci-hub.se/
Replies: >>1006
A lot of good links there, which /hover/ has already covered (if not here then on old 8chan or 8kun)
Thanks for the links anyway
Recent explorations by /hover/ have indicated that cold electricity may be electron hole current, which is what Seike's endless amplifier can be useful for. An electron hole is a positive charged empty space (similar to a capacitor with air as the dielectric potentially) since its bigger than a charged "particle" its "colder" and works "more slowly" but can be used for a variety of interesting things, like circuits which cool down when active instead of heating up (supposedly) and for mass negating effects (as the electron hole being positive might work similarly to a positron which is an antimatter particle)
There's a theory; imagine that the center of the earth has a bunch of antimatter at the very center.. Regular matter is attracted to it but will annihilate on contact with antimatter, but in this instance may have formed a perfectly spherical "shield" around the antimatter in the center, so that the matter can't collapse any further because of the compacted shield of matter. Thus, all the matter on earth might be attracted towards that antimatter in the center, but cannot get there. Alternatively there might be something like a massive electron hole kind of current in some material at the center of the earth which creates the same effect as there being an anti matter there (even if there might not be any actual anti matter)
Positive and Negative attract, right? But its just a theory.
Another theory suggests its a field recursion which has created a point of infinite collapse, IE a singularity at the earth's center
Either way antimatter or antimatter like effects seem to play into the gravitational dynamic, like with causing some recursive fields more easily, but its difficult to prove as antimatter annihilates easily on contact with any regular matter and electron hole current has either been suppressed as a study or just not studied much outside of bipolar junction transistors
Replies: >>1007 >>1017
Some of the theories don't quite make sense, like if antimatter and matter attract one another and you use antimatter on a matter earth wouldn't it just get attracted to the ground? 
The recursion thing makes more sense, but in what way does that even work?
There may still be some leaps in logic
According to asian writings and derivatives, there are two types of chi, one of them being commonly known by most and the other completely as of yet unexplored by any science of the west. Supposedly the other chi can suppress and negate extreme impacts and extreme heat and what the masters and mountain men say about this other chi force is "that the earth itself is it, but it is nowhere to be found on earth" Its the great absorber, which supposedly also explains gravity
Replies: >>1008
>like if antimatter and matter attract one another
I think you're mixing up magnetism and matter/antimatter somehow Anon. BTW, at the very beginning of the universe matter/antimatter were almost precisely in the same quantities -- and instantly annihilated each other! The fact we live in a matter universe thereafter is a result of a very tiny imbalance in the quantities in favor of matter. Also, BTW, the universe's primary repository of anti-matter today is right here on Earth inside particle accelerators.
Replies: >>1009
The thing is we don't know enough about antimatter as of yet, thats why there's wild theories about antimatter
Some theories say it has a reversed time compared to regular matter and some allude to anti gravity properties of antimatter, which is currently being studied
Magnetism isn't the only thing which attracts/repels, electricity also works that way (like with "static" charges)
So if you have two positive charges they'll repel, like the hairs on top of ones head when touching the top sphere of a van de graaff
So when you have an electron and a positron, ofcourse one would conclude that they attract one another based on the "static" electrical charges mentioned prior to this which is actually just the electric field forces
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>Recent explorations by /hover/ [postulations]...
I personally am more inclined along the (Walter) Russellian electro-magnetic octaves of matter densification and where upon insufficient aetheir density the elements become unstable and return crystallized or held energy back to a lesser state atomic decay). Only systems with a coherent field, which acknowledges the electro-potential gradient that flows thought the galaxy in the form of aetheric/astral currents and physical Birkeland currents -- the lattermost is quantum probabilisticly biasing the material forms and flows, be it simple plasma from the void-maw of dark energy or crude earth chemistry can achieve balance with entropy.

The secret of stillness, the inward drawing, imploding, magnetic and specifically how it angles into itself, the proportion of the movement along the axis of the spiral about the torrid vs the sharpness of the angel perpendicular to the horizontal movement, this is determined in matter by aetheric currents, which are in turn directed by astral currents as the scaffolding of creation reaches beyond matter, time, and through the quantum singularity.

In more alchemical terms, the animating/motive force (fire/electricity also breath, prana, vril) must be received in balance by the element of flow, cooling, and form giving (water/magnetism and primal matter or mater, mother). By the dynamic balance between this gases and more concrete matter is formed around the primal yang and yin. Furthermore they are directed and held in relative Cartesian space by the ambient fields (or not). Thusly by creating a potential field with a strong difference in charge (voltage) one can increase the rate of (al)chemical processing in a given space, with mindfulness this can result in exponential quantum potency of psychic power or if done technologically you get Biefield-Brown thrusters in crude form biasing the whole of the "gravity" field or with more finesse the electromagnetic molecular field engineering of Mehran Keshe and the tri-phase diagram defying elements (solid mercury at room temp & pressure, etc) or the EM fields that only repel or attract specific isotopes of elements and then hold them in 3D space via an EM cymatic effect exerted upon more stable matter by the lesser condensed forms of energy as it spirals.
Replies: >>1018 >>1033
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Some of what you mention may have merit, but I think Mehran Keshe may be a fraud. I did actual experiments like with those "bottle reactors" and never got anything out of it. I had a totally open mind while working on those experiments but was forced to conclude that Keshe's claims are dubious or that my setup was lacking something. Anyone can spout a bunch of unprovable things and claim them as true. I think a better approach is to do as Boyd Bushman said and "Follow the data". If you're getting something practical out, like in the case of the electrostatic lifters, or litting lightbulbs with cold electricity, then you got some result which can be worked with. If the result doesn't give anything useful (like with my attempts at reproducing Keshe's designs) then its pretty useless.
In my view the aether is right on the border between the physical and non physical. How does one work with such a thing? Even working with hydrogen is pretty difficult. The cone spiral shapes are prominent also in Otis Carr's design (which is also kinda difficult to prove because it needs a lot of materials to make and the controlling of said craft had to rely on the operator instead of physical controls) a pretty alien design.
A new field of explorative merit is emerging, called psychotronics. I admit that maybe some of Keshe's and others devices may have such qualities as to only allow certain users to get effects out. But in those instances it can become difficult to work with. Like John Hutchison alluded to becoming "a part of the circuit" would then be required. Most scientists don't do that consciously.
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herro? according to new research, it may now be possible to construct the alcubierre warp drive using currently-known physics.
the press release for it is here: https://www.uni-goettingen.de/en/3240.html?id=6192
>what are alcubierre warp drives?
these type of ftl drives move the space around them in order to achieve ftl speeds. some long-standing problems for the warp drive were that it would have needed the existence of exotic matter/energy and tons of conventional energy to work, but this might not be necessary anymore.
more info here: https://www.andersoninstitute.com/alcubierre-warp-drive.html
Replies: >>1095
I think I read about something like that, but it wasn't "alcubierre" warp drive, just warp drive which be less than light speed (which is still a good achievement if made)

But this article you linked does seem to be about faster than light travel, its good that someone else considers it possible because travelling at sub light speeds may generally make it take very long to get anywhere in our outer space neighbourhood.
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Electrostatic lifters are using more than one effect, they can be made pretty small sized like this penny sized one.
Replies: >>1333
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Basic lifter structure
Is "The Hunt for Zero Point: Inside the Classified World of Antigravity Technology" by Nick Cook real or is it fake?
Replies: >>1371 >>1456
I've read that book cover to cover and as far as I can tell, its real. I've seen no evidence to the contrary. Also it goes into some things which make sense.
Podkletnov and Schauberger are in that book. Also, it states that the German airforce was not involved with saucer or esoteric craft projects, but those esoteric projects were black budget and possibly handled by the SS or other organizations.
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The lifter structure with aluminum foil and thin copper wire
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Getting too much arching, wires might have to be further apart or maybe it needs more insulation between wires and foil..
Might have to change the structure
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Read it as well. Seems completely legit on a technical level and save for the fact that the author cucks out on the holohoax and included a lot appeal to emotional drivel, it is a good book in the field of which not so many are even decent, IMHO.

I personally also enjoyed a lot, Paul A. LaViolette's the Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion
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Here's a new lifter structure assembled from black straws, this time it has longer spacing for the top so the wire can go higher more easily
The straws are lightweight but still have some weight, it remains to be seen if they can be lifted by the high voltage once the aluminium and copper are in place
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Here it is fully assembled with aluminium foil and copper wire

Another failure on first attempt to get this one moving
This is a lot more difficult than I thought it was gonna be
I haven't been sure about structure materials, it could be this arrangement is too heavy for the lift produced, may have to put this on a scale
I'm also proceeding with caution because high voltage like this can be dangerous
I wish I had help with figuring this stuff out, at least I have a proper power supply now
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This looks promising;
Replies: >>1576
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Replies: >>1563
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Replies: >>1564
Replies: >>1564
I want one!
Why are you posting unknown links like this fren? Who knows what they could be, no thanks.
Replies: >>1565
They're not unknown, they're youtube links and one can hit [Embed] on the right side of them to see what they contain
You're free to ignore or hide them
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UFO! UFO! (Its a flare)
Replies: >>1787
The /hover/ board was first made on 1/1/2015, so its been 9 years
Happy birthday /hover/
Replies: >>1716 >>1717 >>1833
That's pretty impressive.
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Happy Birthday, /hover/ !
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/eris/ here, there are allegations going around saying our glorious "former" planet is really just a flare.
They are FALSE! Don't believe them! Or Else!
My ultimate dream is to build an antigravity device from scratch. I irrationally believe... it must be possible. If passive antigravity is impossible, then active antigravity powered by e.g. electric current must be possible. But how could little ol' me, a college dropout, produce such a thing, when governments and corporations have tried for many multiples of my entire lifespan and turned up with nothing?
I just know it, that propulsion without expelling what we recognize as equal and opposite momentum, it must be possible. I know that it is, and that it's what will take us to the stars. Besides... every true scientist knows deep in their heart that Einstein was wrong. Even he knew it, and he didn't keep it a secret. Only parasites uphold his models as dogma.
Replies: >>1823
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Its absolutely possible to do, but not just anyone can do it, that said you don't have to have a huge company, this is something that someone can do in a garage, with the right equpment and materials

Passive antigravity.. I've read about something like that before, (I've been at this for 15 years or so) Basically there was a crystal, a type of quartz, but colored I think and when it was treated with high energy electric flowing through it, it would deform to the point it had negative density, causing it to negate gravity. Its a story I read, I'm not sure if it's true. But its something that could be tested in the right setting with the right tools.

As for powered designs, there are plenty. My favorite design right now is the gravity capacitor featured in articles I found whilst browsing (at some point in all these years). 

Its possible to test this out, but its preferable to have a High frequency DC power supply (I've bought one) so far I haven't gotten results but I think its because I didn't build the devices properly to the right specifications. I'm thinking I'll use aluminum foil instead of tin foil since tin foil is a bit  difficult to come by. I'm going to build a capacitor thruster like this and see if it works. It may take a while to make. Perhaps you can also experiment with making something like this. There are also conical coil designs I might make, I'll share a link for that too.
Replies: >>1824 >>1825 >>1826
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Its also possible that these are just stories and that none of the ones in these links work even if built to specification.
The electrostatic lifters have been shown to work, perhaps those designs can be improved upon. I've tried to build such a device but didn't get it to work, but there's a lot of people around the world who did get it to work.
It may be the best place to start, if you're competent enough to get this simple lifter to work, then you can move on to testing other designs (there's lots of them on the jnaudin site.
See if you can build and make this work first;
The gravity capacitor should probably be constructed more like the gravitator as depicted in this here pdf;
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There's a resemblance between the gravity capacitor and the Serrano field propulsion thruster and also the ARV, in that these all feature plates that are staggered with plus plate layers and minus plate layers, that must be significant
There's a gif of the Serrano thruster working;
Replies: >>1827
Brother, I own postage stamps that are bigger and more animated than that GIF. Is there any better footage of these things working? The .rm video returns 404, I guess this is like French Geocities and that they remove content from sites as old as this one. Seeing the Internet as I once knew it age and decay is so sad.
Replies: >>1828
Unfortunately we don't have that much. The Serrano field propulsion thruster does not seem to be on youtube or other popular video sites as far as I'm aware. Very few have bothered to attempt to replicate these experiments. The French guy last updated his site in 2013. I think a most people are either afraid to make something like this, or too incompetent or think its probably a waste of time. So we're kind of on our own, with this little to go on. I think we're lucky to even have a gif, even if its as small as that one. I've been in this a long time so I've gotten used to it. Unfortunately I don't have much space to work on experiments at this point and I'm also low on funds. I'm thinking things may get better for me in the coming months. Until then I can pretty much only work as a guide in case someone is able to work on this stuff. Most of the powered designs rely on high voltage (mostly high frequency DC) so unless the experimenter can get their hands on that kinda power supply, its unlikely they'll make much progress.
Replies: >>1829
Well, it seems easy enough, but it really looks like some kind of ionic propulsion is being misinterpreted as reactionless thrust. I will report back with high-quality footage if the experiment succeeds, when conditions permit. I just don't think this design will work in space. Oh, I know, we'll know if the device is truly reactionless if it still generates thrust while inside a sealed container...?
Replies: >>1830
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Thanks for considering it and possibly making an attempt at getting something like this to work. 
After all this time studying this, I'm fairly certain that the Biefield-Brown effect works and that it is not an ionic effect, but a force effect from capacitor arrangements. The french guy did say that the thrust generated by a simple lifter seemed to be too much to be only simple ionic wind. He did experiment in an attempt to dispel the ionic wind myth, for example he put the negative conductor (aluminum foil of the lifter) in a box while the wire was outside the box and according to what was written on his site the aluminum foil did still take off inside the box. He also put lifters into oil and there's a small gif somewhere on his site of it moving in the oil (spinning). But yeah we don't know for sure unless we manage to get something working ourselves.
The ARV Fluxliner story is interesting, in that it was a craft that someone saw at a closed off airshow. I'm fairly sure this is the real deal. It had these staggered copper plates embedded in greenish translucent substance, maybe glass or crystal, in the bottom of the craft. Mark McCandlish said that when this plate arrangement was powered with like a million volts, a huge thrust would be generated. The craft as seen by the witness was hovering above the stage. This story is quite compelling to me. Mark asked around and got some trustworthy individuals who were in the know to confirm that these things are real. I'm pretty sure that it is indeed possible to make this kind of thruster. Just be cautious about who you share this information with, at least for the time being.
There's a full length documentary on ARV, it was on youtube but it has apparently been erased from there, I can't find it on there anymore. So I've uploaded it to pcloud. I would recommend for anyone who's interested in this stuff to watch this documentary. It is about an hour and a half in length.
Here's the link for it;
Replies: >>1831
Thanks for posting that documentary. I watched it in 2023 and didn't know that it got taken down. I ended up downloading it just in case.

It's kind of synchronous to see this post and you mentioning  the Biefeld-Brown effect when I just watched the Jesse Michels video on T. Townsend Brown last night.

I have to say that I'm also scientifically illiterate and that all this stuff goes over my head.
Replies: >>1832
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Strangely, neither this documentary nor the "Blueprint for a UFO" one have the part where he's talking about the staggered plates, I remember seeing that in some documentary but now I'm not sure which one, if you happen to find it somewhere let me know.

Also I did find the documentary on youtube, its just under a different name.
There's more to the ARV than the capacitor plates in the bottom (as seen in these documentaries) but I'm mainly interested in the capacitor plate arrangement. It is what made the ARV be able to hover just off the floor, I'm fairly certain of it. The part in the center of the craft is the most mysterious, it is most likely the power source.
Its also possible that the craft may be relying in part on other effects like "cetin bal" effect (that is, if it works)
Today is /hover/'s 10th birthday!
Replies: >>1834
Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday, /hover/ !
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