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Dearest assorted friends,
We're developing the set for the Infinity Cup 2020 and we'd really like to have a team of such diverse features such as yourselves. Come to https://anon.cafe/icup/ and let's get this show going!
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>>678 (OP) 
I've just noticed that /icup/ as a whole is getting some steam again. What do you guys think about competing as a unit?
Replies: >>1279 >>1285
sounds fun
how does this work?
Replies: >>1277
We need a roster of players
11 starters and at least a bunch of substitutes
then we need a logo at least
we could use the names of the various sub boards
I'm game if you are, guys.
>>678 (OP) 
What does it entail exactly? I know jack about soccer, or sports for that matter.
Replies: >>1289
>>678 (OP) 
Ended up creating a team myself. I left out /pro/ as they will have their own team playing and /christian/ because they're big enough for their own thing.

GK   /miku/ & /teto/ - Vocaloids
LB    /fringe/ - Esoteric
CB    /css/ - Style Sheets [SILVER]
CB    /electronica/ - Synth
RB    /caffe/ - Coffy Lounge [BRONZE]
LMF    /v/ - Viverridae
CMF   /bun/ - Bunnies
RMF    /musicprod/ - Music Production
LWF   /rocks/ - Minerals and Fossils [BRONZE]
CF  /meta/ - Maintenance [GOLD][C]
RWF   /heavy/ - Metal

GK    /t/ - Torrents and filesharing
GK    /lax/ - Relaxing Scenery
LB    /hover/ - Hovercrafts
CB    /bonsai/ - Bonsai Tree's
CB    /fusion/ - Jazz
LMF    /mc/ - Minecraft
LMF    /pol/ - Poetry and Lyrics
CMF    /space/ - Frontier
CMF    /x/ - Paranormal
RMF    /cyber/ - Cyberpunk
LWF    /cv/ - Coronavirus
RWF    /dir/ - Board Directory
how bout it we good?
Replies: >>1286 >>1288
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I think its fine, I don't know much about this really so I'll just say do as you like

I made a rudimentary server logo art
no objections for me
Oh hey, it's nice to see that you guys decided to join the competition.
I suggest you post your current roster to this thread for possible feedback and/or improvements.

It's basically a modded Pro Evolution Soccer with both AIs duking it out, and every board has their own team.
Could probably make a better one
Replies: >>1291
It doesn't have to be super well done mind you
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>>678 (OP) 
Made some kits
>>678 (OP) 
In order to finalize the team we also need an anthem and a goal horn. Anyone got any ideas?
Replies: >>1322 >>1443
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Replies: >>1323
ahaha, that got me good
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I had an idea, how about having a /server/ tournament? All the different boards on /server/ compete with each other, and the winner gets to represent /server/ in the icup. I think it could be a fun little event. I'd even be willing to host it but I can't promise.
Replies: >>1408
If you're doing that make sure you do it before Aug 12. Your team needs to be finished as well.
Replies: >>1409
Oh there's no way I'm gonna do it in less than two weeks, it was just a general idea.
Replies: >>1410
Maybe it could work in the winter. If anons here are even interested, that is. In that case putting together some teams would be a good start.
Replies: >>1433
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The draw stream is going to happen on Friday this week, 18:00 UTC at https://cytu.be/r/infinitycup
The attached image shows the start time in various timezones (from https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?p1=1440&iso=20220812T18&msg=Draw%20Stream ). End time is unknown, but it should last an hour or two at least because it will be used to run test matches, and will probably fail catastrophically at some point.
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After a disastrous draw stream that started an hour late, we now have the group stage draw.

I'm not seeing any of the predicted rivalries. Group B appears to be the Group of Death.

Here is the test/draw stream, be warned that it starts off horribly due to a missing noise reducer on the microphone.
Fair warning, this is a PeerTube instance, so if the P2P bothers you then click My Settings on the left, then unselect "Help share videos being played" (you don't need to login). This isn't necessary for the stream, just the replay.
Considering how slow everything is around here, it'll be some super low effort event. 11 names and a logo for each team, everything else being optional. No models either because I can't blend.
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Here is the schedule for this weekend.
>>678 (OP) 
Please update your roster page anons
Starting stream in an hour
Replies: >>1440
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Here is the schedule for this week's set of matches.

/server/ 3 - 0 /kind/
Match replay coming soon.
Replies: >>1441
Replay's here: https://archive.org/download/ic7_20220825_20220825/2-04%20-%20server%20vs.%20kind.mp4
I was wrong by the way, it's 3 - 1.
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I'll put this theme to you
Replies: >>1445
Starting in one hour. You'll be playing against /bmn/ in the third match of the day.
Replies: >>1445
You lost 1 - 3 against /bmn/. Replay coming soon.
What is this song for?
Replies: >>1452
Here is the schedule for this weekend's matches.

https://archive.org/download/ICUP7/Raw%20mkv%20files/Day%204%20Part%201.mkv (Starts at 1:27:06)
Starting in one hour. You'll be fighting for your tournament lives against /retro/ in the sixth match of the day.
Replies: >>1454
/server/ 1 - 1 /retro/
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The draw has been pulled, and for your first match of the knockouts you'll go against /eris/. No times yet.
Replies: >>1460
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Knockouts starting in 30 minutes
Replies: >>1462
Starting match now
Replies: >>1464
Lost 0-2 against /eris/
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I give thanks for /server/ being included in the icup. I had fun watching, I was surprised to see /v/ losing against /cuckquean/ 3 - 6. Funniest moment was at the end of the match of /late/&/comfy/ vs /dup/, when both goal keepers couldn't catch the ball at all. If anyone captured it as a vid I'd be up for seeing it again.
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Infinity Cup 7 is now complete! Congratulations to /eris/ who joins the ranks of champions as they defeated /japan/ 3-1 in the Final! Stay tuned for the award winners over at our /icup/ board.
Thank you to every anon who chipped in throughout the Cup, and thank you especially to all the anons who took the time to tune in. We'll see you in the next one!
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