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Practices, spells, symbolism, etc
Replies: >>888
Replies: >>856 >>1399
Replies: >>715
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>Understanding Polarity
>Polarity consists of 2 poles
>and everything between them
>its a gradient of difference potential
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If you're similar to me, then you appreciate a place like this, a place of magic and relative seclusion with greenery and good nature energy, with the flowing water of life. I liked certain elements of /fringe/ like this idea of a breakaway community of like minded individuals, an off the grid magician paradise
Replies: >>888
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I consider psionics to be a type of magic, in which the imagination works in line with energy work to bring forth physical effects. Its a practiced skill. I don't add k to the word magic, I see it as a matter of preference. In some views it may be that the added k adds specialization or corruption to the word, but I just see it as unnecessary. I call stage magic "stage magic" or "tricks".
Qi or Chi is the bioelectric field or the energy of life. Psi seems to be the same energy, worked with the mind. The energy field might be somewhat explained by subquantum kinetics (which goes deeper than mere quantum physics) but the explanations might not be as important as the application of this type of energywork or psionics.
Replies: >>856 >>1136
Replies: >>856
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What is your focus? If you can keep your thoughts in line with your goals and preferences you may be more likely to improve your way of life or your theme.
Mantras or imagery can contribute to this
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Positive effects of trees
Trees are fractal in nature and have good energy fields
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One doesn't necessarily have to let go of, or give up on something in order to have it, as has been suggested in a lot of manifesting material like "Law of attraction" or similar
Replies: >>853 >>857 >>1361
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Replies: >>1376
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Chi seems to be the same as orgone and might be scientifically identified by the idea of neutrinos, which is at the forefront of modern scientific edge of knowledge. Psychotronics and radionics seem to make use of this phenomenon at least in some cases. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloudbuster
Replies: >>1176 >>1785
Is astrology something worth learning about, or is it a load of crap?
Replies: >>836 >>1785 >>1808
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There are aspects of astrology which have merits, but a lot of times it is either misinterpreted or inaccurate. The modern astrology horoscopes are generic, the public ones are supposed to apply to a lot of people which means they're generally less accurate. Compatibility charts are only accurate if they correspond correctly to the element groupings.

There are 12 zodiac signs, with 4 elemental groupings. 5th element is considered the whole and as such encompasses all 4 groups.
The 4 elemental groups are as follows;
Fire; Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Earth; Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Air; Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Water; Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Air and Fire elements are within the same preferable compatibility grouping generally. Earth and Water are also considered to be more compatible with Earth and Water element signs in general.

For asian zodiac, things are a bit different, but it also has 12 signs.
This is a very in depth subject, which has various belief systems. Both can be true or neither depending on belief, if its integrated enough.

To take the rational approach, its not totally preposterous to consider that astronomical bodies may influence things on earth, each one has its own frequency range which can be listened to using radio. The moon affects the tides of the ocean and charges in capacitors (although the latter is rarely noticable), as well as beings which have lots of water content in them. The interplay between sun and moon also affects the earth causing earthquakes and other events. While the effects of other astronomical bodies further away may seem less significant to the rational observer, they still seem to be related with various things. Their frequencies do carry over here and their lights are mostly visible in the cloudless night (outside light polluted areas). Making sense of these is what astrology is mainly about.
Replies: >>837
>There are aspects of astrology which have merits, but a lot of times it is either misinterpreted or inaccurate. The modern astrology horoscopes are generic, the public ones are supposed to apply to a lot of people which means they're generally less accurate. Compatibility charts are only accurate if they correspond correctly to the element groupings.
I've been reading up on it and have used a bunch of those free birth chart generators using an accurate time of birth and have recorded the results to come back to. I've noticed that the results seem to be a pretty accurate description of my personality. Closer than you'd think if they were just making things up. I can't explain why scientific studies mostly seem to cast doubt on astrology if it's true.

I'd like to hire an astrologer at some point who knows their stuff and isn't some flaky Buzzfeed reader. I can figure out what individual aspects and things mean in an amateurish way from looking things up, but that seems insufficient. If astrology is accurate, a knowledgeable professional could help me see the big picture and clear up any ignorance or misunderstandings on my part. If they had a good reputation and weren't helpful, then I'd consider it a safe bet to write off astrology.
>To take the rational approach, its not totally preposterous to consider that astronomical bodies may influence things on earth, each one has its own frequency range which can be listened to using radio. The moon affects the tides of the ocean and charges in capacitors (although the latter is rarely noticable), as well as beings which have lots of water content in them. The interplay between sun and moon also affects the earth causing earthquakes and other events. While the effects of other astronomical bodies further away may seem less significant to the rational observer, they still seem to be related with various things. Their frequencies do carry over here and their lights are mostly visible in the cloudless night (outside light polluted areas). Making sense of these is what astrology is mainly about.
There's also the acausal view, where celestial bodies reflect events on Earth but don't necessarily influence them.  That seems to me like the most likely one to be true.
Replies: >>847
>There's also the acausal view, where celestial bodies reflect events on Earth but don't necessarily influence them. That seems to me like the most likely one to be true
Yeah that's also another thing to study. It just helps sometimes to give the rational skeptical reader some plausible physical explanation to potentially get a bit more open minded to it.
Seeing as this is the /fringe/ inspired thread, it was a bit of an extra afterthought.
I've recently found out about a notion which suggests compatibilities can be swayed by different leanings, but I'm not sure about that so I didn't include it.
Numerology is another interesting thing which also can play into it. According to the numbers lady, the number 4 stands for the home. I found it to be curious that if the numbers in 2020 are added together it gives 4 and it certainly has been more of a year of the home with these lockdowns going on
do you know more about the LoA? I got rid of the few negative thoughts I had because I read about it a week ago but I haven't been able to manifest anything.
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Yes I know about it, they call it "Law of Attraction" there are many different descriptions of it (the public mostly knows of it as "the Secret" as in the book by Byrne)
The quotes here are condensed golden nuggets of applying it
I'm still currently working on figuring it out better myself
The way of thinking and feeling is key. It was covered on the 8ch /fringe/ (see pic related)
One of the interesting ways of seeing it was covered by Bashar (channeled information) beliefs being based on definitions and reality being self reinforcing, thus making a form of echo. The thinking goes like, if the echo is responded to it will reinforce it, thus complaining about a thing in the physical might incur more to complain about. So instead of complaining one might then do something else. Bashar repeatedly mentions following highest excitement. To me this simply means go with your prefs. It doesn't have to be the most exciting thing ever, just if its preferable go with it.
Replies: >>1360
Faggot question incoming.
How do I start or How do I become "green pilled"?
I'm pretty sure there is something more than this 'thing here' but I've no recollection of ever being connected to what's beyond.
I'm quitting my job in a month to really concentrate on it -- I've accumulated enough savings to take at least a year off.
Replies: >>856 >>1136
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This might depend a bit on your mindset. Where do the thoughts come from? What causes the mind to think as it does? It seems to me most likely that the brain is like an interface and that there are other "layers" in our existence. The mind may have its own layer for imagination. The imagination can definitely have an effect on physical reality

Qi gong means energy work, its good to start looking into it early. Its something real which monks and mountain men in China have visibly shown and physically made known.

If you're interested in other mysterious things then you could look into Forteana. I originally read a book called Mysterious World written by Arthur C. Clarke.
Most humans perceptions are only aware of a very narrow slice of the range of existence. That's their reality, but from my point of view there are many different realities within existence.
The physical reality is made out of energy, when scientists looked into smaller and smaller scales they eventually only found either seemingly empty space or energetic charge potentials and fields. So all matter is actually energy, that's what the famous formula e=mc^2 is trying to convey. e is the energy, m is the mass or matter and c is the light. There are many ways to interpret light, in some experiments its shown to be a wave, while in other instances its shown to be particles.

There's a lot of deep stuff to explore
Replies: >>865
I've been trying to start too. It's hard for me to get rid of my negative thoughts and even harder for me to sincerely believe that my thoughts are going to manifest themselves. There are probably subconscious blocks in my case, too. If I could prove this phenomenon to myself, then there's really no going back to the way things were before I went down the rabbit hole. The potential ramifications of this stuff I honestly find scary and depressing, but I really don't know how to get over my fear.
>If you're interested in other mysterious things then you could look into Forteana. I originally read a book called Mysterious World written by Arthur C. Clarke.
I have been interested in that stuff ever since I was a kid and heard of bigfoot, the Loch Ness monster, UFOs, and so on. I still have an old book on cryptids from my elementary school days, as well as a more general one I used to read in my early teenage years. A lot of the pictures or stories that have been debunked, but I still find them interesting reading. I even find the hoaxes interesting "what if?" scenarios and in a sense find the perception of them being real just as interesting as something that is much more likely to be real. It tells you a lot about how different people have viewed the world.

The more I read on paranormal phenomena over the years, the more I realized that they all seem to be interconnected and point to non-physical dimensions of reality. At this point I'm stuck between taking the plunge further and ignoring it and clinging to the version of reality I grew up with.
Anyway, here are some paranormal book recommendations for anyone interested in these subjects who wants to dive deeper than the more superficial mainstream explanations of the topics:
>Jacques Vallee - Dimensions: A Casebook of Alien Contact

>Patrick Harpur - Daimonic Reality: A Field Guide to the Otherworld

>Thom Powell - The Locals: A Contemporary Investigation of the Bigfoot Sasquatch Phenomenon
So it is similar to the Hermetic principle of Mentality, then?
Replies: >>866
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At least in a way
While you're in the physical there are ofcourse rules and restraints
If you fully know the rules you can use them, go around them or bend them, but if you don't know the rules, those can trip you up if you try to do things without knowing what you're doing.. At least that's what it seems like given my experiences
Replies: >>867 >>870
I see.
The issue I see arising from this is that there are so many different teachings about the rules of this plane.
'Makes it hard to find a good starting point but that in itself , I find is gratifying.
I'm planning on focusing on Hermeticism for now as it seems to be the oldest; correct me if I'm wrong.
Replies: >>868 >>872
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Hermeticism is pretty good from what I've read
Everyone finds their own way
Some things did not fit me but those might work for others
I found a book while browsing which is a good starting point at least, it has info on Thoth Hermes from which the Hermeticism originates and is named after
That pic reminded me that there's a conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn this winter solstice, dec 21st
Replies: >>871 >>873
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>The issue I see arising from this is that there are so many different teachings about the rules of this plane.
It definitely doesn't make anything easier, that's for sure.  It seems like everyone and their dog has their own ideas about how these things work, and they're 100% certain that their perspective is the right one.

I'm not a big Robert Anton Wilson fan anymore, but he hit the nail in the head in regard to how people become too enamored with their pet models of reality.
The Age of Aquarius is upon us, and it doesn't want us to miss it.
Replies: >>876
I read some articles stating that, thanks for highlighting it
Apparently the grand conjunction will take place in the sign of Aquarius, but previous hundreds of years it has only taken place in earth signs
Is it sensible to work on several manifestations at once, or should someone focus exclusively on one thing? Also, does anyone have any success with biokinesis-related manifestations?
Replies: >>878
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Depends what you think you're capable of and what you're going for
I've worked on many manifestations at a time, a lot of it is still work in progress
Didn't remember seeing that "biokinesis" definition before, but in a way I've been working with that, altering ones body in a way most wouldn't consider to be viable. I was actually born with blue eyes but really felt like having green eyes, then it happened to change in the direction of that color when I moved to another place, so I'm living proof that's possible.
Replies: >>879
Right now I'm debating doing several aspects of my physical appearance but didn't know if it would be less effective to do more than one at once. One of them is more of a priority than others right now, so I thought it would be better to focus on that for as long as necessary. I don't see why I shouldn't be capable of obtaining these things if the universe is mental in nature. Right now I've begun daily meditation/visualization practice and have started to change my mental image of myself while looking for confirmations that I've changed already.
Replies: >>880
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Well, the "subconcious" as they call it is also a deciding thing here, its not just the daytime thinking mind, but the other mind too. There are different levels of mental and that may be part of what makes things difficult to change sometimes. There's an echo thing like mentioned before, which means if you're looking for signs of the changes a lot, you might just keep encountering and enhancing this echo. That isn't to say that you cannot see changes occur, its just that LOOKING for them means you are applying the principle in a way that gives you the echo. Its should be more like ["I'm in the process of changing to become more like this"] As in a definite STATEMENT, not a "Maybe I'm changing that way now? No. Maybe now? No. Maybe now? No." Get it? Have a clear goal, make it what you're progressing toward, observe but avoid the pitfall. The treasure tidbits are in various posts on this thread and in similar postings and sites elsewhere. Look into "Magic of Believing", "Secret science behind miracles" and similar books if you're interested in reading further.
Replies: >>881
> That isn't to say that you cannot see changes occur, its just that LOOKING for them means you are applying the principle in a way that gives you the echo. Its should be more like ["I'm in the process of changing to become more like this"] As in a definite STATEMENT, not a "Maybe I'm changing that way now? No. Maybe now? No. Maybe now? No." Get it?
Yeah, what I do is notice how much I've changed so far, regardless of whether or not I actually have. I feel like it doesn't matter how much I've actually changed so far as long as I've convinced myself that I have and keep it up. It's all about getting myself in the right state of mind and staying there as much as I can.  It feels like an endurance thing to me.
>Look into "Magic of Believing", "Secret science behind miracles" and similar books if you're interested in reading further.
Okay, I've a good chunk of The Magic of Believing so far. I'll have to look into the other one. What I don't get is that Claude Bristol seems to say that there has to be action required for manifestations to work (at least for most people). Are the actions ultimately just rituals to get the more skeptical part of your mind to let its guard down?
Replies: >>882
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It makes sense to take physical action towards goals in physical reality. There have been a lot of writings on this, some don't know any better while others might be attempting to muddy the way for others reading into it. So there's a bunch of puzzle pieces towards the way to make this creative manifestation thing work, some of the pieces might work better for you and some might work better for others, it depends on mindset, beliefs and such. Some beliefs are very ingrained to the point that one might not consider them much,  and yet they are there. Changing beliefs like that can be like unraveling a complicated knot. It all varies, this is just to give an idea of what it might be like.
Anyone has a ritual for enchanting jewelry with gravity magic? Or just any form of enchanting- I'm not having any luck looking online.
I'm doing calisthenics and I don't want to rely on clunky weights to make myself heavier.
I guess I'd need to transfer a spell to a sigil and then the sigil to the ring?
I know it's a heavy- pun intended- loaded question but I trust you guys more than random blogs online.
Replies: >>884
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I've read that some have been able to radically increase or lower their weight with energy work (Qi or Chi training) Like you might have read about the Shaolin monks or other mountain men that can make themselves really heavy and unmovable and also make themselves levitate? I bet you could find good books on that somewhere.
Sigils might not be the best route, usually when you activate a sigil its like a lasting effect, right? You might have to have some way to toggle or turn the weight on and off. When it comes to gravitics, /hover/ has most of the solutions, if you look deep enough.
dumb question, how do i listen to my heart?
Replies: >>886 >>893 >>1136
Depends on context. Its most likely either a "do what you feel is right" or listening to the actual heart pulse to monitor health. There are various instruments for the latter, but its more likely that the context is that of the former
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>>78 (OP) 
>/fringe/ breakaway community, an off the grid magician paradise, a place to appreciate good nature energy, magic and relative seclusion with greenery and amphibians with the flowing waters of life
I love you anons. I love /fringe/ and our humble little wisdom school. Long live the reflecting pool of timeless mysteries!

So many, many blessings to you seekers! May Thoth's favor find ye of spiritual yearning.
Anyone has good books on the Akashic Records?
Replies: >>1136
Trusting your gut, what's referred to as when trusting your gut is trusting your inner voice. For some people who have been damaged in some ways however they may have no inner voice at all, but they will likely have a gut feeling, and in such people with abuse or mental problems it may be inaccurate and hypersensitive.

 Judgments which involve emotions in particular are more accurate when the intuitive system is at work in combined with situations that require analysis, they compliment each-other. 

But the real /x/ factor in this topic pops up when examples of people in near-death-events telling how they felt their inner voice talking to them, to do specific things, making them do super fast judgement calls in dangerous situations or events that otherwise, if they not had not followed this intuition it they would have been dead.
Replies: >>1136
What's the ideal manifestation meditation regimen? I know more time is usually better, but is a half hour a day fine? Is it a problem if I can't visualize properly, or should I be trying to clear my mind anyway?
Replies: >>1136
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I came across this screenshot a few days ago.
For example, The Kybalion is ok—it explains a few things that will be familiar to the Initiate.
I've also been reading The Science of Breath—only good things to say about it.

 Is New Ageism really workable?
Replies: >>897 >>898
The aliens will attack anyone, in all forms of Unconventional Warfare and psychic attack, and they will cause pain, there is no immune state or defenses or escape, they have full administrative access. Any pre-conceived notions of what they are why they don't wipe us out, is a global telepathic imposition perpetrated by them, they keep a tight lid on whether or not they exist or do anything, and the only way to do that is to disguise as humans. Sounds unbelievable? You suspend disbelief for digital graphics in movies. What do you think 9 million years of advancement in every field of science, and pseudoscience, gets? Mastery of all techniques. The 40+ species authority supercedes all human authorities and can trespass upon all human rights, because this experiment, of us in a micro-managed DNA zoo, is their salvation and their ability for total control is a fail safe for their operation here. Theyre not about letting it run itself. To that which lives long, pain is worse than death. I am a targeted individual of the arcturian aliens, I know others that are targeted individuals of different species of aliens.

Kill them. They kill us.
Replies: >>898
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It just depends what you're into or what your belief systems are
I would caution against such thought
>I am a targeted individual of the arcturian aliens
I think you mean Archons? (Anunnaki)
Arcturians are pretty noble in my experience, they've had a lot more time to mature
Not all "aliens" are bad and the bad might just be a matter of perspective
Mastery of "all techniques" should also entail a more refined approach in terms of interaction, meaning that advanced enough beings would see the folly of savagery or hostile action toward less developed beings but yeah it may also have to do with perspective
If you wanna read about the archons there's a bunch of material on them;
Replies: >>900
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I don't want a comfortable belief system—I only look for Truth.
I'm still new to all of this, but I've been looking into Hermeticism, Gnosticism (Christian Hermeticism), and I'm wondering if I should add some New Age (modern day Hermetic equivalent) but don't know if it's worth it.
Replies: >>901 >>906
What I don't like about the New Age stuff is how credulous the people tend to be and how rife the community is with hucksters. I like the positivity of it, but it also seems to veer too much in the direction of being inauthentically saccharine and  touchy-feely (although to be honest, I don't like the "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" stuff either). I'm definitely not averse to learning from people labeled as "New Age"  (like Robert Monroe), but I also believe in taking everything you read with a heavy grain of salt.

That definitely includes this post, as I'm certainly no expert on anything.
Replies: >>902 >>906
>I don't like New Age stuff because they're faggots.
>Hardasses are faggots too.
>I can still learn things from New Age gurus while being aware of their subversive faggotry. I've simplied it for you. You're welcome. Next time, simplify your own statements by yourself because that makes better magic and better life in general.
Replies: >>903
>I can still learn things from New Age gurus while being aware of their subversive faggotry.
I never said people like Bob Monroe were "subversive." There's a huge difference between someone like him and a blatant scam artist like Sylvia Browne, yet both carry the "New Age" label.
>Next time, simplify your own statements by yourself because that makes better magic and better life in general.
You mean make nebulous statements? Simplifying things is great, but it's not very meaningful to just say "new agers r fags lol" without explaining what  my objections are.
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Here's your Truth
From the reality creation manifestation view, overly sceptic mindset will also self reinforce that what is made into the sceptic's reality of most things being bunk, flawed or false info.
There's an interesting notion in that two different viewers can see the same thing but each get a completely different image, both of which are true (from a certain point of view)
Some things are false, but its just that it helps to be open minded and to go with preference in discovering one's own truth (at least that's the way I see it)
Replies: >>908 >>909
>From the reality creation manifestation view, overly sceptic mindset will also self reinforce that what is made into the sceptic's reality of most things being bunk, flawed or false info.
You definitely have a point. I do my best to not fall into either extreme, although it can be a tough balancing act for me.
Third line in the article
>However, I must emphasize that even though the total combined information from all of these websites is unimaginably vast, this does not mean that all of it is entirely truthful. 
>source: trust me bro
Oh, yeah, nice truth.
Replies: >>912
Excuse me gentlemen, but do any of you happen to have access to one of the old libraries?Most of them seem to have been wiped out, and I only managed to save the neophyte books and some others.
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If you're looking for truth online, you'll have to filter it out anyway, because translations vary. The pic in that post reads "Truth" which is as close as you can get. Its inherently truth that you are having this experience, otherwise you wouldn't be reading this right now. What kind of truth would you be looking for? If you look for truth and go through the links you will find material on Hermeticism, Gnosticism and New Age material which the ones who wrote it know to have truth to it, but you have to be open minded to find your truth as they might have seen it from different perspectives

I'll link some;
any good sigil tutorial books? or just tutorials online maybe?
Replies: >>917
Look them up
I have yet to read much into them
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Replies: >>969
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>The magician concentrates on the breathing rhythm of his intended female victim
>when the breaths have been harmonized for about three minutes, he suddenly contracts his anus
>Sorcerers have been known to induce uncontrollable orgasms by this means
Replies: >>970
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Sometimes while reading, one may find weird parts like that, there was also that part about the witches and broomsticks, but this is getting into a bit of a gray area for this board so it might be better to leave it at that
At some point I read that patients were healed by a small group of practitioners who stood around the patient and chanted something like "Saa" over and over and then the patient was miraculously healed also from the breathings and positive energy of the practitioners
Certain buildings have that sort of "vibe" to them that spending time in them may alter the physical condition of the body
Here are some interesting writings;
Replies: >>971
Who do you think has better sex magic, Aleister Crowley or Julius Evola?
Replies: >>972 >>1019 >>1136
Not sure
Crowley was very cryptic and I haven't read much about Julius Evola
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Depends, you are you striving to be an archjew or archaryan? Why would you wanna be anything else but noble and a timeless man within the bounds (but not bonds) of time? Overindulgence in sense pleasures are for unrestrained undisciplined plebs.
Replies: >>1034 >>1038
>Depends, you are you striving to be an archjew or archaryan?
Okay, /fringe/, how many of you fags actually believe this aryan/jew dichotomy shit? Quick role-call. I find the people who believe the divine white man spirit narrative to be utter fucking morons, I haven't met many intelligent nat-socs and fascists even on this site.
There are both biological and spiritual dimensions to this issue, but it's very real.
Replies: >>1037
I can see the Saturn v Sol undertones. I find it ironic that most of the fags who wave this shit around don the Black Sun as their insignia & are very bitter, weak and fragile. I think it doesn't end at just Jews vs Whites. The spirit molds the vessel it embodies, and it's not limited to arbitrarily selected races. I firmly believe a soy drinking starbucks-liberal with 100% nordic ancestry is and can not be considered to be on the side of Sol, while I can see a man circumcised at birth and raised by an orthodox jewish family be on Sol's side against Saturn.

The entire premise of deciding the alignment of individuals based on their phenotype and physical vessel is against the Sun's meaning.
Replies: >>1038
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The great Pyramid's features align with many features of the Earth. The pyramids measures and details correspond to historic events and astronomical bodies.
It is an "altar unto the lord", holy proportions set in stone. 

In A.D.33, the date marked by the end of the First Ascending Passage, Jesus announced to the Jews then inhabiting Palestine,"Your house is left unto you desolate."
The Jews were thus cast off from Divine favour, in the meantime at anyrate, because of unfaithfulness.
This indicates that Divine direction to the end in view continued, and must therefore have been switched from the Jews to another people.

Druidism never opposed Christianity and eventually voluntarily merged with it.
The old Druid religion taught the truth of the one great supreme God.

The Ancient Britons of the British Isles were the first race to recognise Christ and became the pioneer nation in missionary work.
Christ is a title meaning messiah - "the anointed one" which basically means "the savior having holy worth of god".

The great Pyramid points not only to the birthplace of Christ with its features, but also to the islands of the north west, Britain and beyond, all the way to Ultima Thule
Replies: >>1809
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It's not Aryan/Jews but Sol/Saturn.
(1) pure aryans don't exist anymore;
(2) jews aren't at the top of the societal food chain—woe to those who believe so.
But, the points made above dot disprove the jews' involvement.
Replies: >>1041
>(1) pure aryans don't exist anymore;
What do you mean?
Replies: >>1062
>I find the people who believe the divine white man spirit narrative to be utter fucking morons
I agree with white nationalists on a lot of things, but it's absolutely retarded to believe whites are members of some kind of god-like race. I don't see whites as being inherently great but  everyone else tending to be even less competent.
I'm not sure if it's what he means, but in terms of population genetics pure proto-Indo-Europeans aren't really around anymore.
I don't think getting rid of negative thoughts is even necessary. From what I've read, it's the subconscious mind that you should be looking to change rather than the conscious mind.
Replies: >>1136
I recently discovered a interesting book on self hypnosis:  https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/22814

> got rid of the few negative thoughts I had
generally, you should  try to understand why you have these thoughts. try meditating. but if you are using suggestions or affirmations, then you definitely don't want to use any negative words. don't say "I don't want to be unhealthy", instead say that you want to be healthy.

> How do I start 
start meditating and energy work (such as qigong) also, try lucid dreaming and astral projection. keep a diary. get a Rider-Waite tarot deck and try divination. the reason why you should get a Rider-Waite deck is that the symbolism is both correct and easy to read. you can find some resources on tarot at https://www.sacred-texts.com/tarot/ other forms of divination are also worth looking into. perhaps also get a pendulum (with a pendulum you might try dowsing as well). it might be worthwhile to look into remote viewing (a form of clairvoyance) and CIA's stargate project: https://www.theblackvault.com/documentarchive/category/the-fringe/remote-viewing/ and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stargate_Project#Civilian_personnel some of the remote viewing stuff got published in IEEE Spectrum and Nature.

> "do what you feel is right" 
> a gut feeling
this.  you might feel that the truth just kind of "clicks"

> Akashic Records
Astral Dynamics by Robert Bruce (the book mainly deals with astral projection) 

> chi
> qigong
the Astral Dynamics book also has a few energy work exercises. 

> but is a half hour a day fine? 
for me 30 mins is bit too little. I have trouble keeping a regular schedule but when I meditate, I try to meditate for 30-60mins. but since you are doing it for manifestation, I would definitely meditate on it daily.

> Is it a problem if I can't visualize properly, 
the Astral Dynamics book has a couple of tips on visualization. basically, you should use as many senses as possible (not just sight). also when you visualize, you don't necessarily see it in your mind's eye.

> should I be trying to clear my mind anyway?
an meditation session begins with relaxation and clearing your mind. after that, you should start focusing on whatever you are meditating on.

>Aleister Crowley
I would be careful when reading his works. I think he might lie and speak half-truths on purpose in his books.
Replies: >>1138 >>1161
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I'm dumping some reading on the afterlife/non-physical realms of reality.

This one seems to be a pretty good overview, albeit one that uses a fictional story as a means of explaining existence on the other side:

Jurgen Ziewe's books are possibly the most interesting I've ever read on the subject:



This book might feel a bit creaky given that more straightforward and "scientific" explorations of the topic have come along since then, but I've found Chapter XIV to be very reassuring:
Thanks for the meditation advice.
>I would be careful when reading his works. I think he might lie and speak half-truths on purpose in his books.
Not him, but I wouldn't put it past Crowley. While I admire the way he swam against the tide in the way he lived his life, he seems to have been a pretty nasty guy.
I've been reading up about meditation, there is also guided meditation and many forms of it, like videos and maybe even text.
Replies: >>1162
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I've been using this lately as background music:

The problem with most meditation music for me is that there are usually obvious chord changes and progressions, whereas that music is more subtle and low key.
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I've been reading about Orgone and Orgonite
Orgone is a term given to life energy
Orgonite is a material for gathering and using life energy, which is generally made from metal shavings suspended in resin, sometimes with crystals added
I found this video which seems interesting;
Replies: >>1178
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I don't know anything about how effective they are, but some of them sure look nice.
Is it true the Law of Attraction works like a kind of cosmic credit card, where by using it you end up accruing a karmic debt that you'll have to pay back later?
Replies: >>1181
I've never read that before. Closest thing I read was that for every bad thing that happens you deserve a good thing. This might come down to belief, with a belief that you deserve all the best you may be more likely to get it. That's the real trick, to have the right belief system
Replies: >>1182
>This might come down to belief, with a belief that you deserve all the best you may be more likely to get it.
That could definitely be true. I think what I've heard is based on the assumption that manifesting something you'd want would have a negative effect on other people. Even manifesting something as small as a vacant parking space, for instance, would take away that spot from someone else.

There are so many different interpretations of things like the Law of Attraction and karma that I don't really know what to believe. For example, some of the crowd influenced more by Neville Goddard and Joseph Murphy seems to write off karma completely and don't even seem to have problems outright manipulating people as long as they see it as being for their own good. I've even seen people celebrating their success in manifesting their parents getting the COVID-19 vaccination, which to me is just a scummy and irresponsible thing to do. Conversely, the more typically "New Age" people seem to put a bigger emphasis on karmic ties.
Replies: >>1188
>Goddard's Feeling is the Secret lecture
In regard to manipulation, I recently finished The Cosmic Energizer by Joseph Murphy. He specifically denounces the practice in that book.

I've been reading a book by Henry Thomas Hamblin and just came across this quote from him that seems relevant:
>A man is a small individualized part of the Universal Mind, alike in essence but infinitely less in degree. Just as the Universal Mind finds expression through all the Universe, so does man when awake to his own interior powers, express himself by the power of his thought, through his body, his work, his circumstances and his life. Thus far can he go and no farther. In himself he is an epitome of the Universe, outside of the miniature Universe he has no jurisdiction. By this I mean that man has the power to do what he likes with his own life, but he has no right to dominate other people or to interfere with their lives. I mention this because there is a pernicious practice being taught today. It is known as "mind domination." People are being taught that by using what is called the "hypnotic gaze," by telepathy and hetero-suggestion they can dominate other people. It is quite true; it can be done and is being done. This is precisely the same method as that practiced by certain criminals in America. By this method people are being deprived of money and property—they sign documents they do not wish to sign, simply because they are compelled to do so by "mind domination." No one is to be safe from these misguided people. While you sit in a public room or theater somebody may be behind you concentrating his "hypnotic gaze" upon the back of your neck. When you receive a visit from a traveling salesman he may be working some of his mind dominating black art upon you in order to coerce you into acting against your better judgment, simply and solely that he may reap a temporary benefit. I mention this in order to put you on your guard against such practices; first, so that you can avoid being hypnotized by these people, and second, that you should never under any circumstances use your mind forces in order to dominate other people. Whoever prostitutes his mental powers in this way is hurrying to disaster. To so misuse the tremendous powers of the mind is to destroy oneself, body and soul. All who sink to these practices are deliberately creating for themselves an inferno of trouble. The powers of the mind are like electricity; for the latter, if used according to certain laws, produces beneficial results; if used in opposition to these laws, it burns, maims, and destroys.
Replies: >>1195
I've been reading The Spirits Book by Allan Kardec
It should be easy to find for free online
This video has what looks like evidence of information from spirits;
Replies: >>1193 >>1194
Anyone successfully lucid dream on a consistent basis?
Replies: >>1193 >>1274
I remember watching the full documentary years ago. I'm always leery of stuff like this due to all the hoaxes that have been exposed in paranormal circles, but it was an interesting watch.

I've always been into paranormal phenomena, but reading up on near-death experiences and seeing how insufficient the would-be debunkers' arguments were was what really got me into this stuff. Once you cut through all the promissory materialism and start looking at things from an idealist perspective, a lot of the stuff they instantly dismiss as "woo" doesn't seem so far-fetched anymore.
No, whenever I've had lucid dreams as an adult I always seem to wake up.
Parts of that book especially toward the end seem overly negative or restricting (the parts about trials and selfishness)
I much prefer Bashar's messages like about following one's joy, acting on ones excitement
I should clarify that I don't necessarily agree with Henry Thomas Hamblin or Joseph Murphy here. Neville Goddard  seemed to disagree with Joseph Murphy's take, despite both of them supposedly being taught by the same teacher. The latter's point of view also seems kind of contradictory to me in that he would speak of manifesting successful business deals or getting hired for a certain employment opportunity, but isn't that doesn't that ultimately boil down to the same thing as using it to dominate someone? You could argue that the other people involved would also be benefiting from your success and that it comes down to intent and what the consequences are for others. But he also gives an example of a success story where someone manifested an inheritance from someone dying and doesn't seem to have any issue with that. Personally speaking, that's not something I'd feel comfortable doing at all. I'm really not sure what to think.
I'm curious now too, since I've become more interested in learning it. Last night I tried the spinning technique that's supposed to prevent you from waking up after becoming lucid, but it didn't work for me at all.
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Consider the following; The tunnel of light that people see when they die is a trap
Replies: >>1283 >>1284
That was a difficult read
Not sure if I believe it, I've read things before which seem to suggest differently
Remote viewing, channeling, astral projection and hypnosis can be interfered with, or could be faked or made up and the article itself could be dubious, but the idea of this is unsettling to say the least
Replies: >>1284
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I've read of this a while ago but am doubtful of its claims. For one thing, I'm not convinced of the parallels between ancient serpent imagery and the modern reptilian concept that people like David Icke have popularized.

I think reincarnation is inevitable until we've built up the "escape velocity" to break the cycle.
It can be difficult to tell what's true given how vast the higher dimensions seem to be and how hard it can be to tell what exists objectively when subjectivity is basically the rule of the higher planes.

A lot of what I read from people about the other dimensions just sounds like LARPing to me. Pic related.
Replies: >>1292
Chances are they are LARPing/mentally ill.
There's serious and real witches, but they have a tendency to look more like kindly aunts than tiktok thots with a drug problem.
They're also much too rare for there to be covens upon covens. Much like serious practitioners of any of the magic schools, really. If they come in hordes, chances are it's just some new age feel-good crap. New Age stuff can have merit, but that merit generally comes from founders steeped in older schools trying to restate things for the new millenium, which then gets taken over by soccer moms who throw out the "putting in effort" bit, thus making it worthless
Replies: >>1294
>Chances are they are LARPing/mentally ill.
I've even seen some people who make money off this stuff throwing out claims that reek of bullshit.  A lot of them seem to confuse their experiences and perceptions with universal rules and seem to think that they've got it all figured out. And that's not even going into the possibility of them consciously lying for money or clout.

Granted, I haven't got any hands-on experience with astral projection or anything, but I have read a decent amount on the topic from people who actually seem to know what they're doing.
>New Age stuff can have merit, but that merit generally comes from founders steeped in older schools trying to restate things for the new millenium, which then gets taken over by soccer moms who throw out the "putting in effort" bit, thus making it worthless
I agree completely. "New Age" isn't an inherently dirty term to me, but it attracts a lot of people who are lazy, gullible, or both. A lot of it is superficial pap for people who are trying to escape and wish away their problems rather than find a way to deal with them. A lot of them also end up with the same uncritical and dogmatic mindset they criticize organized religions for and end up revering "gurus" like gods and thinking one person has all the answers. They just want something that makes them feel warm and fuzzy inside without having to work at anything or think about things for themselves.
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Tamamo broke free. Any idea on what this might mean? Heard she might try and fuck over China or Buddhism.
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Well, she's bloodthirsty and cruel to an extreme and hates humanity as a whole and wants to destroy it. She'll try to provoke nuclear warfare.
Also, she's appeared to multiple people and /monster/ anon's steely erection is what cut her free, so I'd recommend the Rose Cross, daily.
Replies: >>1298 >>1299
Maybe I'm too jaded, but seeing this I can't help but wonder if some trusted saleryman was tasked with clandestinely taking a sledgehammer to the rock as part of a viral marketing campaign for some yet unknown, almost ready to launch, intellectual property that will involve some Tamamo-no-Mae adjacent character. Like when creepy clowns started appearing out of nowhere right before the Steven King It movie remake. I'm not discounting a /fringe/ like worldview, but in current year I can't help but wonder about possible shenanigans, whether they're from the military-industrial complex, the military-industrial-entertainment complex, or just some delinquents who might want to sit back and have a laugh as this story goes viral.
Replies: >>1298
Fallout soon fellow stalker!

There's a significant probability of that being the case. Wouldn't something like that prompt massive reprisals from the public and the government? I can't imagine either taking a liking to a corporation defiling Sessho-seki.
Only time will tell whether something interesting will come out of this, or whether it's another nothing-burger.
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Reminds me of the chinese backpushing prophecies
Replies: >>1302 >>1363
>Tamamo broke free. Any idea on what this might mean?
A strong earthquake just hit Japan and there is a tsunami advisory for Fukushima...
Not many details yet. NHK reports blackouts in Tokyo and that workers are inspecting the nuclear power plants. Hopefully this isn't a something-burger.
Replies: >>1302
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"Flyers are not birds, swimmers are not fish,"
"A war does not depend on soldiers.  It's a game of technology."
"Millions of miles of deadly smoke, on top a mushroom and at bottom a fountain."
"A sight out of people's imagination.  Big trouble not solved, but greater trouble arrives."

Possible military conflict in the future involving aerial combat, naval combat, hacking and limited nuclear exchange. I say conflict not WW3 due to the last sentence hinting at greater trouble to come.

NHK reported the tsunami advisory being lifted and no damage on the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. The map I got from BNO news twitter points to the epicenter being near the Tochigi Prefecture where Tamamo broke free, don't know enough about earthquakes in Japan to state whether this was a coincidence or not.
Replies: >>1303 >>1306
>Millions of miles of deadly smoke
Russia is only like 5000 miles wide
Earth's circumference is about 25 million miles
Also if you look at the next one, it says the "Blue West and Red East struggle" implying they're at war ("three-feet tall kid...ended all wars for good").
There's also another prophet's prophecies in the bottom of the page which has the same sort of thing implied;
"A whistle from the West,
Turns into devastation."
"The sky is once again brightened."
Implying the sky will go dark for a while.

The "greater trouble" might be the war itself or the effects of war, the aftermath

On February 27th, the Russian nuclear forces were put on high alert. The Russians have been pushed to the brink, so its not a stretch to say that the threat of a nuclear war is real at this point.
Replies: >>1304
Its not 25 million miles, its 25000 miles
Millions of miles would cover the Earth over multiple times
Replies: >>1307
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>Millions of miles of deadly smoke
Might refer to something other than nuclear attacks. Some chemical or biological attack.
A German seer that predicted exactly when and where all the bombs would fall on his village in WWII and got off on a charge of falsely claiming to be clairvoyant said this, after predicting a Russian surprise attack coming up to the Rhine/Danube line with barely any resistance:
>I see the earth like a ball before me, on whom now the white pigeons fly near, a very large number coming up from the sand. And then it rains a yellow dust in a line. When the golden city is destroyed, it begins. 
>Like a yellow line it goes up to the city in the bay. It will be a clear night, when they begin to throw it. The tanks are still driving, but those who sit in these tanks became quite black. Where it falls down, everything will be dead, no tree, no bush, no cattle, no grass, this becomes withered and black. 
>The houses still exist. I don't know, what it is and so I cannot tell it. It is a long line. Who goes over this line, dies. The ones, who are on the one side cannot go over to the other side. Then everything at the spearheads breaks down. They all must go to the north. What they have with them, they throw away. Nobody will come back anymore
>The airplanes drop a yellow powder between the Black Sea and the North Sea. Thus a death strip is created, straight from the Black Sea to the North Sea, as wide as half Bavaria. In this zone no more grass can grow, let alone humans live. The Russian supply is interrupted
>Swarms of pigeons ascend from the sand. Two herds achieve the combat area from the west to southwest... The squadrons turn towards the north and cut off the course of the third army. From the east there are many caterpillars. But in the caterpillars everybody is already dead, although the vehicles keep rolling on, in order to gradually stop automatic. Here, the pilots also throw off their small black boxes. 
>They do explode, before they touch the soil, and spread a yellow or green smoke or dust. What comes in contact with this becomes dead, whether it is a human, an animal or a plant. For one year no organism is allowed to enter this area, otherwise it will expose itself to the largest mortal danger. At the Rhine the attack is finally repelled. From the three spearheads no soldier will come home anymore
>These boxes are satanic. When they explode, a yellow and green dust or smoke arises, everything that comes in contact to it, is dead, it is a human, an animal or a plant. The humans become quite black and the meat fall off their bones, so sharply is the poison

Something else he said:
>A single airplane, which comes from the east, throws something into the large water. Then the water lifts itself as high as a tower and falls down. Everything is inundated. There is an earthquake. The southern part of England slips into the water. Three large cities will be ruined: one will be destroyed by the water, the second is located so high in the Sea, that you can only see the church tower and the third falls in."
>One part of England disappears, when the thing falls into the sea, which the pilot drops. Then the water lifts itself as high as a tower and falls down. What this thing is, I do not know..."
>The countries at the sea are endangered of the water heavily, the sea is very unrest, the waves go high as a house; it foams, as if it would cook/boil in the underground. Islands disappear, and the climate changes. A part of the proud island sinks, if the thing falls into the sea, which the pilot drops. Then the water lifts itself as high as a tower and falls down. What this thing is, I do not know. When it comes, I do not know."
And see what the Russians deployed last year in pic related

The Lied der Linde, another much older German prophecy that predicted the year of the end of the German monarchies in WWI nearly exactly, corroberates it:
> Winter comes, three days of darkness,
Thunder and lightning and the crack of the earth,
Pray at home, do not leave the house!
Do not even look out of the window to see the horror!
> A candle alone all the time,
Provided that it wants to burn, gives you light.
Poisonous breath penetrates from dusty night,
Black plague, worst human battle.
Replies: >>1307 >>1313 >>1363
The Earth has 197 million square miles though, so "Millions of miles of deadly smoke" might not be enough to cover the Earth but still enough to cover Russia (6 million sq. mi²) or the USA (4 million sq. mi²). This assuming Chinese miles and American miles are the same length.

From the first greentext it sounds like a prediction of massive use of chemical weaponry, as no bio weapon could do what Irlmaier predicts maybe something like Agent Orange in Vietnam. From the black sea to the north sea, with half the width of Bavaria, could America or the UK have so much of that chemical agent stockpilled?
Doggerland, a part of the European continental shelf near Britain is now underwater, so the idea of southern England being submerged is possible if dubious. He also seems to imply other countries in the North Sea will be endangered.

By the by, from >>>/k/18405, an interpretation of Irlmaier's prophecies
>Let me mention the Irlmaier prophecies once more: China and Russia coordinating a surprise attack on Europe and the US (heralded by an assassination of a "big man" in the Balkans by a large black-haired or skinned dude and a small dude) , taking everything up to the Rhine-Danube line north and up to the alps in the south (with some mention of fighting in Alaska/East coast), which is when the US hits the fuck-it button and deploys some kind of new chemical/biological warfare shit that kills everything up to Moscow, then something that's probably nukes is strike, and tidal weapons create tsunamis that outright sink Britain.
Replies: >>1313 >>1363
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I just found this archived post and the video it links to; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3y8guL08MgI

It might happen differently, I just think its good to know about the possibility so one can act instead of react and make proper plans and or precautions
Replies: >>1314
I searched archive.4plebs.org couldn't find 315658534 or 315658637, probably deleted off the archives. Still this shit has me worried now. How does one go from nuclear bombs to world government? Wouldn't that embolden the second and third world seeing both the West and Russia being destroyed?
Replies: >>1315
I think its a plausible scenario, but I don't think it will go like they intend.
They would likely try to make a narrative for world governance (like they did with covid and ukraine) except that I think its highly likely it wouldn't work, because as soon as nukes would go off in real life they'd most likely lose control of the situation as communications would go down (the internet might not work during war time if it turns nuclear or global or both)
I think there's too much dementia in most leadership positions, they think its okay to manipulate or dispose of people, so I think its a dire situation either way.

The question is, what do we do? How do we focus our efforts for a better outcome?

My idea is to work on being more healthy and fit, getting better transportation, becoming more self sufficient, informing others and focusing more actively on preferable outcomes, while still being somewhat aware of possible situations, because being aware means you can do something about it, like if you see a truck coming your way you can dodge it
Replies: >>1317
Oh so it's on /pol/, makes sense. Thanks.
I can't ascertain what's causing them to play their hand so soon, maybe it's arrogance, maybe it's impatience; though like you said I wouldn't dismiss dementia among the gerontocracy. Either way, I can't see them holding on to power, the breakdown of communications, transport, and agriculture, would usher in a chaos world-wide. But perhaps they don't want to rule, and will opt to escape to safe, remote shelters in remote locations, I think New Zealand has a lot of those.

As for what we do? I like your ideas, getting fit, self-sufficiency and law of creation/attraction are good ideas. In lieu of becoming self-sufficient, I'd say we ought to live in more remote, rural locations; the cities are going to either be destroyed or become slaughterhouses after the bombs drop, higher chance of survival in the country. Don't know about informing others, most will either not believe you, or won't do much of anything even if they do. Oh and get weapons, you'll need them either for self-defense or hunting.
Replies: >>1319
Look at their kids. They're inevitably massive fuckups that swallowed the propaganda their fathers were putting out to the masses.
They've realized that unless their plan is carried out right now before they croak, their kids will hang from lampposts within a year of their death and their plans will die with them.
In regards to Law of Attraction;
Replies: >>1335 >>1343
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Interesting, but any actual info on how to elevate your resonance baseline? Closest I can imagine is meditation and this book.
Replies: >>1336 >>1343
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I've been reading this book called "Evolve your Brain - The science of changing your mind" So far it has mostly been describing the brain, I'm about half way through it

Recently I got interested in the idea of using radionics. Maybe one can use radionics to sort of quantify one's state and then use radionics to quantify a desired state and potentially measure the difference between them. A resonance baseline if it really exists, implies that there's some way to represent the general outline of one's states so one could potentially represent it as a graph. Something like "my state of being is around here at this point and around there at that point"

Maybe something like this;
Replies: >>1337 >>1344
That would imply evolution being real and we all know it is not, lay down that heathen garabage and pick up a bible.
>Maybe one can use radionics to sort of quantify one's state and then use radionics to quantify a desired state and potentially measure the difference between them. A resonance baseline if it really exists, implies that there's some way to represent the general outline of one's states so one could potentially represent it as a graph. Something like "my state of being is around here at this point and around there at that point"
All this mumbo jumbo is useless for your salvation.
Replies: >>1338 >>1343
God set evolution in motion, I bet you never considered its a bit of both, evolution peppered with creationism.
Also if you're not of an open mind for that then I think you're on the wrong board, this is the fringe thread on /server/
As like attracts like, I think you'd fit better over on >>>/christian/

That said, I don't need salvation, I do believe in God and in Jesus and that we all have a christ part which we can tap into. "Christ" is not a name but a title, it means "anointed".

What may seem like mumbo jumbo to you may have more merit than the computer you used to type the message in your posting. If you can get to where you prefer to be and help others get to where they prefer to be why wouldn't you? Looking down on others as heathens doesn't help you elevate your state. Jesus christ was known for helping those who needed help, the ones who had difficulties with health and other needs, who were sometimes considered "lesser" than others (maybe because of poverty or status). If you've read the new testament you should be aware of that.
Replies: >>1339
>God set evolution in motion, I bet you never considered its a bit of both
>That said, I don't need salvation, I do believe in God and in Jesus and that we all have a christ part which we can tap into. "Christ" is not a name but a title, it means "anointed".
Heresy, these teachings go against everything christ taught. If evolution was true where is it in the bible? huh? Evolution is nothing but muslim/pagan nonsense.

Mohammadeans and the survival of the fittest
>The rat goes out for its food, and is clever in getting it, for it eats all animals inferior to it in strength", and in turn, it "has to avoid snakes and birds and serpents of prey, who look for it in order to devour it" and are stronger than the rat. Mosquitos "know instinctively that blood is the thing which makes them live" and when they see an animal, "they know that the skin has been fashioned to serve them as food". In turn, flies hunt the mosquito "which is the food that they like best", and predators eat the flies. "All animals, in short, can not exist without food, neither can the hunting animal escape being hunted in his turn. Every weak animal devours those weaker than itself. Strong animals cannot escape being devoured by other animals stronger than they. And in this respect, men do not differ from animals, some with respect to others, although they do not arrive at the same extremes. In short, God has disposed some human beings as a cause of life for others, and likewise, he has disposed the latter as a cause of the death of the former."[39]
>Al-Jahiz recognized eco-systems, and like Aristotle, believed in spontaneous generation. He frequently used metaphors of webs and nets to express interconnectedness in the book.[40]

Greeks and evolution
>On Nature was a philosophical poem which details Anaximander's theories about the evolution of the Earth, plants, animals and humankind. Anaximander described his theory that humans and other animals descended from fish once the world's oceans began to dry up.
>Also he described a theory of abiogenesis in his book in the way that he believed that the first life forms formed from mist. We know little about his book because it has been lost or destroyed, however it still remains important today because it describes one of the world's earliest theories of evolution. 

>Also if you're not of an open mind for that then I think you're on the wrong board, this is the fringe thread on /server/
You spreading heretical ideas, you are not a real christian. You spout venom and heresy
>Looking down on others as heathens doesn't help you elevate your state.
You are lesser than a worm in the eyes of god, you have heretical views on christ, no different from the mohammadeans.

Enjoy eternal fire heretic!
Replies: >>1341
/christian/ has become more of a nuisance than /fascist/ ever was.
Replies: >>1343
This is getting close to trolling. Unfortunately, the rules page seems to have disappeared. However, I happen to have powers on this board. If you are trolling I will delete your posts. This is not a debate thread, long debates about something like "my belief is absolute and better than yours" is not what this thread is for so posts like that may start disappearing form here if there be too many posts like that. To each their own belief is the general standing in this thread. Heretics, as deluded as they may be, can have their merits. Granted, some should just go elsewhere and this thread is meant to be more on the positive side.
>Mohammadeans and the survival of the fittest
Different species have different needs. Are you saying you don't eat anything? I don't get the point you're trying to make here, its just looking like a troll. Are muslims always wrong just because they believe in some other things than you do?
>Greeks and evolution
They were pretty smart, the first machine akin to a computer was made by the greeks, it was used to calculate the positions of the stars, called the Antikythera.
>You spreading heretical ideas, you are not a real christian. You spout venom and heresy
I'm constantly evolving, it means I'm learning to be better and then making changes in accordance with that to better myself. Definitions vary, some people have very strange definitions. How does one define "real christian"? Can you even define what "real" is?
>You are lesser than a worm in the eyes of god, you have heretical views on christ, no different from the mohammadeans.
Okay so now you are insulting me. That's a pretty bad move. You call others heretics and worms, you should reflect on that. Why do you say those things? I merely wish to elevate others so they may be the best they can be instead of them doing mean and bad things. Does that make me a worm in your view? Does that make me a heretic? People like you, not knowing what they were doing, called Jesus himself a heretic and then proceeded to nail him to a cross. Is that really how you wanna be?
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At some point I was watching this video;
And in it there's this peculiar setup in which a camcorder is made to look at its own viewfinder while recording in the dark. I started thinking about what would happen if one were to look into lenses that were focused upon themselves... what might happen if one were to view infinity? Then it dawned on me that this might be how the crystal ball works
As far as the Law of Attraction goes, the most effective option seems to be daily self-hypnosis sessions to effect change in your subconscious mind. Conscious mind methods don't work very well for most beginners from what I can tell. I know Reddit's a fag site, but the Joseph Murphy subreddit is worth lurking. It seems to cut out a lot of the bullshit about unattachment and "letting go" and "self concept" that plague most of the information out there nowadays on the topic.
I know you're probably trolling, but the Bible is fiction with nothing to back it up. It's neat and all, but there's not much spiritually useful in there unless you're willing to go full Neville Goddard and esotericize it in a way that almost certainly wasn't intended by the writers.
Replies: >>1344
There are neural oscillations and these can and are measure, they're also affected by meditation and I think they alter during sleep. Problem is they seem to be consistent among humans rather than varying as the resonance baseline would demand.
Also that site sure is formatted rather uniquely.

A new teacher. No idea why that subreddit in particular seethes so much about Goddard, downright peculiar.
I'll give PoSM a read, thanks for the recommendation Anon.
Replies: >>1345
>A new teacher. No idea why that subreddit in particular seethes so much about Goddard, downright peculiar.
It's more about his followers than him, although the guy in charge of the board now has insulted him over the perceived ineffectiveness of his teaching methods and also his lofty focus. His whole "appointed hour" teaching has been criticized as a way of avoiding instructing his students with better methods than the conscious mind techniques he liked to promote. The mods are also thin-skinned dickheads, but I kind of understand their mindset at times. The way they've caused such asspain to Redditors in the past almost makes me respect them.
>I'll give PoSM a read, thanks for the recommendation Anon.
No problem. My problem is that there is little in the way of strict routines given, and so you kind of have to read between the lines. I've read some of Murphy's other books too, and I treat them all as more like an intro  to the listed training tasks than anything.
Replies: >>1349
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I found this book which states the fountain of youth is within and one can tap into it by doing Tibetan rites of rejuvenation
Replies: >>1349 >>1614
>The way they've caused such asspain to Redditors in the past almost makes me respect them.
I can respect that, anything that pokes and enrages your average redditor can't be that bad. So I take it their attitude is more of a way  of keeping their subforum quality up and avoid stupid newfags.

>My problem is that there is little in the way of strict routines given
Noticed that as well. I've read up to chapter 6, I've managed to make out some techniques to use in obtaining what you desire:
-Prayer, i.e. invoking the infinite intelligence
-Visualization, identical to NG
-Gratefulness, being grateful for what you want

The writing is a little unclear and a bit repetitive, might have gotten something wrong.

Anything of interest so far. Any good examples of youth in old age?
Replies: >>1350 >>1352 >>1353
There's a story in the book about someone who was 70-80 ish and looked 40 after doing all the rites for a prolonged period.

I've been doing the rites to the best of my ability for about 3 months, one can do each one up to 21 times per day (so it says in the book) I've been doing 4 or 5 of the rites 6 times every day for 2 months (I started off doing each 1 to 3 times per day and then added to that) I've been doing them at night before going to bed, could also do them in the morning I suppose. For me it may be difficult to tell the difference right now, since I'm not too old and have only been doing them for the past few months, but I think it be worth it if it helps me retain youth in the long run, since these rites (exercises) are not that hard to do for the most part. There are 6 in total, the 6th rite is only for those who go all in and stay dedicated.
Replies: >>1360
https://isjesusalive.com/ is a website devoted to defending the resurrection of Jesus, run by Erik Manning.  He also runs a general apologetics YouTube channel called Testify.

Some videos include:
>Is Paul's Gospel at Odds with Jesus' Teaching?

>Yes, Tacitus Mentions The Historical Jesus

>Jesus' Birth Stories Aren't "Irreconcilably Different" (Holy Koolaid Response)

>Why Hume's Argument Against Miracles Fails
Replies: >>1353
>I've managed to make out some techniques to use in obtaining what you desire:
Can I get my waifu?
Replies: >>1353 >>1360
>I can respect that, anything that pokes and enrages your average redditor can't be that bad. So I take it their attitude is more of a way  of keeping their subforum quality up and avoid stupid newfags.
There was an incident a little while ago where Redditards were raging over the old BO calling a black student of his "chocolate," completely in denial of the fact that it's a compliment.

More recently someone dug up an old post he made about his intent to feature photos of attractive female volunteers who'd gotten their shit together, and of course the board's eunuch brigade was immediately mobilized. 
>Noticed that as well. I've read up to chapter 6, I've managed to make out some techniques to use in obtaining what you desire:
>The writing is a little unclear and a bit repetitive, might have gotten something wrong.
I agree, and the subreddit mods get mad about points like these. For me, it's more of a prelude to the index training than anything else. As central as his teachings are to the board, naming the board after Joseph Murphy is almost misleading given how much they build on his ideas and even contradicts some of what he said.

I'm personally still in the beginner mode as far as training goes, but I seem to be at the point now where I can go into the alpha state in a minute or two and seem to be getting the hang of self-hypnosis after a long and frustrating period of trial and error. I thought I might have aphantasia, but with regular practice I seem to be able to visualize effectively enough now. The goal is just working up the feeling that you already have what you want, so straining yourself to picture  your thoughts in lifelike detail isn't at all necessary. The talk about "feeling" really threw me off, since the word sounds like it's talking about emotion. But positive emotions are an effect rather than a cause, so once you do the training right and consistently reprogram your subconscious mind positive emotions will start to follow.
You people get more and more insufferable by the day.
Only if she's 3D.
Replies: >>1360 >>1388
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>There was an incident a little while ago where Redditards were raging over the old BO calling a black student of his "chocolate," completely in denial of the fact that it's a compliment.
How can redditors be this tone deaf? Well, shouldn't expect much from internet addicts on a forum populated mostly by big bazinga fans.

So the positive feelings are a consequence, not the cause for alteration. Good, no need to strain myself trying to force an emotion. I agree with you on "working up the feeling that you already have what you want", that's what most teachers seem to agree on. If the subconscious agrees on having something, reality will alter in such a way as to make it so. 
I couldn't find any techniques on entering alpha state in PoSM. Did read of someone once telling how Dispenza discusses entering such states in his books, and similarly there is jhana state in buddhism, I'm currently reading "Knowing and Seeing" to learn more about it.
Found an anon back 8/2chan talking how important detachment is for manifestation, curiously, the screencap from fringe here >>854 also mentions detachment —along with presence and chi— being necessary for manifestation.

>There's a story in the book about someone who was 70-80 ish and looked 40 after doing all the rites for a prolonged period.
Not bad. Wish you luck anon. Report back when you get superhuman strength and perfect skin.

Why of course you can get your waifu(male)! I do remember of anon manifesting a girl like Rei Ayanami and regretting it.
Replies: >>1361 >>1362
From what I've read it depends on the belief system one has. By that I don't mean religion (although that can play a part) but the way the belief structure is (or structure in the brain) which is what causes someone to think in certain ways. If you believe that you have to "detach" from the thing in order to get it, then that belief structure will cause you more and more to have to detach in order to manifest. But you can change your belief and tap into your mind in many different ways and some anon's have found they can want a thing and still get it
Belief and focus
Replies: >>1364
>How can redditors be this tone deaf? Well, shouldn't expect much from internet addicts on a forum populated mostly by big bazinga fans.
I knew Redditors were stupid and out of touch, but their reaction even surprised me.
>I couldn't find any techniques on entering alpha state in PoSM. Did read of someone once telling how Dispenza discusses entering such states in his books, and similarly there is jhana state in buddhism, I'm currently reading "Knowing and Seeing" to learn more about it.
For me, I just lay down and relax my entire body to go into alpha. After a little while you should start to feel numb or kind of floaty, but I don't know exactly how it would feel for someone else. At that point, you've reached alpha and it becomes easier to feel yourself in another situation.

As far as detachment goes, I only think it's necessary in the sense that you're not tearing your hair out waiting for your desire to manifest and constantly checking the world for a response. After all, if you were truly detached you wouldn't have any desires in the first place. An instinctive feeling of inner confidence is what seems to me to be important, and you get that through regular training.
Replies: >>1364
I came here on a whim because 16chan was down temporarily, then I get brain-blasted with all this. I really can't explain it away. The fedora science religion can't account for prophesy, yet it can't be ruled out, especially with uncanny evidence like this.
As for future conflicts, I think there will be a new Cold War between the Western Empire (GAE, globohomo), vs a Russian-Chinese alliance. I predict the latter shall win.

>This assuming Chinese miles and American miles are the same length.
The traditional Chinese unit, the li, is about one third of a mile.
Thank you! I can see I was wrong. So one can still desire for something and obtain it, even desire something while having it. Seems like the only two necessary elements for a successful manifestation are a belief in already possessing your desire, and focus imagining (or visualization) applied to it.

>After a little while you should start to feel numb or kind of floaty
That does sound an awful lot like going to sleep, or the dizzyness you get after suffering a concussion. Considering a man dreams during his sleep, one might consider the visualization done in alpha state as something akin to daydreaming, hence why it'd be so easier to feel oneself in another situation.

Makes sense. All that impatience and verification does is telling your subconscious that you do not have you desire, essentially doing the opposite of visualization. A cool, tranquil confidence that knows it already what it desires seems to be the detachment is really about.
Getting there, is the hard part. I guess, start small, and gradually work your way up into greater and greater manifestations. Sometimes I wonder just how powerful manifestations can get, beyond affecting one's life and the lives of the people they know, into affecting wider society and perhaps the universe itself.
Replies: >>1365
>Sometimes I wonder just how powerful manifestations can get, beyond affecting one's life and the lives of the people they know, into affecting wider society and perhaps the universe itself.
It's hard to tell even going off personal testimonials. There are stories of people changing things like their height and facial structure, but it's hard to tell what's real and what's bullshitting. I've read there are even people out there deliberately fake stories as a hopelessly ill-advised way of trying to trick their minds into manifesting what they're after.

I'd definitely like to know how far it can go if someone is skilled enough. We hit a wall with the other laws of reality, but it makes me wonder if there aren't bodhisattva types or people like Blavatsky's hidden masters out there who even those are no problem for.
some resources
>Nei kung and Qigong.
>Foolish Fish YouTube channel
>Three Books of Occult Philosophy by Agrippa (preferably the translation by Eric Purdue)
>Glitch Bottle podcast on YouTube
>books by Mantak Chia and Yang Jwing-Ming
>Astral Dynamics by Robert Bruce
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A good magical wand is a waveguide, focusing and channeling vibrations of energetic nature and/or subtle matter
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Working on improvements, self improvement
3d printing is kinda like magic if one is good with modeling
The void might be represented by a perfect sphere, which has like infinite sides
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"sigil refers to a symbolic representation of the practitioner's desired outcome." Would it be safe to say that money is a form of sigil magic?
Replies: >>1379
Sigil magic works by you focusing on the symbol and then forgetting the symbol (as in putting it away) and letting it enter another part of the mind than the day to day conscious, thus using money for it wouldn't be practical from what I've read.
Replies: >>1380
Then if not sigil magic, money could be used as another form of magic right?
Replies: >>1381
I've read books on money magic and such, it depends what you're aiming to accomplish with this
Replies: >>1382
I'm not actually trying to accomplish anything, i'm trying to see if the elite are using magic with money? There are is a lot of symbolism in there. Or maybe i'm wrong and it's just fancy paper.
Replies: >>1383
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So you're attempting to accomplish to find out if others are using magic on money to further some shady goals?
There are many ways to see things, if you go looking for something you may find it.

I've stopped reading biblioteca pleyades weekly news, because there have been so many articles lately regarding these so called "elites". Its better not to read too much into that, the way I see it.

Interesting patterns might emerge from folding paper bills in various ways, but the meaning is what you make it.
As for money itself, its good to view it as potential. It has the potential to become something else if spent, just like energy in the electric systems can become light from a lightbulb or a soundwave from a speaker.

Yes there is symbolism, if you look for masonic money symbolism or money changers/masters documentary you may find out more, if that really is what you're after, easily found with an online search engine
Replies: >>1384
Sounds like your saying there is no spiritual magic in money that effects the average user of money?
Replies: >>1385
It depends on beliefs, not in religious sense, but more like may this be the way it is?
Generally, lets just say most people don't believe there's some magic affecting them if they're handling money, they'll most likely be unaffected
Replies: >>1386
I am a huge noob when it comes to magic (i don't even know a good definition of magic), i've only done one sigil and it worked horribly, i got a vision of a dead naked man.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YN-V7yRCehs what do you think if this video? is this actual magic or just symbolism?
Replies: >>1387
The word magic originates from Zoroaster and the magi who were priests in Persia. Imagination (I magi nation) may also be related, since magic is art and craft of the mind. I do my best to do benevolent magic, since bad magic can fail or rebound and make misfortune for the magician. Therefore, I adhere to white positive magic for well being and betterment.


That said, there are many different kinds of magic, too many to cover in one post, so just read what you find related to it if interested, this thread has some good info if you look through it
> The talk about "feeling" really threw me off, since the word sounds like it's talking about emotion. But positive emotions are an effect rather than a cause, so once you do the training right and consistently reprogram your subconscious mind positive emotions will start to follow.
Correction: I've been doing some more reading, and I seem to have been confused by people saying contradictory things about this.  What I've read now is that the point of the visualization exercise is to anchor your feelings and bring out your emotions as strongly and consistently as possible.
I once found really interesting cards with magical information on a site, I have now found the site again so I'm linking it here;
I stopped going on it at some point because I felt some of the cards were too negative, but there are a lot of interesting messages in there and useful information, there are a total of 673 cards, each a page of its own
i don't suppose there is a "magic for retards" book?
Replies: >>1399
There are many books if you're serious about getting into magic, but it also depends on what kind of magic you're interested in getting into
The basics first, with a solid foundation things will work out better and easier usually.

"Qi Gong" means energy work. If you can gather and work with subtle energy (or mold life force with thought) then you are well on your way to a solid foundation.
Being open minded enough to try idiots guides or "for retards" books is good.
Some of these books are very informative and empowering. (My suggestion is to try the sitting exercise and see how you feel afterward)
Eastern monks have shown quite magical feats in physical reality, so its a good place to start.
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Is anyone here familiar with Frank Kepple? If so, what do you think of his ideas? I'd heard of him previously but never checked him out until now.


Here's a Dropbox link that collects a bunch of his old forum posts:
Is it possible to do magic without realizing it?
Replies: >>1405
Yeah, but it depends on definitions
If someone does magic but doesn't know what the term "magic" stands for then they might not know that it is that which they may be doing
Another way of interpreting the question is about realization as in making something real, in that case it depends on what one considers real and one could do some magic theorizing which might not manifest in physical reality
What's the deal with Kabbalah? Abdullah, the supposed instructor of both Neville Goddard and Joseph Murphy was a Kabbalist. Is there a good source for learning about it with as little gobbledygook as possible? I've been watching a  YouTube series about it and still don't feel like I even get what it is yet. How useful is it?
Replies: >>1412
I'd be interested too. I've only got minimal information on it, its supposedly a jewish invention and the tree of life is the main thing which has appeared to me out of it.
Replies: >>1413
I thought I read that even the Jews developed it based on Greek ideas. I started reading A Garden of Pomegranates by Israel Regardie but don't know if it would clarify anything for me. The Mystical Qabalah by Dion Fortune seems to have a good reputation, but I think it's pretty deep reading.
Replies: >>1414
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Update: I just found this book, which seems really promising. What I've read so far has explained things clearly and succinctly.
I have read online not to use Sigil magic to manipulate people, that the "universe" is going to get revenge on you for trying. But i was able to get a guy to give me a glass of water without too much problem other than some visions of dead people. What is the point of magic if you can't control people. Why does sigil magic backfire when you use it to manipulate people?
Replies: >>1416 >>1450
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I generally don't like the idea of manipulating other people.
The idea is more like this, being in control of one's own life, one can specify what kind of things one would like and then people who fit in with that will tend to appear to do the support work without you manipulating any people in actuality. They simply already fit the way things are supposed to work in line with the parameters you've set. This is more the kind of magic I have in mind anyway. Basically, if they fit, then they may appear on their own to participate.
Manipulating someone else without permission is where things go faulty, so lets not do that. You would most likely not want someone else manipulating you, right?
Think open ended collaboration project, where the right ones who fit it are able to join, rather than targeting and manipulating someone who may not fit.
Things may go better when not forcing it. Sometimes it helps to let go, step back a bit and rethink things, maybe there are better ways that are easier, like going with the flow.
Replies: >>1418 >>1449
How would you respond to the interpretation that you're moving into a different reality where someone will want to do what you want? Do you think there's even any basis to the many-worlds model of manifestation? A lot of people seem to take it as a given.
Replies: >>1423
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The way I see it, oneself shifts with time and there are infinite parallel reality world lines where every potential can be explored.
Considering the dimensions, each slice of space is represented as a point on a line of time (see pic). Then one has alternate potential lines, so ones own timeline be like a 3 dimensional structure, like a tree. Most people only consider the current and then potential futures, but one can also consider probable pasts (the roots). If you've read the transurfing book, the alternatives space could be represented this way.
It makes sense for the dimensions to be 3 of 3 like this pic shows as they then form a fractal structure and nature generally works in fractals
Replies: >>1425 >>1426
I've read of people exploring alternate past scenarios related to events in their lives using astral projection. It seems usually what you hear of is people looking into potential futures.

As far as manipulation goes, I've read people justifying it by saying that we're influencing people all the time with our thoughts whether we intend to or not.

Jurgen Ziewe has a different perspective on this whole thing:
>The fourth infinite aspects are the uncountable numbers of universes which can all be accessed from these and even higher levels. In my own experience the “Many World Interpretation”, although making sense from a quantum mechanical viewpoint, is in fact no more than a fantasy which falls short of the actual reality. It is simply that scientists try to explain non-physical events from a physical angle and end up with a misrepresentation of reality. To imagine an infinite number of version of us, with a google to the power of google combinations of events played out in an infinite number of universes seems to me to be sheer madness. The universe does not operate on the laws of madness and it doesn’t need to, because all experience it wants to explore it will and to do this, it does not need infinite copies of us or infinite copies of our physical universe. Seeing Max Blogg having breakfast with a dinosaur in a tent on an asteroid is not part of the synchronistic workings of a creation which springs, from unity, clarity, perfection and harmony and even when it introduces chaos in its process of creating denser physical manifestation it will do so following its own cosmic laws and not those of a demented lunatic. Reality is about repose, symmetry, intelligence, order and harmony and even the chaos follows logical laws, even if we don’t understand them.
I'm not sure that I agree with that, but I find all this stuff hard to even understand in the first place. Even if he's right, then maybe you could still see the many-worlds idea almost like a metaphor for the completely unlimited potentialities that exist inside the All just waiting to be manifested.
Replies: >>1426
About shifting between reality worlds;
A perspective on parallel reality worlds;
What do you know about the Pulsa de Nura curse ? How important is the Torah scrolls to the curse?
Well the first sigil i made was for someone to give me a glass of water and i had visions of dead people. I heard that sigil magic doesn't contact spiritual entities so why did a spirits (i'm assuming it was a spirit) give me a vision? I didn't exactly target anyone either so why was i spiritually oppressed?
Replies: >>1450
When you use a sigil you're passing on information to an other part of yourself than the day to day conscious and that other part of yourself (often called subconscious) may be more connected to what you might consider spiritual or supernatural. 

From what 's written here >>1415 it seems you may have a belief that
>to use Sigil magic to manipulate people, that the "universe" is going to get revenge on you for trying
Maybe you got the vision because of that
Replies: >>1451
>Maybe you got the vision because of that
I heard of that after i did the sigil, i did have a negative connotation to magic so maybe that is why.
To anyone who has worked with demons, can they read your mind?
Replies: >>1510 >>1551
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Here's a biography of Robert Monroe that's worth the time if you'd like a rundown on his life and ideas without reading all three of his books:
Replies: >>1551
LoA Library;
Replies: >>1510
I think they can.

Good post!
Here are a bunch of testimonials from people who claim to have successfully increased their height:
Not without permission
I read about him before, interesting books about out of body experiences
Replies: >>1553
>I read about him before, interesting books about out of body experiences
Yeah, him and the Monroe Institute deserve a ton of credit for bringing the phenomenon into the public consciousness. Before he came along, people would just write the topic off as nutty hocus pocus or something sinister, but his more modern presentation of the topic and scientifically minded outlook won a lot of people over who would be more dismissive of the occult writers of the old days.
Do you guys think there's any significance to closed-eye visualizations? I went through a period where I'd have relaxation sessions every day when possible, and I've been seeing them ever since.
Replies: >>1575
It likely varies
Its kinda like with dreams, they could be anything (Sometimes real life situations, sometimes symbolism, sometimes prophetic, and so on)
Replies: >>1577
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It's really weird. When I close my eyes, I vaguely see impressions of abstract patterns making wavy or whirling movements. A lot of the time it looks similar to this image if it  was zoomed in and not in color.

Other times I have the perception of streams of something moving in alternating directions. I don't really know how to describe it other than that it kind of reminds me of Frogger.

I don't mind it one way or the other, but it's pretty odd since it's not like I've ever done drugs or anything like that.
Replies: >>1589
>Although referred to in other terms, the concept of psychosphere is important in occult circles who conduct mega-rituals to influence the “collective unconscious” – often for nefarious purposes.
Do you know any books that talk about the mass rituals that the elite do to effect humanity?


They're called phosphenes, generally accepted to be caused by some neurologic issues or use of some psychedelics. I find you can also cause them by applying slight pressure on your eyes.
Replies: >>1592
>Phosphenes have also been reported by meditators[3] (called nimitta)
This must be it then. I've actually heard about phosphenes before but wasn't sure if it was what I was experiencing or not. I've heard them described as the things you see when you close your eyes and rub them hard, which isn't the same thing I see.
What is the best way to overcome spiritual roadblocks? It's been a thorn in ny side for a while, and it's harming my spiritual growth. I've read that it's a natural part of enlightenment https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia3/ciencia_consciousawakening29.htm, step 5 which is comforting, but it is still concerning. Is that true, or is it something worse? What should I do to gain that spirituality back and grow?
Replies: >>1601
I wish I knew. I just feel depressed with all this stuff. It seems like everything's pointless, and I feel trapped in myself. Sometimes it gets so bad that I just want to stop existing.
Replies: >>1602
That's the point where you'll have to go within yourself and drive that depression out, or suffer in depression and isolation forever. If you need to, you can always ask for aid from whatever good spirits and gods you wish to ask.
Replies: >>1603
>That's the point where you'll have to go within yourself and drive that depression out
I don't even know where to begin with that. Before I've dealt with my depression by keeping busy and spending my time with hobbies, but there's still an existential anxiety underneath it all.
Replies: >>1604
You've got to find the root cause of those existential anxieties and deal with them, whether through ruthlessly quashing them or acceptance.  Are you anxious because of life circumstances or problems at home? Then try to change what you can and accept what you can't. Are you worried about the state of the world? Shit, I don't think you can change that, so do what you can in your own life. Are you worried about spirituality and the afterlife? Then find God.
Replies: >>1611
It's the nature of reality of itself as many have described it in these circles that fills me with dread. I feel like I've delved too far into this stuff, and it's given me horrible panic attacks for close to a decade now. I'd call it derealization, but I really don't know if that's the right word. I want to be united with the people I care about in a truly shared existence.  The idea that our individualized consciousnesses create different realities for each of us terrifies me beyond words. I feel like existence is a horrible prison, and there's no way out of it. Not even suicide would be an escape. 

I might sound like I'm being melodramatic, but I wouldn't wish this feeling on anyone. I can only hope that these beliefs are wrong or based on misinterpretations, but I also can't lie to myself even if it's all true.
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I've read of this "Semen Retention" thing.
It just comes across as coomers putting their selfcontrol on a pedestal as if it was a super power, but I'd like to investigate a bit more.
I had a loved one who due to my negative vibrations walked away from my life. I am currently applying Law of Attraction to be with her again. I am confident in that she shares the same bed as me, and she's glad that we're together.
That being said, I can only jerk off so much to her before it becomes sad, so sometimes I'd search for erotic content involving busty girls. Nothing hardcore mind you, just videos of naked women showing off.
But here is the catch, many times to not say almost all of them I'd feel guilty after jerking off to them, because I have no connection whatsoever with them. One time for example I didn't really want to do it but did it anyway and I felt like absolute shit.
So how does this "sexual energy" manifest in our lives?
Replies: >>1614
Reading into this book
there's a mention of a 6th rite, which seems to be relying on the "Semen Retention" thing
So there may be something to it, it may be that the sexual energy can instead be channeled into vital energy for retaining/maintaining youth. There was a special school of thought which also seemed to rely on it, the goal with it was to alter the body to achieve special powers, but doing that was very risky and not for just anyone. One who had achieved such alteration of the body was the man who lit paper on fire with his bare hands (read his story in "the magus of Java")
Other than that, I'm not sure if there's much benefit to semen retention. I think one can enjoy sexual life while young in years and then go for semen retention later in life. Sexual energy can sometimes be motivating, at least that's what I think. Like when loving someone and making art of them.
Do you know any books that talks about really basic/fundamental magic, like spoken words or writing as a form of magic?
Replies: >>1622 >>1623
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Synchronistically I've started reading into this book, which is called introduction to magic. In this book the magic seems to be mostly viewed as a practical aspect of metaphysics. I haven't read far into it as of this posting so I can't tell you if it is good or not, but the "introduction" word in the title seems to suggest that it is basic or fundamental. It apparently is about rituals and techniques.
If you read through this thread you may find other interesting books that may be fitting for getting into magic
Replies: >>1624
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There is also this book which has some pretty interesting concepts in it.

If you have trouble finding books online, you can try sites like libgen.rs or z-library
Replies: >>1624
Thank you.
We're back. Spread the word.

Replies: >>1648
Thanks for the heads up
This /fringe/ thread we're on is a kind of an offshoot, a bit of a different version and a bit of a tribute in a way, so it differs a bit from the original /fringe/ while having a similar vibe.
Not everyone is willing to go on and use 8chan.moe, but I'm open minded so I may check it out and perhaps contribute from time to time. This thread will remain open for those who don't wanna use 8chan.moe or prefer to use this thread
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Mindset and imagination are very important for getting into proper magic. Being able to see clearly in the mind's eye that which one aims to manifest, brings it that much closer to reality if persisted in. Defining it, believing in it and feeling it being done are also important aspects of magical manifestation. Being the vibration of it, invites it into one's current reality.
Replies: >>1676
It's hard for me to stay in the right state of mind. I came across this A.C. Winklier guy who promotes Lester Levenson's "releasing" method, and I've been trying to concentrate on that instead of the self-hypnosis I was doing before. I think having negative ingrained thought patterns is holding me back.
Replies: >>1677
Maybe some of this helps

Replies: >>1678
Right now what I do is to focus on the negative beliefs and try to let them play out and then move on instead of fighting them. It seems to be working better than forcing myself to think positively, but only time will tell.
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One of the most interesting books I've read into so far is "Magical Use of Thought Forms"

Seems like thought forms are my kind of magic. 
There's a story in the book about someone materializing a creature by focusing on the thought of it for a prolonged time. It also goes into notions about the astral. I haven't finished reading through it all yet as of this posting.
Replies: >>1684
Tulpas and grimiories are both great. Grimiories in particular are very useful and a pratical way to think about things.
>It also goes into notions about the astral.
Thoughtforms are real /fringe/ though, they're not larpmagic. It's just a mental construct.
Replies: >>1785
The science of getting rich (by impressing thought upon the formless substance to create wealth)
I found this book;
I haven't read far into it yet but it seems promising
Replies: >>1720
I actually started reading that a while ago but never finished it. I think I read too much when I should be trying to put things into practice.

I've been going through this recently though:
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Anyone here? I rescued this post from cafe (not mine)
Replies: >>1760
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Yeah, I made that post. I was actually going to repost it. Here's the image I used if anyone wants it.
I haven't done or witnessed any miracles, magic or unnatural stuff, i'm afraid that i have simply made occultism my religion, its embarrassing, but there is no turning back now, i want to believe.
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Replies: >>1784
I searched that quote and found more from the author.
Have you read the book "Psychic discoveries behind the iron curtain "?

I recommend books written by Mantak Chia and Yang Jwing-Ming. Also, check out file related. There is also some stuff on YouTube. If you want to start with something relatively basic, you can read The Healer Within by Roger Jahnke.

There was some research done in USSR, too.

I heard good things about these 2 books:
>Hellenistic Astrology by Chris Brennan
>Predictive Astrology by Bernadette Brady
But I haven't read them, yet. Also, I don't know much about astrology in general.

There are also some websites...

I just remembered that I have https://tulpanomicon.guide  and  https://www.tulpa.info  bookmarked but I haven't read them.
Replies: >>1786
>Also, I don't know much about astrology in general.
I still don't either. It's an interesting topic, but I feel like it's kind of a distraction for me in comparison to other subjects.

I've generated some birth charts that have had some interesting results though. I'm not sure how much comes down to astrology being accurate and how much just comes down to the interpreter being able to word things in such a way that it makes them look effective. For example, one of the interpretations I've read of an aspect of my chart mentioned being potentially into genealogy and family history, which is true for me. That is something that interests me, but could it be that people into astrology are also often into genealogy?
I've been looking more into sigils lately and found this site; https://runesoup.com/
I've been looking into telekinesis. It can take a long time to train oneself to be able to move small objects. I think eventually it might be possible to take it to the next level. I see it mainly as a skill to be trained. I'm looking through some books on the subject and have managed to move a psi wheel when my palms are placed near it. Its doable, it can work, but one must diligently practice it to get results
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 Now, you may find it inconceivable or, at the very least, a bit unlikely that the relative position of the planets and the stars could have a special, deep significance or meaning that exclusively applies to only you; but, let me give you my assurance that these forecasts and predictions are all based on solid, scientific, documented evidence, so you would have to be some kind of moron not to realize that every single one of them is absolutely true.
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There's something magical about the woods
I just came across this site made to assist in training your precognition skills:
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