Yeah, that's a global site disclaimer because in other parts of the site he talks about the "current" state of the internet, politics, culture, his thoughts of the day, etc, which are obviously outdated and inaccurate if they're on an archive of a dead site that hasn't been updated since 2010. I give more weight to a former admin/mod of 4chan's account of 4chan's history, written close to the time it happened and that lines up with other evidence of the time, than any random anon claiming otherwise 15-17+ years later.
>and then especially desu fucked the board hard
True, but that was also 2006 and not the era we were discussing.
>>Using modern language to mock someone means you can't have been around pre-that language existing.
Who are you quoting?
>Anime posting today is different to anime posting of the past. Smug anime girl reaction images changed the whole landscape. Reaction images changed it..
Also true, I think we're in near complete agreement there (although I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with reaction images the way /a/ used to use them, just the obnoxious "u mad bro", "laughing_whores.jpg", "SHYGDDT", and "smug" shit that came along in later years, which I too hated), but again it's not really relevant to the discussion about 4chan's earliest years, or even here because most of us left for 8chan a year or two after that shit got really out of control.
>This reads like a fanfic. Some guy claiming he's responsible for the anonymous thing because he hatched a master plan just like in his ANIMES.
It reads like that because he is (or was) obviously a bit of a self-important egotistical autist (like a lot of people involved with developing and running imageboards and forums), but at the same time, the things he wrote line up with other surviving accounts from that era, and his name crops up all the time when you start digging into the history of it all. Here's moot at the 4chan panel at Otakon 2006 during the Anonymous BBS segment mentioning him by name in this exact context:
>we really wish we had Shii here, because Shii is like the pioneer of "Anonymous"
He's certainly not "some guy" in relation to 4chan and Anonymous's history. He's not solely responsible of course, it takes a sizable crowd to follow along to pull it off, but he undeniably played a huge part in the push for anonymity during the time when 4chan was largely comprised of identityfags, and when moot had little to no knowledge/interest in it.
As an aside, Shii was also the one who cracked Cracky-chan's supposed tripcode, and got /b/'s 10M failGET by accident.
>Remember the whole site wasn't /b/ either. There's lots of other boards and each had their own culture distinct from /b/
There's not really much out there about the other boards circa 2003-2004, all I know is that even boards like /a/ and /v/ were extremely slow until 2006+, and the few screencaps that survive contain many more tripfags that those of 2005/2006 onwards.