/christmas/ - All Are Welcome

Anon's heart grew three sizes that day...

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Please help Jazzanon finding animu Christmas music!

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Ever wondered what's the last place where you can enjoy your coffee and talk to anons about real-world issues without hindrance?
Feel free to come to leftypol.org!
For users of matrix we have a dedicated chat at #neoleftychat:matrix.org.

Replies: >>265
I was wondering where you guys had gone off to. Is /leftypol/ aware that you're mentioning the board here though?
Replies: >>243
Nevermind found the thread. I'm a baka.
Replies: >>2013
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I see in America the capitalists are starting to celebrate Christmas from the first of November! Can you believe it?
A warm winter celebration is always welcome in Siberia. Merry Christmas and et cetera to the cafe!
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Does anon.cafe support worker-run coffee co-ops like Comrade Jones? It goes down beautifully on a snowy day.
Christmas is inherently consumerist and capitalist.
A far more wholesome holiday for you goyim guys to celebrate is Hanukkah
Replies: >>193
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Ha, nice spooks kid!
Replies: >>207
How can you use such a bigoted term, you racist shitlord?
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I wish I had my computer organized. After the 4th install in the past few years I couldn't find those Alunya Christmas comics if I tried even though I know they're around somewhere. Thanks for posting this topic tho anon, and merry Christmas!
Replies: >>215
Wtf is an alunya?
Replies: >>220 >>265
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Alunya is a CUTE!
Replies: >>241
>so eager to advertise he doesn't even mention Christmas in the OP
Replies: >>237 >>240
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They wouldnt miss a change to throw propaganda and shit on tradition, anon.


Replies: >>240
Why invite them if you don't want them around?
Replies: >>280
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Alunya is deradded fed asset who'll be tossed aside after blackmail inflation hits her handlers.
In fact someone have posted an invitation there already.
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Here you go, but is not free, you will have to pay me later.
I want to post in this thread but at the same time I don't want to be invested too much in a discussion I don't want to get myself into.
Such is life.
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>>177 (OP) 
Not a single mention of Christmas?
/leftypol/'s cat-thing mascot. I only remembered because there was porn making fun of it.
Replies: >>379
Maybe if they interact with people who aren't brainwashed, they'll realize that their entire worldview and morality is being pumped into their brain by exploitative billionaires, that most of what they're actively fighting for is meaningless gibberish, and that immigration is detrimental to the working class because it devalues labor.
I mean, it's a longshot, but I'm a hopeless optimist I guess. I'm sure at least some of them are good people that are just being constantly mindraped by the media.
Replies: >>898
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I don't think /leftypol/ is as terrible as it is made to be.
Their OpSec seems retarded, most of the time they get bullied and ostracized, and they also infight too much to be a real threat.
The only thing they may've done that was harmful is the spread of wojak faggotry, but that's less politics shit and just plain ol' faggotry
Replies: >>898
>Not a single mention of Christmas?
Why would they, traditional Christmas is too religious and modern Christmas is too capitalist.
Replies: >>395 >>397
Didn't most communist and adjacent countries historically celebrate Christmas, albeit rebranded?
Replies: >>412 >>470
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>bearded man wearing red handing out toys for free equally
It's their loss if they refuse to socialize it.
Replies: >>473
At least Russia did, just under a different name yes. That was largely due to the large Orthodox population that couldn't quite be snuffed out without sparking a civil war (as almost happened when the Nazis invaded and they sided with them).
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Apparently Kropotkin was related to the original St. Nicholas, and liked the story: https://dissidentvoice.org/2014/12/an-anarchist-guide-to-christmas/
Replies: >>473
Oops meant to reply to >>397
they took brezhnev from me
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>they'll realize that [...] immigration is detrimental to the working class because it devalues labor.
Try talking to a board before you rant about it. (QTDDTOT would be a good place). People who read a book are aware and critical of capitalism's trend of outsourcing labor to cut costs.

>Their OpSec seems retarded
A little, strong OPSEC tools are optional; they don't have many risky ops to conduct (except for the users in states where you get killed for not being Islamic), but in what way?
>and they also infight too much to be a real threat.
Heh, you know it. There can only be one good economic sub-ideology and it's mine!
You should elaborate further.
In the thunderdome
You niggers ban anyone critical of troo ne and fags and no good faith criticism is acceppted there. With how things are going past several years I would not be surprised you ban people defending the right to life.
Then have the Gall to go around on other boards and shill your hugbox that would probably find better company on twitter, Facebook, gay youtube channels and tiktok.

USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST Cool your head. Take a nap. Take it to the thunderdome.

Replies: >>2011 >>2032
>site that has rules against off-topic identity politics bans off-topic identity politics
> good faith criticism
Except that it's all about niggers and troons. As what you say. Back to the thunderdome, and enjoy the ban
hello guys!
the thread is up again
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