/christmas/ - All Are Welcome

Anon's heart grew three sizes that day...

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For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government will be upon His shoulders.

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I'm not someone special or anyone to particularly give a fuck about in the grand scheme of 8moe, but I'll still thank you for the invitation to this place on 8moe's /v/'s behalf. I'm working a lot lately, but I hope I can catch some stuff going down soon.
I popped into the anime stream earlier today. I had to leave in the middle of it, sadly, but seeing several anons' reactions to Top Ten Hottest Female Sonic Characters being brought into the queue right before I had to leave had me in tears.
I'll try to keep up with you fucks for the foreseeable future for more anime and Jewtube memes.

Side note: I think one gift to consider received by the anons that organized all of this is the lesson that board wars are retarded between the various imageboard sites, and that more anon activity breeds cool content and fun times. I hate applying the word "diversify" to anything with a straight face, but I will be diversifying my imageboard use to better interact with likeminded autists from now on.
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From a few years meidoing /a/ think that board wars are inevitable when anons interact with each other too many times over too long a time period because anon is a busybody, but these events can be nice for bringing everyone together and reminding everyone we're all here to have fun together every once in a while.
Replies: >>1859
Let's all just agree that old good new bad
I sincerely hate 8moe but will be more lenient towards it just this once for the Christmas season.
>Top Ten Hottest Female Sonic Character
Well shit, who was there? Amy? Rouge? Tails?
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