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Is /THEEND/ dead, im getting nothing from the hashring, whoever was hosting must have had their internet get got for a couple days or just decided to stop hosting it. In whatever case, anybody got ideas for alternatives. 

Thanks in advance guys :)
Replies: >>258 >>423
>>257 (OP) 
What is this? I did a search and came up blank.
Replies: >>259
/THEEND/ was a very comfy chatroom that had some good friends on it
Replies: >>260
I never heard of that before now. Seems it was on tor, those tend to get into trouble. 
4chan used to have a comfy /cyb/ general but that too came to an end. I am not sure where everyone went after the collapse. So far this is the only comfy place left that I know of.
>>257 (OP) 
I was just thinking about these guys. They were also associated with or something like that.
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The Federal government wants to force everyone off anonymous sites that aren't censored.

They're taking out chat rooms and forums.

They are pushing "free speech" sites with the caveat that they require identifying information so you can be targeted by terrorists of the state or groups they protect if you become too good at changing people's minds and hurt their plot to manufacture consent.
Replies: >>442
stop with blackpilling, if they turn off internet we just talk outside, if they put a curfew, we'll just host our friends, if they imprison us and cut arms, we'll just chew our way out, this is irrelevant because we will keep on going till the end, till the very end, very end.
Replies: >>453

Yeah, just do anything except hold the people doing this personally accountable for their crimes of rigging elections through communications obstruction and terrorism against voters.

They get to shut down all dissent and you struggle to even tell people even your political position because while they're rounding up their political opposition, you didn't do anything to their operatives or hold any of them accountable to deter their activities.
Replies: >>454 >>458

You realize they arrested over one and a half million people for political dissent under COINTEL and operation Vigilant Eagle, right? 

They terrorize and silence all political opposition and you smile at the FBI agent as they interrogate you for having a political opinion that contradicts them at all. 

Imagine giving technology to any USA company in this environment, knowing they will use it to harm their political opposition in some way while getting the benefits of a high IQ population while a few remain.

Maybe a technological boycott of all USA companies and the government will cause them to reconsider. 

Alternatively we can all just move out of the USA and leave them squirming in their own political corruption with no way to survive economically or militarily.

The next round up of people should be the former Federal law enforcement, intelligence, and private contractors themselves. They should all be blacksited and their families should lose citizenship. ATF, DHS, FBI, they all participating in murdering political dissenters and they're all guilty as far as I'm concerned. They rigged the elections with state terror under the guise of law enforcement and their descendants cannot be considered citizens of Western nations.
Replies: >>458
This is how COINTEL works mostly today.

FBI, DHS, and ATF foreign agents identify political opposition from American citizenshs, they then get a corrupt local law enforcement member to grab them off the street and put them in a psych ward claiming they were acting crazy, the psych ward is operated by Federal plants that sleep deprive, drug, and antagonize their target until they have a psychotic breakdown (sleep deprivation caused psychotic episodes are something everyone is vulnerable to), then a court declares them mentally unfit, then they can kill them or cripple them with prescriptions to make them a non-political threat.

The USA Federal government did this to over 1.5 million peaceful Americans trying to participate in the political process for the sake of wars for Israel under operation Vigilant Eagle.

Now we have the names of all the Federal law enforcement going back 40 years through leaks. We know who has been running these campaigns to undermine Western elections. These are real people living in the country that you can track down and approach. 

While they remove their political oppositon, you can't wage any sort of political campaign. They have to be removed first.

They need to be the ones rounded up and disappeared and we should apply that to all former Feds from the eras they did this and revoke citizenship and property claims for all their descendants. They sided with enemy nations against Americans and used state terror and communication obstruction to manufacture the illusion their puppet politicians were elected.
Replies: >>458
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This is how COINTEL works today. 

1. Communications obstruction.
2. Added to a list of Israel's political enemies.
3. Grabbed off the street by a law enforcement plant of the DHS, FBI, ATF, etc. and thrown in a psyche ward.
4. Sleep or drug caused temporary psychosis resulting in a court order for medical treatment.
5. Crippled or killed with drugs prescribed by a pedophile blackmailed Federal plant in the medical industry.

Long term sleep deprivation alone can kill you and damage your brain permanently.

Until these people involved with rigging Western elections are dead, their network is a threat. We know their names, we just need to remove them. There are about 5 per US city and the state and local law enforcement can easy mass arrest them and throw them in prison to prevent any further crimes being committed against Americans by them. A former Fed should still be presumed to be part of the network, and yes, they are the child traffickers, that's what binds them together as a group.
Replies: >>458
Everyone in the military should see the Federal law enforcement as an existential threat. Most of the people they killed were veterans that questioned the wars in the Middle East and 9/11.

It's you or them.

They arrested over 1.5 million Americans and killed them under the guise of mental health treatment.

You're going to die if you can't get rid of these Feds and former Feds killing Americans.
Replies: >>458
>>453 >>454 >>455 >>456 >>457
Lots of irrelevant stuff, much is 10 years old - is this a Russian bot on the loose?
Until every person that participated in Operation Vigilant Eagle is held accountable and their descendants stripped of citizenship and assets, all the Feds are guilty.

They have all the records they need to convict them in their agencies, but they won't bring them to justice so they're covering for them and accomplices. 

This is the crime of the current FBI, DHS, ATF, etc.. Even if they didn't participate in operation Vigilant Eagle, they're guilty for not executing everyone involved with it.

Those that cover for crimes against the Western people are 100% guilty of them themselves, since they're accomplices.
When the USA gets a legitimate government again, I'm recommending every person employed by the Federal law enforcement since 1980 and all their descendants be executed as enemies of the Western nations. 

I bet they're going to execute them and you'd be a fool to think they won't throw the old guard and their kids under the bus to gain favor with the Western public. Some midwit Fed shit and their grandkids verses legitimacy in the eyes of the public, it's a clear choice, just systematically round them up and execute them all. Use all the employment records to identify them and their descendants, wang bang, 1 million Fed traitors and their psychopathic descendants in a mass grave to mark the beginning of a new country.
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