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Is there any ghost of a chance that quantum immortality,or boltzmannian reincarnation, point, or ANY theory of post-portem survival,or death-never-happens model, is true?
Im contemplating killing myself,but I want to be sure of what im doing. I read papers by atheists and naturalists defending a sort of personal, POV after-death sentience  .I lurked EA and lesswrong,turingchurch, the Journal of Cosmology,etc.
just give me the bare truth,my folks.
Replies: >>337 >>341
>>336 (OP) 
You can't be sure, theism and related concepts are guesses at something which can't be known for certain by living things. Best case scenario is that 'you' as a person stop existing in any meaningful conscious sense (you can't suffer if you don't exist after all). Worst case is that you end up in some kind of hell world and suffer for eternity. Where you think the dice will land between those points is up to you (though not something that's worth gambling IMO).
Replies: >>338
I think eternal hell is ontologically impossible(cappodecian gang!). And I really think a non-theistic afterlife/no-death is totally possible.
I still have some time alive..I will see what I do.
Replies: >>341
>>336 (OP) 
>Is there any ghost of a chance that quantum immortality,or boltzmannian reincarnation, point, or ANY theory of post-portem survival,or death-never-happens model, is true?

If you're serious about this...

Rigpa is best be defined as personal knowledge of the primordial forces that comprise the universe. It is knowledge of the "ground level", or most base form. A sort of all pervasive darkness that acts as both the canvas and the paint of the material universe. I believe that to know rigpa is to know death without dying. You can see it though meditation or psychedelics and it's distinct from thoughtlessness or letting the mind  go blank.

 Just remember that the goal of Buddhist teachings is the acceptance of suffering through knowledge and a perspective shift, not the elimination of it. The ascetic lifestyle adopted by many who have attained rigpa is not so much a conscious effort, but a natural role that one falls into once the illusions of pain and pleasure have been shattered. To have rigpa is to acknowledge that there is only a mechanical reaction to stimuli, and then go from there. 

Key search terms: Dzogchen, Schopenhauer

>I think eternal hell is ontologically impossible
If you define hell as isolation from the forces of creation, we are already living in it.
Replies: >>345
so rigpa is accepting one barely has free will and that everything is merely cause-effect,forever?
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