/finance/ - Finance

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Think of this thread as a trashcan that might or might not contain something useful.
Maybe it would be a good idea to buy up bombed land in ukraine? The war will not last forever and land is land.
Replies: >>20
I'd rather buy stocks in Ukrainian telecoms tbh
Replies: >>21
Why telecoms?
Replies: >>33
It's the only industry that can rely on structures that can be quickly (and will be) rebuilt or even just use satellites for communication. A barren wasteland of a country needs a way to connect its people after all.
Replies: >>43
Good point anon. I'd say mobile power/solar power in such situations. Handheld talkies, SW, & other comms gears are all good bets in such a situation.
Is there any rules, explicit or implicit, forbidding topics related to economy but not necessarily related to finance in this board? 
e.g. fiscal policies, relations between taxation rate vs PPP growth, export volume and competitiveness
I like these topics but these will attract discussion of economic theories, which may invite extreme ideologues from both sides of the spectrum to discuss, like the classic Libertarians vs Communists feces flinging.
Replies: >>83 >>84
Finance and economics go hand-in-hand if you want to seriously discuss either of them, so go wild. If things get political, then invoking rule 3. and 4. (together with rule 0.) should take care of them. That is, if it devolves to shitflinging I will just chuck all those posts here, and then ban anyone who still wants to do that outside of this thread.
I mean the 2. and 3. rule, 4. is not applicable in that specific case.
Today, for the first time in my life, I bought some shares in a company. It makes me feel somehow accomplished, and I assume it's the feeling of buying something combined with the feeling of not actually wasting my money.
Someone posted a couple real estate webms in the cafe so I decided to stop by.
I just want to say that I hope the housing market does crash. Uncle Sam owes me a VA loan and I don't want to buy a fixer-uper at doubled cost. Hopefully getting a loan doesn't become impossible in the process.
Replies: >>94 >>95
Does getting into finance mean that I can live the NEET life while trading securities like those NEET characters that you see in anime?

I know several people who made it big by snatching up homes when 2008 happened. It would be in all our interest for a housing crash to happen, but you'd have to worry about others who are thinking the same thing. I know for certain that big investment firms are buying as much property as they can, so there might be more competition than what you'd see back in 2008.
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Don't forget to invest your money somehow, so that you have more when it's time to join the fun. Of course it leads to the many questions of how you should invest your money so that it actually works for you, and yet you can still turn all of it into cash quickly when you need to.
>Does getting into finance mean that I can live the NEET life while trading securities like those NEET characters that you see in anime?
Yes, but only if you post on a daily basis here.
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Wish I didn't put half of my savings into crypto. Oh well, I hope 5 years from now it's gonna get better or something.
Replies: >>142
Why did you not sell when it was high?
Replies: >>143
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Because I'm a retard who bought at near ATH.
I'm interested in getting invested into silver, probably around less than 250$ to start off. Do you have any advice for me, /finance/? Also for some reason, I tried posting 2 images of silver bars and rounds and trashchan kept telling me that it was corrupted or unsupported.
Replies: >>264
Silver market is very volatile, so use that to your advantage. Buy only when prices are low. Currenly the bid/ask prices are $23.52/$23.62 and that's not low enough for me to consider buying (the last time I bought was in August). You can examine the historical price graphs (for example, on kitco.com) of this year and last year to see where the dips were and get a general idea of price fluctuations. I also bought the dip in March of this year, and last fall.
If you're buying from online dealers, you can sometimes get free shipping if you buy above a certain amount (varies between dealers).
Look for deals and specials too. They sometimes have sales. Like for example, one dealer I buy from put their 2023 somalian elephant coins on sale not long ago, because they were trying to move the old stock (to replace them with new 2024 coins). I've seen another dealer do something similar with krugerrands last November. Anyway there's often some kind of deal or sale, if you search around enough. And if you can find such deals when silver spot prices are low, then you'll do well.
List of notable dealers here (make sure to compare prices):
The WEF wants to take away your coffee.
Smug is down. Trash is up, but possibly without files. What is everyone up to?
I was thinking about silver but then having a look is giving me strange kinda vibes. The market rate says 18 an oz but then I see people willing to pay +25 an oz for it, so that it looks as though either the market rate is being manipulated or there are numismatic premiums and taxes that are bumping the willingness of these collectors up.

Then I see Britannic dud silver, the kind that was 0.500 grade for historic reasons because of the war time shortages and things and I see some for very cheap. I wonder then can't I just buy the quite debased alloy and treat it as half it's marked weight? Is it too easy to buy fake ones if the alloy contains that much temper in it? Should I overlook historic coins because they are hard to trade in?

I will ask a gold and silver merchant at some point but the eternal anglo in me makes me want to take bits of our history and start a collection for it.
Replies: >>320
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Yes, the silver market is very manipulated. There are hundreds of paper contracts being traded for every troy ounce of silver that actually exists in COMEX. The prices of physical silver will remain low (and thus a bargain) so long as they can keep up this game, which relies mainly on their ability to print unlimited amounts of fiat currency Federal Reserve notes. We're reaching the end stages of this game, since other  countries (BRICS) have already abandonned the petrodollar and are trading oil in other currencies.
But besides that, there are also taxes on physical silver in many countries. England is particularly bad about this, to the point where a lot of people just buy gold instead. In the US and EU it's not nearly as bad.
Numismatic fakes are something to watch out for, but it's pretty easy to test them with just a magnet, calipers, and precision scale. That's enough to tell silver coins from other metals. More advanced fakes that are actually made with 90% silver alloy probably exist for high-value numismatics like Morgan dollars with key dates, but you don't have to care about that if you're simply buying coins for their silver content.
However, 50% is pretty low-grade silver, and you shouldn't buy those unless you're getting them for a very low price (well below spot). If you're actually paying close to spot price or higher, don't settle for less than 80% silver. The lower grades are harder to refine (requires more time & energy), so they'll never fetch as good a price when selling.
I recently bought a kilo of these 5 gram .835 swiss coins, because the dealer had them marked down at 2.95 euros. That comes out to ~ 21.97 euros/ozt, which was a little above spot. Not a bad price for these particular coins, but it's possible to do better if pure weight is the goal. A couple months ago, the same dealer had .900 french commemorative 100 Francs coins for nearly spot price, but I didn't buy simply because I'm not that much of fan of some of their designs. Well some are ok, but they'd be sending me random coins, no choice on my part...
Gold and silver have gone up quite a bit in the last month.
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