Welcome to /finance/, a board dedicated to all subjects financial and economical, both theoretical and practical!
The rules:
>0. Take it easy!
Not exactly a rule that can be enforced, but it should be included somewhere.
>1. Obey the global rules!
They exist for our common well-being.
>2. Don't be a nigger!
That is, try to put some effort into your posts, use proper grammar and spelling, and articulate some actual thoughts. This place is not a chatroom.
>3. Stay on topic!
By staying on topic I mean staying on the topic of the board. Discussions naturally wander all over the place, therefore it is perfectly fine to start a thread about taxation and then discuss government bonds, as both of those topics are quite financial in nature. But if you want share your essay about why Atlas Fugged is the best book ever, then you should use the designated offtopic thread; otherwise don't be surprised if your post gets moved there.
>4. Use the catalogue!
Don't be afraid to start a new thread (as long as it has to do something with the topics of the board), but at least look through the catalogue to see if there is already one that covers whatever you want to post about. There is no point in every anon starting his own ˝How do I stop being a poorfag?˝ thread when one mega-thread would serve all of us better. As such, if you make a new thread that brings nothing new to the table, then it might be moved to the appropriate already existing thread.
>5. No spamming!
Should be quite obvious, but I also consider advertising events and imageboards to be a form of spam. For the latter you are free to use the designated offtopic thread.
>6. Make this place safe for work!
I'm not a prude, but there are better places for NSFW content. If you really have to post some, at least spoiler it.
In general, I think moderation is better in moderation, and I don't see the point of randomly deleting posts then pretending that nothing happened.
This fucker cost me a billion dollars. I could have bought bitcoin 12 years ago instead i listened to this scheming jew to buy shiny protons. Gold is fucking shit and supressed to fuck. Fuck all gold and silver meme faggots
how many shekels do you reckon Blackrock will burn trying to suppress it ? or did they learn their lesson
How much money do you need to retire? What portfolio should that retirement fund consist of.
Is it actually even possible to retire anymore, given how shitty the future is likely going to be?
Is anybody home?
I got kicked out of 4chan and need a home for the bull market.
Think of this thread as a trashcan that might or might not contain something useful.
Tommy Tuberville is selling.
A congressman on a LOT of congressional bodies. If you were to make trades like he did, the only person who's made more correct calls on stonks is Pelosi.
>Why does it matter?
Of his trades published last week, all but two of them were selling off mass amounts of stock. Those two buys were bets against the stocks. There was no rhyme or reason like a specific stock or industry, he's just mass-selling.
I am not a financial advisor.
Talk about your financial journey: where your interest in finances began, how you've been learning, what milestones you've conquered.
What does anon think about cryptocurrencies?
a.k.a How should the rest of the world avoid perpetual economic stagnation Japan is experiencing for 30 years
From what I heard from the local commoners' news sites, it seems that the rising costs of everything coupled with high pay cuts in form of taxes and state-run insurances made most of the population to become misers, halting many kinds of trades.
Most of the workforce in big cities have to cash out 30% of their salary to pay the two above which leave them with very little (<$150) disposable income every month, and the costs could run higher if they took loans.
However I don't think that alone explains why Japan ended up with a staggering level of public debt, nor explains why people are refusing to settle in countrysides where living costs are cheaper.
Refute this, you can't...
What is known:
>At least $10k student loans and $20k pell grants (possibly combined total of $30k) will be "forgiven" for anyone making $125k or less or $250k or less while married
>An application will be required for those who aren't registered in the IRS' database (file taxes regularly)
>Nothing for those who got through college responsibly or paid off their loans responsibly during the pandemic
>This is clearly a midterm elections bribe
>Doesn't apply to private loans
>This will eliminate roughly $1.35 trillion in loans owed to the government
>Or roughly $103 billion in funding every year
>Biden Admin just expanded the IRS by 80k agents
>Housing prices are skyrocketing now that people will be able to afford a mortgage
Obviously this is gonna fuck over the economy Great Depression style to anyone with an inkling of intuition about how inflation works, but can an anon with more experience explain the processes better for those who have an intuitive/Austrian understanding of economics?
A thread where we can discuss all kind of monetary shenanigans, from the Latin Monetary Union to the Bretton Woods system and the €uro.
Title says it all. I have about 10k in assets.
AKA Stock trading for the crippling gambling addict.
Short-term securities speculation is how those fags on WSB multiply their wealth tenfold in a matter of days and destroy it all in a matter of minutes.
Instead of putting money little by little in long term investments with strong fundamentals and slow but reliable upwards growth, you and I here are going to blow money on highly leveraged trades guaranteed to explode in your face when you're not looking
>will this make me rich
No, you'll probably lose all your money.
The main tool of the retail trading speculator is taking advantage of leverage through option contracts to make the most out of exploiting inefficiencies in the market. Small changes in an underlying stock can result in huge swings in the value of an options contract. You can read more about option contract here:
< https://www.fidelity.com/learning-center/investment-products/options/options-learning-path
Or just watch Benjamin on YT, he's a WSBfag shitposter but he knows what he's talking about.
With the Fed's rising interest rates, the pound dropping like a sack of bricks in Brit market, rising energy prices in Europe, etc. the S&P having several red days in a row, etc. the markets look even more bearish than they did back in 2020. Which of course came before one of the greatest bull runs the market has ever seen, though one could argue that was caused by government manipulation that led to the current recession.
Should I wait for an ever bigger dip to buy OTM calls on bluechip companies? Buy poor man's covered puts? Maybe it'd be a good time to be selling cash secured puts instead, given the spikes in implied volatility, but you'd need to do so on companies with a strong outlook in the face of reccesion.
Some Russian banks have been booted out of SWIFT, and all of them were forced to switch to the chink Unionpay card system. Is this the beginning of the world of finance being split in two?
Maybe some of you have seen it. Elon tweeted yesterday and the tweet was quickly deleted. Looking at the nft pointed out by Elon, it doesn't look very institutional (pridecatsnft). Actually the price is very cheap. I have only one question in mind. Was it an accident or an alpha leak? What are you thinking?
Multimillion dollar big cheese has caves full of cheese beneath the United States (source: https://archive.ph/qFb6T ) waiting for some kind of disaster or fluctuation in prices where they can release the cheese. There's about to be a worldwide famine and agricultural nations (such as America, Mexico, and Brazil) could make quite a hefty profit selling cheese since most of the lactose is gone by the time it is processed into cheese and cheese product. Biden is obviously too scared to touch big cheese as would be any Republican. Is the key to a better life investing in cheese?
As per the subject, assuming a Christian Populist tsunami this Autumn, do you think that the LDS church would release some of their massive food stores of, for instance, Mormon Deseret baby formula out for general sale in key regions like Blue Colorado or targeted parts of other neighboring states to end the shortages and turn a profit at the same time? Are churches secretly primed to take a key role in preventing NWO bullshit?
What are your favorite notes of credit? Why do so many people ignore the artistry that used to go into making some of them?
Conversely, are there any shitty banknotes that you really like for ironic reasons?
Pic related
A family member has recently started selling luxury goods with a small, family-led enterprise. I don't want to go too much into the details, but even before the war it was barely scraping by.
So my question to other /finance/ bros is, what are some good practices for first setting up a shop, regardless of the product being sold?
Post here any resource you have on making money, managing money, the stock market and historic businesses and businessmen in general.