/finance/ - Finance

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Talk about your financial journey: where your interest in finances began, how you've been learning, what milestones you've conquered.
Replies: >>317
>>313 (OP) 
I am currently studying a securities/funds online course so I can get a job with a bank.
As an autist, I am better with numbers than witb people.
Grew up poor-ish, started an apprenticeship, spend all my money on weed, started an actual job, spent more money on weed, bought a book on finances, spent all my money on drugs, asked a bank on advice and was turned down, got a better paying job, stopped spending all my money on drugs, accumulated money, expected a child, invested money, had a child, invested more money.

Achieved 10k+ recently.
Split accounts with the other half a few months back, trying to dig out of a big hole (actually have a little in savings now so feeling pretty hopeful). She was spending $600 of my paycheck on mobile games, weed, clothes, and fast food, along with 100% of her paycheck... I should have probably walked but I guess I'm holding out hope that the one I fell in love with is still in there somewhere and she isn't just a user. The nice part is that I now have $600 a month even after covering the bills to try to fix this (will still take years). At least there's not a convoy of Amazon trucks coming to my house anymore.
Replies: >>352
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$600 is basically a tube of 20 silver 1 oz coins every month. That's not just pocket change.
Replies: >>353
Possibly a good call. Already getting into the prepping scene but will only have so much room for canned beans. Maybe a few coins would diversify things a bit.
Replies: >>354
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I mostly stack 1 oz .999 coins as a means of beating inflation and currency crisis. For prepping purposes, smaller old coins of .800 to .925 silver that are common and well-recognized in your country might make more sense, if you can get them for a good price.
In the early part of this year, I bought 200 swiss 1 franc coins, when one dealer had them on sale for 2.95 euros (comes out to 21.97 euros/oz). They're not listed in this guide, but the swiss coins are comparable to the french ones (.835 silver, each coins weighing 5 grams so having 4.175 g of silver content).
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