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Title says it all. I have about 10k in assets.
Replies: >>56 >>129 >>218
>>55 (OP) 
What kind of assets? Do you have a stable job? Does it pay well? Do you live at your own place, or are you renting?
Replies: >>57
>What kind of assets? 
Mostly in crypto. Got plenty of fiat in the bank though.
>Do you have a stable job? Does it pay well? 
Right now I went back to school, though I am questioning if it's worth it. Best job I can take is a Substitute teaching one that pays decent. 
>Do you live at your own place, or are you renting?
Just a rentpig.
Replies: >>58
>Mostly in crypto.
I can't help you with that. I mean, it's up to you to decide if it's even a good idea to keep your money in that, or if you should get out in the right moment.
>Got plenty of fiat in the bank though.
If they are just sitting there, then you should look up what kind of time deposits and bonds are available. Getting even a little interest can go a long way over the years, and it's a lot better to keep your money in those if you don't need it right now but don't want to risk it with investments. Of course, what kind of time deposits and bonds are available for you is dependent on where you live, so it's something you should look up on your own.
>Just a rentpig.
A home at a good place is a good long term investment, and if you get a good enough loan you can save money even in the short term, if the monthly payment is less than the rent of a similar place. And rent only goes up with every year, but the loan stays the same, so you save ever more money and in the end get your own place for it. Alas, it only works if you know where you want to live, and you already have a job to pay for it.
Replies: >>60
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In general, if you are really poor, you need to examine your spending habits and see where your money goes, and how can you save at least a bit of it. Think of it as lowering the amount of money you need just to exist, so that you can either save up the rest and invest it into yourself, or invest into something that will bring in more money, or waste it on useless bullshit.
Replies: >>60
There's nowhere nearby with a mortgage cheaper than my rent. In fact I pay probably a third of what I would pay otherwise.

I already manage my money tightly, but I suppose I can give it another look.
Replies: >>66 >>121
To be perfectly honest, I've run out of general advice, because if you handle your finances well then the next step is to increase your revenue. And there is no point in going on about how firm a handshake you should give. It sounds like you are in a good situation overall, the struggle is to make it better somehow.
Replies: >>121
Such a relatable situation. I save a little every month, but not enough that I want to put it into any kind of account or even crypto. Usually my savings ends up getting eaten every couple years by some kind of event involving my car or some other unfortunate circumstance. I could cut back on a few goodies I get throughout the year, but it wouldn't help me enough to afford the down payment on a house in any reasonable amount of time. The property values have been going up faster than that here for years.

For a long time I've wanted to develop some sort of side hustle to increase my revenue, but deciding on something and sticking with it is quite difficult. I often come home from work exhausted. Even when I clear out time on weekends to try to get somewhere with my various ideas, the time blows by and I still have nothing to show for it after several years.

Meanwhile I have a buddy who doesn't have any of these problems at all and he is much younger than me. I've started to wonder if some people are just destined to have trouble earning more money. I can only blame myself, but damn... I sure do struggle!
Invest in whatever Nancy Pelosi and other prominant Democrats are investing in and you have a good shot of never going broke since they're doing insider trading anyways. 
Replies: >>130 >>160
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>>55 (OP) 
This answer is US-centric so it doesn't apply everywhere.
>Never spend more than $200 on food per month
>Work in an industry that has actual upward mobility like tech or marketing/PR if you job hop from one company to the next
>Have a cheap side business that doesn't cost as much but still bring profit (this one depends on you)
>Pirate everything and never spend money on media
This one is controversial, but go to a somewhat decent 3rd world country where your currency is much stronger than the local one and live there for a while. There are people who move to Dubai because there's no income tax, still can have a job there with great salaries and benefits, and most essentials are cheaper compared to living in the US.
Replies: >>130 >>133
>Never spend more than $200 on food per month
impossible where i live unless you want to have nutritional deficiencies.
>Have a cheap side business that doesn't cost as much but still bring profit (this one depends on you)
Wish I could do this, but too exhausted every day after work to create a solid side hustle. I've been trying to figure something out for 4 years.
>Pirate everything and never spend money on media
Nice I do this one.
>This one is controversial, but go to a somewhat decent 3rd world country where your currency is much stronger than the local one and live there for a while.
This is what I want to do after I generate a solid side hustle. I hope to build it up to where I can move somewhere cheap and just life off that as my main income.

Thanks for the tips.

>Invest in whatever Nancy Pelosi and other prominant Democrats are investing in
Actually been thinking about doing exactly this when I have enough money saved to invest with. Solid tip.
You can live like as a ˝lower upper-class˝ man with a decent middle-class North American or Western European salary pretty much anywhere in this world, and the best way to achieve that is to work for some international company's local honcho. Quite a few people even use this to go native by buying up property and starting their own business, eventually becoming part of the local economic elite.
It would be interesting to make a bot that just copies her trades but with money proportional to a max amount you set it to use.
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Suggest me career with 6 digit financial freedom.

Will apply anything that doesnt use Mops
Or trucks. Or cars. No bikes too. No carts either.

space marine drawing
Replies: >>170
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Whats current rate of things. Like uh
Design services.
I'll give $100 if you fuck off forever
Replies: >>173
6 digit, loser.
Replies: >>174
suck my nuts
start drawing space marines and cool sentai rangers that are worth 6 digits you fucking retard
Replies: >>175
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>>174 you dont even know what s 6 digit space marine ya dum cunt not even hypothethically or theorethically
>>55 (OP) 
buy Newmont mining and keep adding to your position
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