Either people getting ready to dump their money into another country (unlikely given the state of most of the turd world countries right now), or they're selling stocks in order to buy tangible assets while taking the financial hit for doing so. E.G. >>333
If you have debts I suggest making minimum payments on them and saving your money in physical cash so when a banking crisis hits you can offer to pay a premium (hard cash payout of a fraction of your debt) to have your debts expunged from the records since creditors will jump on even $2k payout for your $20k debt when they have no money. If you don't have debts, I suggest pulling out physical cash so that you can offer to buy essentials during the interim between banking collapse and economic collapse. Your plastic may or may not work, and offering hard cash will get you a discount to stock up on goods when nobody can purchase.
Either way the cash is just an intermediary between start of the collapse and full collapse. Depending on what happens it might not be so bad, but chances are it's gonna be bad.