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How much money do you need to retire?  What portfolio should that retirement fund consist of.

Is it actually even possible to retire anymore, given how shitty the future is likely going to be?
Replies: >>302
>>301 (OP) 
The answer is that it depends. 
>where you retire
>expenses expected through the year 
>what age you will retire
>if there's any socialist programs to pad out income in retirement 
>if you need to support 3DPD or family
As for investments, what you need also depends. What you want your money invested in to build a retirement fund is (generally) different than what you want to be invested in when you are living off of it. The further away from retirement, if you have steady income, the riskier you can be.
Replies: >>303
>where you retire
Spic heritage living inna woods (i.e. "rural area") in the U.S. atm.  Currently have a house out in the middle of nowhere, but if financially viable, will relocate.
>expenses expected through the year 
Statistically speaking, I know at some point I'm going to take a huge monetary hit from having cancer.  I'm fine atm, I just know that statistically pretty much everyone eventually gets it.
Play games, p. much.
>what age you will retire
I like the idea of FIRE, but...
>if there's any socialist programs to pad out income in retirement 
I don't trust that this is going to be around when I retire, or if I do, I'm convinced the coffers are going to be so broke and raided or inflated away as to be useless.
>if you need to support 3DPD or family
Replies: >>371
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I suggest you read The Great Taking before thinking of investing in stonks and other related securities. At this point, if you don't physically hold it, you don't own it.
Replies: >>360
Define retirement. If you mean live comfortably on your stocks/bonds it's not possible unless you are preparing to retire in the next 10 years if you live in a first-world country. If you mean "only have to do housework like gardening and side-hustles" then it's less about money and more about revenues. 

Any retirement plan based on stored money instead of on assets is going to end in failure.
schizophrenic low iq retard
Replies: >>362
I finally came to grips with the fact that I'm getting older so I dialed back my stock holdings in the 401K.   Right now my mix is 70% large cap, 15% bonds 15% Real Estate. I was messing around with small caps and international funds but I needed to simplify and cut fees. 
I think being in the game and taking employer match is more important than the fund ratios for most people. Don't be 63 with nothing saved - it's scary to see how some people on this planet can't plan for the future.
Ok, well have fun with them stonks, I guess. XD
Anyone have any advice on estimating the nominal amount needed for retirement should be, as opposed to what the portfolio mix should be?
Replies: >>372
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Nominal values of currencies aren't stable enough to make any such predictions. We don't even know how high the real rate inflation will be, over however many decades you have until retirement.
The only way to even approximate it is by units of real money, i.e. gold or silver. But the latter has been heavily manipulated via derivative contracts so current values are meaningless and will remain so until JPMorgan & Co. lose control.
if you have a family? 3 million.

single? 10 million.
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